Hello new readers!!
Well of course everyone here is a new reader, this is of course a new blog I would like to start.
I would really like to start off by giving a brief background of who I am and what the goal of the blog I want to share is. After this I will be posting content on many different subjects. SO ON TO THE TACO SHELL!!
My name is Game Twinkle. (Of course not my real name, but lets get the blog starting first and see where it goes from here.) I am a 24 year old single mother of a 3 year old boy. I go to school full time and parent full time. I am getting my Bachelors in Video Game Design, so yes video games will be a huge contribution to this blog. I live in Northglenn, Colorado, about 15-20 minutes North from Denver. I have lived here majority of my life. So now that is done ON TO THE TACO MEAT!!
I want this to be a very random blog that covers a lot of different topics so that I can connect with the different interests of different people. I am going to list different topics I plan on covering. HOWEVER, this is open to change and addition. I would like to feel that readers can put their opinion in and add what they would like to see. After I get going I would love to see people comment on what they want me to cover. For example, "I really want to see your thoughts on the game Eternal Sonata.", or "I don't have that much time with school and everything, have you seen Attack on Titan?" Anime and movies are bit easier to keep up to date with since I can get access to them pretty easily. Games might be a bit more difficult since I have no steady income.
The following is a list of the various topics at the moment I will be sprinkling through this blog.
Video Games
Personal thoughts and feelings
Pop Culture
TV Shows
So much much more!
Short Stories
I would like to thank any who is reading or comments before hand.
Thank you all!!!!
Sincerely, Game Twinkle!!