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Everything posted by PinkieApplePie(tCoA)

  1. Back after so long and nothing to show for it...oh well~

  2. *sigh* Now i'm lonely again

  3. Sorry, been busy all day with silly me stuff

    1. Bright Honor

      Bright Honor

      Ah. Now go vote for Pinkie Pie. :P

  4. That was stressful...let's get cake

  5. Role-playing is actually pretty fun

  6. ~I'm siiiiiiiingin' in the rain~


    1. ninjamon102938


      To somebody today

    2. PinkieApplePie(tCoA)


      Exactly, it's somebody's birthday somewhere

  8. I always let my imagination run away from me, then it comes back, with cake!

  9. The almighty Chaotic Bacon will save us all!

    1. AppleGearRising


      Gimme sum bacon! X3

    2. PinkieApplePie(tCoA)


      Pray hard enough to the Almighty Chaotic Bacon and all your hearts desires can come true.

  10. A fan who wants to be as big of a part of the community as I can, I just don't necessarily have the skills to do I everything I wish I could
  11. Welcome! As a very friendly pony did for me once not so long ago, I shall do the same I hope you have super-duper fantabultasticly wonderful time here
  12. In the teens react to mlp video, one of the people says, "If you're a guy, and you watch my little pony, you technically shouldn't be allowed to be called a man"...Yes, because watching a tv show has a direct effect on what you have between your legs. Oh no, all those guys that just watched that in this video are going to have to go check and make sure their ball bag is still there. Whatever, every time I see this video I can't stop laughing
  13. Do you like waffles?!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Demonic Soulz

      Demonic Soulz


    3. Crystal Edge

      Crystal Edge

      Waffles look like dead seaguls.

    4. PinkieApplePie(tCoA)


      Interesting...I see your point and raise you bacon

  14. I don't know if brony hate just isn't a problem where i'm at or if there are just too few bronies around here for haters to have a very strong presence or what, but I have been lucky enough to only have had that one experience, but honestly I almost want someone to hate on me, sounds to me like it'd be a funny experience and I'd get the added benefit of seeing their expression when I laugh at them their face.
  15. Good night pony world! Stay golden!

  16. I don't know who Howard Stern is exactly, but he sounds like a d**k

    1. Fhaolan


      Yes, but he's a professional d**k. It's hard to know how much of that is 'real', and how much of it is stage persona.

    2. PinkieApplePie(tCoA)


      I mean, it's kinda funny, but he just sounds like a total stuck up prick

  17. I haven't gotten my license yet, however that hasn't necessarily stopped me from driving if i'm being honest
  18. All this hate can be your's simply by becoming a brony today!!!
  19. My stove lit on fire today, that was pretty annoying, but even that wasn't too bad. I'm generally pretty hard to annoy
  20. You know, I wish, 1, I had the guts, and 2, had the opportunity to write an essay or something for school about MLP or being a brony or something, cause that would be an easy A+

  21. I remember I had heard about bronies, and me being just a weird person in general myself, and I really didn't think much of it. I had thought to myself that i'd never be part of the brony fandom cause I had seen the show before and I didn't like the way it looked, but I was thinking of the old shows. I saw some random pony pictures while browsing the internet and I thought to myself "this doesn't look anything like what I saw" and I made a sub-concious note of that. Later me and my friend were watching netflix and I saw MLP:FiM, and I thought "oh, hey, it's that show". So I turned to my friend and joking around and I was like hey we should watch this, I bet it'll be funny...I wasn't exactly wrong. He was like sure, ya know whatever. So I start the first episode and about halfway through I'm just thinking to myself while kinda glancing over to my friend every once in a while, "oh god, I actually like this. I hope he doesn't notice". After that I would secretly record and watch the episodes at night when everyone was asleep. Needless to say, 1: I was very nervous/cautious and 2: I lost allot of sleep. Since then I've made it apparent to all my friends that I am a brony, I've technically converted a friend to the brony-dom, and I've become much more open about it than I was. I mean, I'm not running down the halls yelling "I'm a brony" or anything, but I certainly don't try to hide it anymore. Anyway, that's the story of how I became a brony. Sorry, this turned out a lot longer than I intended it to be, and if you took the time to read this, I greatly appreciate it.
  22. I haven't had too many problems with brony hate, but there was this one guy who would always get on this game that I play with my friends and he would join our game and just start ranting about how bronys are nazis and they're all pedophiles and yada yada yada. I couldn't help but laugh at him because of how ridiculous this guy was. Probably about the third or fourth time he got on with us he starts his usually brony hate rant, and my friend (who is also a brony) asks "Have you ever seen the show?" and obviously the guy says no. Then my friend asks "Well then how do you justify all your claims?", he replies with "well I just know". My friend proceeds to tell him that he should try the show before trashing on people who like it, the guy says "I have better things to do than watch some stupid show for little girls". Almost instantly afterwards I reply with "What, you mean like wasting your life away browsing the internet for bronies you can troll, who, by the way, are laughing at you because of how stupid you sound?". Needless to say that guy hasn't bugged in awhile.
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