The limo pulls up to an apartment complex and Shade gets out along with Dawn.
"Good, we're here," Shade said,
"I presume you wish to start phase 1 sir?" Dawn asked in that same monotone voice.
"Your darn right I do, and I have the perfect product to get into the market" Shade said with slight enthusiasm as he pulled a tiny bottle filled with a blue liquid from his vest pocket.
"I got this stuff from a guy out in Zebrican territory. They think it lets them talk to ghosts or something" Shade kept on, "it'll leave you tripping in no time"
"now you just need dealers" Dawn said, "any ideas?"
"Well i'm glad you asked.HEY, COME HERE." Shade said gesturing to a few random henchmen. "You guys go out and see if there's anyone out there willing to make a few extra Bits and tell 'em where to go. MOVE!"
As they ran off, Shade smiled to himself, "I got a feelin' this is gonna be good" he said as he walked to his top floor apartment/penthouse.