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Everything posted by ilcane87

  1. No other toyline has ever got a Trademark with that sentence though, only "Equestria Girls", which eventually got its own show too.
  2. It was all a big misunderstanding due to the lousy wording used in a foreign article, and Equestria Daily cluelessly claiming it was "confirmed".
  3. I think Babs Seed (the episode) gives us a pretty good idea of where the CMC are headed thereafter: assisting other ponies in earning their Cutie Marks. It also goes well with the whole "spreading friendship across Equestria" theme for Season 5.
  4. This is different from the usual "the CMC try something obviously wrong to get their marks, and they don't" story, it seems to be directly addressing the problems behind Applebloom's obsession, which, since all signs point towards the CMC getting their marks this season, is a good way to start their arc. So, if anything, we're getting rid of that tired plotline.
  5. Props for being observant, but if they really had planned something like this, I'd have expected it to pay off by the end of Season 3, since they certainly didn't expect to go beyond it in the beginning. Plus, the flashback in episode 2 of season 4 kinda contradicts this.
  6. What's kind of worrying about their schedule is that they mentioned having a Hearth's Warming (Christmas) holiday special, but hopefully the season won't be delayed as far as December 2015.
  7. Well, cutie marks can be pretty unspecific, I'm expecting her talent to be "Music" in general, like Twilight's talent is "Magic" in general, so anything like singing/composing/song-writing would apply.
  8. So, let's learn how to discuss, one step at a time. Elaborate on the bold parts, unless you want to keep doing the very thing you're accusing him of.
  9. Ever thought of, you know, actually addressing the points he made, instead of dismissing his whole post (which, unlike yours, is well thought out and does a very good job at countering the opposite arguments), just because you disagree with him? To be honest, you should take your own advice.
  10. Hopefully they don't ditch the "Music->Magic" thing, I could use another awesome soundtrack.
  11. Coming on May 5 2015: http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/0316410799/ref=as_li_tl?ie=UTF8&camp=1789&creative=390957&creativeASIN=0316410799&linkCode=as2&tag=equestr-20&linkId=T2XH77ZI4Z3BVNW7 Guess Sunset isn't letting go of her main character status, color me pleased. The release date is way too early for this to be a movie adaptation, so I'm calling a new series of Shorts, since the last ones got their adaptation book around that time this year. I suppose they might once again act as a prequel to the next movie. EDIT - Looks like it's the same series this doll comes from: http://www.mlpmerch.com/2014/09/images-found-of-sunset-shimmer-time-to.html I wonder is she gets wings this time.
  12. Alright, Kidexpo ended yesterday, and no announcements were made. Hopefully some day we'll get an EqG series nonetheless, but it won't be this one. Time to wrap up this topic.
  13. It seems a lot of people haven't followed the developments and still believe this series will be a thing, while it's basically been proven otherwise. Besides, Kidexpo Paris started yesterday, and no announcement whatsoever was made, so I'd advise to unsticky this topic as soon as the event ends on the 27th, and maybe update the title too, so no more fans are deceived.
  14. I can't be the only one who was bothered by the OST version of "Welcome to the Show" lacking the musical battle part. So I cut the missing audio from the TV release and added it to the song, you can download or listen to it here:
  15. This is what a French user replied to my theory on another forum: "The first and most influential French music talent show around here is called "Star Academy" (and "Anything Academy" makes us think of it before anything else), so yeah, this sounds exactly like what Rainbow Rocks would be translated to." Unfortunately, I might be right on this one; hopefully there's much more EqG content on the way regardless.
  16. Is there a resident French brony who could give some input on this, by any chances? Especially ragarding what exactly has been released/announced so far, about Rainbow Rocks (French dub).
  17. Well, after some more research, I'm starting to believe that article has fooled us all with its very lousy wording, and the fact that it refers to the French products. -_- Let me explain: there was always something strange in the way EqA is described, "Hasbro prévoit de développer l’univers du 1er film via une nouvelle série animée qui devrait s’intituler Equestria Academy, l’école de tous les succès"; why do they specify that they are going to expand the universe of the 1st movie? Shouldn't it expand both movies? Then it hit me: Rainbow Rocks (dub) hasn't been announced in France yet, not even a trailer has been shown, and at the time not even the Shorts were available. How could they possibly announce a new series this month, when Rainbow Rocks hasn't been presented yet? Wouldn't it make more sense to present RR itself? Maybe when the author wrote "expands the first movie", which we all assumed referred to a spin-off, he actually meant "sequel to the first movie", and it's defined as series because it includes the RR Shorts, which hadn't been released yet at the time. This is the picture containing the EqA teaser: Not only it is a Rainbow Rocks poster, it even has the French RR release date on the top right corner, which says it's coming in March [2015], with both a TV and Digital release, which is exactly what the EqA teaser on the bottom right indicates. (or maybe "Dès Mars" is "since March [2014]", because that's when the Shorts started coming) Why "Equestria Academy" though? Well, as I've found out by surfing that very website, it seems the MLP toylines are being renamed in weird ways in France, the article itself calls the Rainbow Power set "Rainbow Color" for example. Since Rainbow Rocks is about music and bands in a school, it's not a huge stretch to rename it "Academy", as in a Music Academy. So this is what I'm afraid will happen: at the end of this month, they are going to advertise the French release of Rainbow Rocks at Kidexpo. That's all there is to it.
  18. It's called speculating, there's nothing obsessive about it, we're just doing it for fun; I don't see why we should stop just because it bothers you. Why don't you go read some other topic instead?
  19. Personally, I find that the CMC are at their best when Not obsessing over getting their Cutie Marks, which has become a pretty tired plot point after 4 seasons.
  20. You're probably checking an older registration: http://www.trademarkia.com/trademarks-search.aspx?tn=cutie+mark http://www.trademarkia.com/cutie-mark-86122913.html
  21. Time for Season 5 speculation! Brace for my theory: this season, the CMC will be featured in at least one two-parter, AND will get their Cutie Marks! Want evidence? I'll give you evidence. First of all there is a new toyline titled "Wild Rainbow" that heavily features Applebloom, Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle getting strange marks on their legs. Considering the "Rainbow" theme that permeates the series ever since S4, that could mean the fillies get to join in on the fun. And speaking of toylines, another one that's coming is called Cutie Mark Magic, which features several ponies getting the Cutie Pox Cutie Marks all over their bodies. Ever since S3, the toylines have pretty much featured the biggest events of the Season (Crystal Empire set, Princess Twilight set, Rainbow Power set), and I expect these to be no exception. What more, almost 1 year ago, Hasbro registered two interesting Trademarks: Cutie Mark and Cutie Kapowie. Note that, generally speaking, Trademark registrations in this series have paid off in the show little more than 1 year after they were filed; recent examples are the Trademarks for Rainbow Rocks and Rainbooms, both registered in June 2013. Registering Cutie Mark related things for the next season must mean they have something big planned that involves them. Still not convinced? Then let's talk about the S5 animatic we got at SDCC: it involves, you guessed it, a strange case of equal sign Cutie Marks! I'd like to note that in the previous two seasons, the opening two-parters have established a story arc that would be resolved in the season finale, so it's safe to assume that will be the case again. And that's not it yet! At the very SDCC panel, Meghan McCarthy said that S5 will have a bigger focus than ever on side characters, and you know which are the most prominent side characters in the series. But why now, you may ask. Isn't it a bit sudden? Alas, it isn't! Need I remind you that the last two seasons have introduced a little arc involving the CMC receiving guidance from Princess Luna in their dreams? Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle had their turns, so it's safe to assume the last crusader will get her episode in Season 5. But where could all this lead? To the future of the CMC of course! Think about it, Princess Celestia is a mentor figure to all of the Mane 6, it would only make sense for her little sister to become the mentor figure of the Mane 6' little sisters (and adopted sister); the CMC will get their Cutie Marks during S5, and then start writing "Dear Princess Luna" letters, telling her about their experiences in what will be their future goal (maybe helping out other blank flanks?). Note that Princess Luna has been said to have a nightmare this season, and you can bet the CMC are the ones who will reach out to her. Mark my words: their time has finally come!
  22. If watching something made for money troubles you, you should disregard 99% of the entertainment industry, including FiM.
  23. It's officially not-living-in-the-US awareness day!
  24. I think I'm starting to believe that is the case. Speaking from my own experience, I'd say the episodes that make a big impact on me tend to be enjoyed the most when that impact happens, which is the first time I see them. For instance, my first watch of A Canterlot Wedding was definitely the one I felt the most, nothing beats that cliffhanger at the end of the first part, then This Day Aria plays, then you see Chrysalis revealing herself and battling Celestia, then the Changelings invasion and battle... I mean seriously, it was one shocking thing after the other. I could say the same about Magical Mystery Cure, you get the heartfelt friendship hymn of True True Friend, followed by moving moments with Celestia and her song, then Twilight's ascension comes; it was a truly impactful celebration of everything from the past three seasons, one that I felt the most when I saw it for the first time. But when it comes to episodes that may very well be outstanding, though not because of surprising twists or big plot developments, but simply because they are very well put together, then the more I watch them, the more I find reasons to appreciate them to the fullest. One such episode, for me, was Pinkie Pride; I mean really, the premise alone told me everything that would happen, 'a musical episode about two party ponies battling it out', there was almost nothing left to discover. So the first time I saw it, I followed an overall predictable plot without a specific scene or development that would be burnt into my memory, and while I thoroughly enjoyed it, only with subsequent watches I was able to appreciate how masterfully told that little story was, and how chock-full of content and brimming with charm that episode turned out to be. So, long story short, my personal verdict is that.... it depends!
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