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    "Cross my heart, hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my eye!"

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  1. Oh dear, some of my favorite antagonists are going to be crushed by the Mane Six. Unfortunate pairings.
  2. Poor Braeburn, he could've stood a chance if he wasn't against arguably one of the most popular characters in the show.
  3. 4781 Wow. Such numbers. Very high. Many gladness.
  4. @Sugar Cube True, but background ponies are loved because they have no personality- fans can import their own ideas of what they are like. Flash Sentry? He has just enough of a personality to stop others from doing so, but not enough to be good. Now, I'm going to stop derailing this thread into a Flash Sentry discussion
  5. Because Flash is basically a one-dimensional character with no development made solely for Twily's love interest. In short, not likeable. Voted against him.
  6. Like the above poster, both. It would be interesting, watching life move on around you- seeing people grow and change. But at the same time, watching people and life grow and change...without you? That would be sad.
  7. Luna would be awesome, and I could see that happening. But Vinyl? Why? Why not Derpy or Whooves or Carrot Top or Roseluck or any other BG pony? It doesn't make since. I wouldn't be unhappy, just a little confused.
  8. I say that anything she says on seasons 1 and 2 is canon, but everything else isn't. Regardless of what she thinks should happen in future episodes or seasons, it may or may not happen. She has no control.
  9. I was watching that with max volume and having about the same reaction as Cranky XD Anyways, thank you all! I can't wait to get started.
  10. 4742 A shindig, eh? Will they serve lemonade?
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