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Posts posted by TheUnionJake

  1. God, it pisses me off to no end.


    Applejack is my favorite of the mane 6. It rustles my jimmies when people are like "APPLEJACK IS BEST BACKGROUND PONY."


    Get out.


    I don't understand why she doesn't get hardly enough love she deserves. :(


    Just yes

    You win the thread

  2. Twilight Sparkle - Lavender


    Rarity - The best smelling and highest priced perfumes in all of Equestria


    Rainbow Dash - Sweat, adrenaline and clouds


    Fluttershy - I couldn't agree more with your interpretation


    AppleJack - DEFINITELY NOT apples, duh. Maybe a little perspiration, because she is a hard worker.


    Pinkie Pie - Cotton Candy, Cupcakes, Flesh, Cocaine and a hint of death.



  3. Ya know, I don't wanna hear any more whining about Applejack background character.


    AJ's probably had more air time this season then any pony


    So I don't wanna hear it!!!

    Her status as a background pony and her replacement by Vinyl Scratch is what's angering us, so take two seconds to try and understand what's going on here.

  4. Alright...this is gonna sound stupid..and I only asked this here, because if I asked it anywhere else, the mods would move it. It's not a "Complex technical question only a mod can help with" But, how do I upload an image to the signature area? I've tried by using the "My media" then going to "Attachments" and choosing one of my pictures, but that just looks like a link. Help, please? Don't laugh at me too hard. ;)

  5. Eh. Boo. AJ needs more love, Vinyl is gag-inducing, she's so overrated.

     What does Vinyl have going on for her BESIDES music? music is nice, but she's just a background pony and that's all she ever needs to be. AJ may be simplistic, but she's 100,000,000x better than any Dj pon-3

    As much as I like Applejack, I honestly get tired of seeing the same ponies over and over on toys and merchandise. If it were up to me...there would be new ponies every time, not the same 6 over and over.

    This is something you would think, since it seems like they're making this for the fanbase? Why else would they include Vinyl? I mean, do they expect that we bronies are going to walk into a McDonalds and order a girls' happy meal? We created Vinyl, and the "Target audience" hardly knows about her. So, it must be to sponsor/hint EG 2. But, why would they make a pony with less that 10 seconds of total screen time the main character of their next big move? Who knows, but one thing I know, Vinyl Scratches' placement makes no flipping sense.

    • Brohoof 1
  6. I hate to be the bearer of amusing irony .......... but you spelled her name wrong. It's just "Applejack", no space.


    That is most amusing irony, and I typed this in a hurry, so I have no idea how I spelled the other 99% correct. I'll fix that.

    • Brohoof 1
  7. So, I've seen all these posts about the mane 6 and McDonalds is coming out with new toys for MLP Rainbow Power and AppleJack isn't mentioned in most of the posts and she's not in the toys! They but Vinyl in, but not AJ! This must be a long - standing joke in the community that I haven't heard of yet. If it is, it's most certainly a cruel one. AppleJack isn't half the size for the work she does, but she does it 10x better than anyone else and she busts her flank all day, doesn't she deserve some credit?


    • Brohoof 7
  8. Can't say I've ever blurred the lines between Equestria and real life, but I'll see some people on here who are really living in an MLP fantasy world. I mean, it's okay to role play and have an OC and say "everypony" or "somepony", etc. But when your profile is based from a pony from the shows' liking and you pretend to be that pony and you talk and act like that pony. That's a little freaky.


    • Brohoof 2
  9. Ya. Its bull but thsts hoe people are these days. The only reason I would.play cod is for zombied or survival nowadays so yaaaa

    Agreed. The community is really what's killing that game. *screams internally PLEASE, DON'T LET THEM FIND THEIR WAY TO TITANFALL!*

  10. yes, finally, thats why i stopped playing cod, it was bs with the quickscopes, its like "ooh, i can point my gun at you then hit aim and fire without looking through my scope" like no duh sherclop holmes (see what i did there? i hate myself for that) its called hipfire,

     I see what you did there :comeatus: and, yeah yesterday I was like "Oh, why not play some Black Ops 2?" NOPE. First lobby is full of trickshotters, the next is quickscopers, the next is dudes hiding in their spawn with LMGs. Just No. Back to titanfall I guess.


  11. i know right? in battlefeild and cod, im a sniper, in my xbox clan i run the support team which is just a fancy word for snipers, but this might come to bite them hard with just the graphics

    well, that makes my last 2 posts pointless lol, that just made the game a possible buy again yay

    SORRY :blush: It's being one of those kinds of days.

  12. So, recently Titanfall came out, and for those of you who don't know what that is:


    Titanfall is a first-person shooter multiplayer video game developed by Respawn Entertainment and published by Electronic Arts as an exclusive for Microsoft Windows, Xbox 360, and Xbox One. The game was officially announced as Respawn's debut game at Microsoft's E3 2013 press conference, and was released on March 11, 2014.


    and, the game is just flipping amazing.

    REVIEW: I got it for my PC and the first thing I noticed was the install was 50 F R E A K I N G gigabytes, so you're going to have lots of patience. Next, the graphics were good, but they could have made them better, my Alienware X51 was easily capable of running Titanfall on 1080p with the highest graphics setting, but that being said the GAMEPLAY, OHMYBUCKINGGOD that gameplay! It's soooo smooth, if you're a CoD or Battlefield player, don't stay on the ground, make the transition to wall running and parkouring, you'll be a harder target to hit and you have an edge from all angles on enemies on the ground. Now, the campaign. It was missing several key elements WHO, WHY, and HOW. It just seems so pieced together and I feel that they should have taken the time to just make a full campaign. Everything has a good balance, Titans have an advantage over pilots and pilots have advantages over the titans. That being said lets talk about the weapons. In Titanfall there are like 10 weapons for pilots to use, 2 assault rifles, 2 SMG's, 1 LMG, 3 pistols, 2 snipers (I'm not ENTIRELY sure on the weapon count, because I don't use them all) and one shotgun (Not counting the Anti - titan weapons) There's also just not a lot of variation between the weapons, they were all, good damage low recoil weapons (except the shotgun) but even the LMG was as versatile and easy to reload as an AR! Other than the previously mentioned things, Titanfall overall is an amazing game and you should definitely get it, except maybe for the Xbox 360


    XBOX 360 CONCERNS: I play console, I love console, I'm not a PC eliteist, there are just some things that work better on console than on PC. I have buddies on console, but I haven't got the money for an XB1 yet and neither have they, so we're getting it on 360. I heard a rumor earlier this week that (In case you didn't know the port of Titanfall for the 360 isn't even being developed by Respawn, it's some company called BluePoint games and it's two weeks behind the other versions!) the 360 version is sub 720p and runs at 30 frames per second. Let me say that again. Sub 720p and runs at 30 FPS. That's some Call of Duty 3, GTA 4 shit. We should have the technology to fix these things, but post in the comments what you're getting/have this game for what your concerns are, how you're liking it and anything you want to know about the game. ;)  

  13. I don't see the writers ageing the characters, can't say for sure but I always figured they'd always stay the same age :)

    I get what you're saying with that, but there's so much potential, don't you think?

    • Brohoof 1
  14. Just gonna ask, if you view it as a kids show and you don't consider yourself part of the fanbase, why are you here? I mean, glad you like the show and you're not a hater and all, but uh...what do you want from these forums? Besides the stalking.

    • Brohoof 1
  15. So, my favorite pony is Scootaloo, in case you haven't guessed. And aside from the normal ridicule I get for being a brony, I also get quite the ridicule from the fanbase for being a "Chicken lover". Now, I know it's all in good fun and we're all friends, but sometimes it goes waaaaay over the top, some people I talked to won't refer to Scoot as anything BUT chicken. The chicken pics featuring her come rolling in and, I'm just wondering (If you're a fan of Scootaloo) does this bother you? Do you think the writers will ever set the show in the future with the CMC and their classmates the age of the Mane 6 now, or will she be doomed to be a kid and a chicken forever? It's also possible that they could make her wings grow without aging everyone on the show. I don't know. Discuss, please.






    • Brohoof 2
  16. I'm definitely a fan of Derpy Hooves, I don't feel the name is offensive at all, but people on the other hand are too easily offended. The writers and animators can't just tip their hat to the fanbase like that and buck it all up. I'd almost prefer it if they just deleted the episode all together than butcher it as badly as they did.

  17. Well I don't watch a lot of stage musicals. I don't like les miserables for how long it is and how it's all singing so it's hard to follow along with the plot. Does the South Park movie count? It was a musical. Also a very potter musical.

    Sure, that can count! Why the buck not?

    I love Les Miserables too. Russell Crowe, (guy who play Javert) has a amazing voice.

    Sweeney Todd: The Demon Barber of Fleet Street is very good musical too. with excellent cast (Johnny Depp, Helena Bonhman Carter) and many catchy songs.

    I've seen Grease II and I very like it. Cool Rider is very good song. Grease II is better than Grease I. Stephanie is more expressive and interesting character than Sandy. Into the bargain in the Grease I most of actors look like 30 but they play student from high school! So this is weird.

    But my favorite musical is definitely Chicago, Cell block tango is the best song from musicals ever.

    Javert's my favorite character, sweeny todd is a fantastic choice, I didn't think anyone would say that one.

       I'm a big fan of Les Miserables, it captures the perspective of Jean Valjean, and the spirit of the revolutionaries, it is so invigorating. I also am a fan of the Disney musicals, such as The Lion King, Beauty and the Beast, and the recent Frozen, in addition Equestria Girls had some great songs, and are ranked as one of my favourites. I don't really care for High School Musical, but I do like Grease, that was a very talented ensemble, thus began the high school musicals we are familiar with, The Rocky Horror Picture Show is my all time favourite musical, the energy and charisma is off the charts, and the effort put out by everyone was extraordinary. 

    I really thought there was going to be no one who said Equestria girls :wub:

    I haven't seen frozen, but I hear it's amazing.

    • Brohoof 1
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