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  1. Just regular Pepsi, and yes, I think Pepsi tastes different from coke
  2. Pic related, but seriously, you need to elaborate otherwise you're being edgy for the sake of edgy.
  3. He was also a tyrant with reputation for cruelty and abuse. I was born in St. Petersburg, so I've learned a lot about him in school. His achievements were great, but came at an incredibly high price for the common man. Thousands of people were buried in the marshes that lay underneath modern day St. Petersburg when the city was commissioned to be built. For my picks, I would have to go with Jesus Christ, and if excluding religious figures, Socrates. Third would be Maimonides for his contributions to medicine.
  4. Not really, if I come across something on Reddit, it's linked to there from another place. Generally not my thing, Reddit is too "politically correct" and censor friendly. I prefer 4chan for my randumb interactions.
  5. We are already DEEPLY bankrupt. Trump hasn't shown any plans to reverse that, so I think he will continue adding to the national debt. This is ne of the big reason for our proliferation of war, the value of the dollar hinges on the fact that we force the world to trade for it in dollars. Our economic conditions are so poor that if the world stopped selling oil for dollars, we would see hyperinflation and another great depression, wheelbarrows of money and all. Read up on the petrodollar for more. That is promising, based on some of the things he said. However, I think his actual actions as president will be drastically different. According to the news he is already considering JOHN BOLTON for secretary of state. Bolton is INSANE and an extreme war monger who wants war with Iran and think the Iraq war was a great idea. Both candidates were strongly pro-war though, the only ones who weren't were Johnson and Stein. We will see. I don't have high expectations.
  6. We already spend more on the military then the next several biggest spenders combined. The F-35 project has shown itself to be an unnecessary waste of time, all the money and time invested into it has not paid off, so why keep throwing good money behind the bad. We don't need the F-35 to stay ahead. Having the "biggest and strongest" military does not make our country great, especially when we use that money for projects with a proven track record of failure instead of investing it into infrastructure, social services and market incentives. Now, I am not saying military investment is a bad thing, some of our greatest inventions have come as a result of military R&D, but we are spending way too much of our budget on the military and are involved in too many unnecessary conflicts. The first thing we need is a drastically different foreign policy.
  7. Always preferred Pepsi. It has a more sweet and less fizzy taste to me which I prefer over coke.
  8. I doubt it. I remain cautiously optimistic, hoping that he would deliver on at least some of his promises, but I think we'll see the republican/conservative version of Obama's hope & change (business as usual politics and not delivering on his promises). It's already looking very poor, as Trump is apparently considering Bolton and Giuliani for top positions - two absolutely atrocious people who are status quo as you can get. Bolton played a heavy hand in getting us into Iraq and wants us to go to Iran and who knows where else. The fact that these names are even up for considerations seem to be a red flag that Trump's administration will not change anything. The majority of his campaign has been promises of fixing the country without offering any truly real solutions or plans on how to accomplish it. Nowhere was our failed monetary policy, our awful foreign policy of intervention and war or the strong influence of financial elites on our government mentioned, and that's what makes me believe that Trump will do absolutely nothing new. I hope we get some positive changes out of this, ie, cooling off on regime change, better relations with Russia, a movement towards trade instead of war, and strengthening of our domestic industry, but I highly doubt it.
  9. Arizona Green Tea - my regular choice of drink.
  10. Business as usual politician. Managed to charm the public with a message of change, that especially looked promising in the face of an outrageously terrible opposing candidate (McCain). Failed to deliver anything significantly different, continued many of the same failed policies of previous administrations. Gets credit for "ending" the Iraq war, but actually only continued the already set in stone plans to withdraw by that date. Continued the failed policies of foreign entanglements and regime change by getting us into Libya (the murder of Gaddafi still stands as one of the most atrocious crimes of the decade imo), which led to the shattering of that country and turned it from a stable and fairly successful country into one controlled by warlords and chaos. Supported the same tactics in Syria, creating a civil war that has claimed hundreds of thousands. I'm not directly blaming him for any of these, but he is a dime a dozen puppet with a "pretty face" who does the bidding of the military industrial complex and the financial elite. Obamacare ended up as a complete disaster when the public option was gutted from it. We needed single payer, now we have an abortion that made things even worse for many, now many in the middle class who couldn't afford health insurance STILL cannot afford it and now are punished with a fine. Once again, just Obama doing the bidding of special interests (health insurance companies). Same with the auto bailout and the financial sector bailout. Pretty much a democrat neo-con. Grade wise, I'd give him a 5/10. Dime a dozen politician, complete tool for the wealthy and only looks good because he sounded more eloquent than Bush, however, their speeches generally have the same amount of merit.
  11. Shargrath

    mega thread Metal Thread

    Just discovered this guy on YouTube, really good stuff.
  12. All too well and then you get a headache all day to boot.
  13. I prefer Internet Explorer. My second would be Opera. I just don't find Chrome or new Firefox to be user friendly because they removed the address bar functionality that allowed you to have a list of recently visited websites. I know the "new tab" screen kind of does that, but it's just not comfortable for me to use. It's a shame that Microsoft switched over to Edge which is just terrible all around (like Windows 8/10).
  14. Samsung Galaxy Victory. I love it because the battery life is incredible, it's small and does everything I need it to do. I don't like the new Galaxy phones that are huge, almost the size of a tablet, and I never liked Apple products.
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