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Posts posted by yayfluttershay

  1. And what would that do? They will be taught that it's not their fault. That their behaviour was ok. He will recover and what then, they'll bully him again? And make sure this time he will try to kill himself "properly"? There is no excuse for bringing someone to this, sorry. They've made big mistake and unless they deeply regret it they must face consequences. 

    and what do you want to happen to the bullies? they're small children too aswell as the victim. do you want them to get brain damaged?

  2. I doubt people will just let them live in peace after this happened. Even parents of that kid will do what they can to get guys that made him do this. Don't worry, ~Spitfire~, they will get what they deserve. And they for sure deserve to be treated in the same way they've treated this kid. There should be no mercy for bullies, they are cowards that would not even dare to approach someone that may be able to show some resistance or even just mercilessly beat them. 

    no no no the bullies are small little kids too and immature I hope that kid is okay but i also hope no one will go after the kids who made the kid attempt suicide

  3. Yes.



    I've met jin he's really nice but still a nutter on a forum. he really is the guy who sent that letter to kevinsano.  he has a twilight plushie and he makes it move(if your twilight is real why can't she move on her own?) and does dirty things to it. he says that twilight is real and talks to him. im certain he has an invisible tulpa talking to him at the back of his head(he'll probably get angry when you mention this to him). i've had waifus but they are temporary but that guy takes it to the extreme.

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