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Blog Entries posted by mars

  1. mars
    It's been a year on the forums, so crazy to think that. You know that cliche: "A whole lot can change in a year". I never once believed it- at least until last year. On January 25th, 2014, on an extremely bored and lonely whim, I looked up a my little pony forum. I had never been a part of a forum before, but I had been a brony since 2011 and had no one to talk to about the show. I wanted to be part of the community I had eagerly watched from the sidelines. So I found a bunch of pony forums, but eventually, this is the one that stuck out the most to me.
    The people were extremely kind, warm, and welcoming. I had never had that type of experience before! I was always just a quiet user, the one who was usually ignored by people. But I gained so many friends right away! The forums became so enjoyable to me, I think I was online 24/7. I really did fall in love with these forums, and the users on it.
    One day, I noticed that Poniverse was looking for people to join their public relations team. I've never really been a part of something. I've never been able to contribute to this fandom the way I've wanted to. I was so close to backing down, and not doing it. "Why would they hire me?" I thought, "I'm a useless nobody." But that year, I had made my resolution to try to improve my self-esteem, so I applied.
    I had an interview. And I waited. And waited. And while I did wait, I continued to let the forums improve me. I became a nicer person, I became friendlier in real life. I definitely became more confident in talking to people. I couldn't even order food from a fast food restaurant because it made me so nervous! (I can now talk to people with much more ease than I could). I made even more great friends, too!
    It was so awesome, having people to talk to about season 4 with. It made me extremely happy, because I felt right at home. "With my people", as my mom said.
    Eventually, a few months later, I get a message saying that I had been accepted as a Public Relations Head. I... I had no idea what to do, but with guidance, I was able to get into the groove of it. I love this job, and am I proud to be helping out Poniverse in this way. I still feel that feeling, even a year later. And yes, I did make even more friends. I remember being so nervous talking to the other staff members at first. But that's when I learned... They aren't some invisible big brothers (which I had seen on so many other sites), they're pretty much like other members. ...Maybe a bit sillier than most members. I'm looking at you Koukatsu.
    I'm not good at writing these things, I get too ramble-ly I'm afraid. But I did want to say this:
    Before these forums, I had extremely low self-esteem and insecure with myself, I was constantly unhappy and lonely. I always felt bored. I constantly had this feeling of "ugh". I don't know how else to describe it. Nothing really made me happy or excited. But now, I feel crystal clear. I feel more at ease with myself, and more secure in myself. I feel like I've grown a lot, thanks to these forums. And I want to thank everypony. Each and every single one of you. You have made my experience here a great one.
    Here's to one year, and many more.
  2. mars
    Trixie couldn't remember the last time the sun proudly shone in the sky. She gave a sigh as she stared out the window. It was the same every single day- the world was gray. Dull. And rainy. The word in Canterlot was that Celestia was sick, and Luna wasn't strong enough to raise the sun. Trixie figured that instead of letting the moon be in the sky twenty four/seven or making twenty unicorns try to lift the sun into place, Luna was to make the sky cloudy. And dull. And gray.
    Sweet Celestia, was Trixie bored.
    The blue unicorn gave another loud, exaggerated sigh. Nothing happened- she figured as much. She turned away from the window, forced to acknowledge her messy one room apartment. She didn't feel like cleaning it (as usual), so she flopped onto her extremely uncomfortable and lumpy bed instead. She extended her front hooves and latched onto a pillow, probably the comfiest thing in her apartment. She rested her chin on it. The purple satin was extremely soft to touch. It was a gift from her marefriend.
    "I got it on a trip to Saddle Arabia! I wanted to get you something sensible. And you don't have any pillows." Her marefriend was disgustingly nice. And smart. Trixie hated her.
    She thought about asking her marefriend out for a rainy day date or somethin', but she was too poor and she hated the fact that the alicorn always insisted on paying thier dates. And as if she'd ever let the princess visit Trixie's apartment. Trixie lifted her head from the pillow, surveying the mess. She'd have to clean it up first.
    She could probably clean it up, if she really wanted to. But she didn't want to.
    Besides, her small apartment would look... Awful in comparison to her marefriend's castle.
    Her marefriend had a castle.
    Trixie let her head plop back onto the pillow. It was always weird to think about. The fact that Twilight was a princess. Trixie remembered when the purple alicorn rose to ascension, and there was a huge ceremony in Canterlot. Trixie had always been jealous of Twilight. A small smile graced her lips.
    She used to hate Twilight. For real, not the fake hate she proclaimed when she joked around with the mare now. It had started when the unicorn use to do traveling magic shows. She had went to Ponyville, as she had heard they were extremely gullible. Unfortunately (Well, fortunately) for her, it didn't work out that way. She was run out of town by the ponies after Twilight showed everyone the unicorn was a sham.
    Okay. It hadn't been as harsh as that, and Twilight had even apologized profusely, but still. Trixie's show was run into the ground. Then to pay the bills, she had to work as a rock farmer! Her smile slowly faded. Trixie had been dumb. For a while, she became obsessed with getting revenge on Twilight.
    Trixie had bought some weird mystical amulet called the alicorn amulet. It gave her all the magic power she desired- it finally made her better than Twilight. But then she went power mad and nearly destroyed all of Ponyville. Then it was Trixie who had to apologize profusely to Twilight.
    Stupid Twilight forgave her. Trixie wouldn't have forgiven Trixie if she was in Twilight's horseshoes. She remembered, a year later, she asked Twilight why she had forgiven her. Twilight just gave a small gentle smile and kissed her on the cheek.
    The rain thumped loudly against the window, rattling it and effectively snapping Trixie out of her trip down memory lane. Trixie gave a scowl, and glared at the rain. As if that would do anything. Trixie rose from the bed to fix herself some breakfast. Or lunch. Trixie didn't know what time it was.
    When she stayed at home, Trixie could usually tell by the way the sun was in position, but that didn't seem to be happening anytime soon. Maybe she should ask Twilight to buy her a clock. She chuckled at her own joke as she fixed herself brunch. She never asked Twilight for anything. Trixie earned everything she had with hard work (besides the pillow). Had Trixie still kept her Great and Powerful persona, she's sure she would have asked Twilight for all sorts of treasures. Twilight probably would have bought them, because she was sickeningly generous.
    But a year and a half changes a lot in a pony. Her mind wandered as she waited for her instant noodles to be done to the day her life changed.
    Trixie had been surprised when she saw Princess Twilight standing outside her motel room doorstep. And Trixie almost closed the door on her. "May I talk to you?" Twilight had asked, ever politeful and regal. Trixie had graciously let her in.
    The silence had been awkward- Trixie made tea for them while Twilight gazed around the room. There wasn't much to look at. It was even smaller than Trixie's current apartment. After Trixie set down the teacup in front of Twilight, Twilight began talking about her fears and problems with being a princess. Trixie just sat and listened, which was a first. Maybe because it had been two am in the morning and Trixie was extremely tired.
    "Why come to Trixie?" She asked, muffling a yawn when Twilight was finally done. "Your magical rival and clearly, your better in every way shape or form?"
    "I.. I just, I don't know," Twilight admitted. "I just needed somepony to talk to. I don't want my friends to worry about me more than they already are."
    "Sounds rough," Trixie murmured, "You have quite the troubled life." Twilight looked guilty, and Trixie mentally
    slapped herself for her rudeness. "Sorry. It's just.. Well, it's hard to feel bad for you. You're a princess, you're Equestria's hero. And Trixie lives in a bug infested room."
    Twilight quickly glanced around in alarm, scanning for any bugs. Once she found none, she shook her head. "I'm sorry. You're right. I just..." She trailed off. Trixie raised an eyebrow. "I'm just scared, I guess. I'm scared I'll break down. And I wanted to talk to one of the most strongest willed mares I know."
    Trixie bit back laughter. "Trixie?" She replied, in completely disbelief. She shook her head. "Twilight, you clearly need some sleep. Yes, the Great and Powerful Trixie is indeed Great and Powerful-"
    "It takes a lot for a pony to change their ways. I've heard about what you've been doing lately." Trixie put her teacup on the small oak table, listening. "You've been turning your image around. Volunteering at the soup kitchen and apologizing to the ponies you've hurt. That's hard to do. And you continously get up even when ponies knock you down. I admire that. I admire you."
    "Uh, thanks." Trixie intelligently replied. Twilight's words admittedly surprised her.
    "So I was hoping for your advice. What should I do?"
    "Seriously? Just don't worry about it. I heard that you over-worry about pretty much everything. You're a princess for a... Reason. And although the reason is because Celestia didn't know that I existed- she probably would have made me one over you anyday- you deserve it. I guess just remember that. I'm not good at advice." Trixie quickly finished, and saw Twilight smiling at her oddly. She wrinkled her nose. "What?"
    "You didn't talk in the third pony."
    "Trixie simply forgot to. Stop smiling like that."
    "Would you maybe like to go out sometime?"
    As Trixie finished her ramen and the memory, she suddenly wondered if maybe Twilight had planned to ask Trixie out that way, or if it was spontaneous. Something to ask the marefriend, she figured.
    After she and Twilight began going out, she changed for the better. Twilight helped her to finally finish cleaning up her act. She got out of that dumb motel room, and got a real job instead of doing odd jobs here and there. It was a lame job- a waitress at the local diner. But she had gotten it herself. She was able to afford an apartment in Manehatten, although small. Twilight had offered several times to let Trixie live with her in the castle. Maybe one day, she would. But Trixie was really trying to do things on her own, the right way. No more cheating or scamming ponies. She wanted to earn everything herself.
    Twilight told her on several occasions that she was proud of the blue unicorn. Trixie liked hearing her marefriend say it...
    She really missed Twilight right now. She really shouldn't have spent so much time thinking about her marefriend.
    Maybe she should invite Twilight over.
    She looked at the mess in her apartment. Another tiny smile formed. She would have to clean her apartment first. If she really wanted to.
    Which she did.
  3. mars
    It happened so suddenly, and I tried to walk the eggshells that one must when talking to them.
    I suppose I stepped too hard on one and broke the shell. I apologize for that, I really do.
    I don't know how I feel about it. Friends have come and go, and so many friends have left me before.
    ...I suppose, then, it is my own jadedness that causes these friends to walk away. I need to hold onto them more tightly, treat them more kindly, but I can not spend every waking moment of my life thinking about my friends. It's unhealthy. So, I let them go- like a bird, they spread their wings and leave my nest. I hope they find all they are looking for. I hope they can continue to soar.
  4. mars
    Dreams are very easy for me to remember. It's rare for me to forget the plot, the people, and the setting. In fact, there are places I've seen in my dream that I've seen so many times.. I think they're connected in some sort of dream world.
    The first is a small town in the mountains. I walk through a street each time I am there. The buildings are not modern, and look almost European. There are shops all around, and one particular is a cafe of sorts with a red umbrella table outside of it. The road itself is cobblestone, yet cars zoom by all the time. The street leads to a freeway in the mountains, which lead me to my next location.
    Once, I had a dream I was in this abandoned factory. It had boarded up doors and broken Windows. Spiderweb were not prone to staying in corners. Vines covered it and it was almost hidden by trees. It was quite the spooky dream. A month or two later, I had a dream I was zooming down a freeway. I glanced towards the buildings to see an abandoned factory covered in vines and hidden by the trees.
    The freeway also leads to a much more modern city, with tall buildings and the like. There are large build boards. I've only set foot in the city once. I usually just pass it in the freeway. The city streets is rather empty, but helicopters are often hovering over it.
    This one isn't from the freeway, but there is also a small town. This one is mostly brown and had a Victorian type feel. There is a large mansion that overshadows the entire town. Street vendors are all over. There is also a restaurant, wooden but with a warm atmosphere, that leads to a secret garden. It's weird, but a nice place to explore.
    That's about it. I'm not sure why I wrote this. Perhaps I just needed a place to share this.
  5. mars
    I've had this headcanon for about a year and a half now, with slight tweaks here and there to continue with the show's canon (well, most of the show's canon. Thanks season 4 episodes 1 + 2). I always wanted to draw it out or write it, but I realize I probably never will. So maybe you all can tell me what you think of it? Was I just wasting my time with this silly headcanon?
    Basically, before the Mane 6 and presumably after, six ponies would always rise up and find the stones to the elements.However! I always had this theory that the elements changed along with each set of ponies. So the elements wouldn't stay as magic, honesty, loyalty, etc. So let's say that instead of being the element of magic, the next pony who uses it would know it as the element of spirit.
    Really, you can stop reading right here, but I fleshed it out a bit more than that.
    I wrote out about three different generations of element bearers (two prior to the mane six and one after), but I figured there would be more than what I wrote about. It goes as follows:
    In the beginning, there was a King and Queen of Equestria. These were Celestia's and Luna's parents, and they ruled Equestria. The Queen, fearing of a dangerous evil, created a mystical tree that would held a special power, to make sure that this evil would never destroy the world she and her husband created. Of course, this time arises when a dark evil tries to destroy all that is good in Equestria. The queen sends out six of her soldiers to find the tree and harness the special power to destroy the evil.
    When these soldiers get their elements, the first elements are: Harmony, Faith, Strength, Wisdom, Bravery, and Devotion. They end up being able to save the day. The elements are forever known as the Elements of Harmony, because of the leader's element. The tree is also named the Tree of Harmony
    Secondly, the elements were used again with Princess Celestia and Luna. Prior to Season 4 Episode 1 + 2, my headcanon was that they were friends with four other ponies and they wielded the elements against Discord. They had the elements of Friendship, Humility, Valor, Knowledge, Joy, and Peace.
    Of course, we all know about the current elements of harmony which are Magic, Generosity, Kindness, Loyalty, Laughter, and Honesty so I don't need to explain them. Sigh, since the elements are locked up now and I /assume/ rainbow power is going to be used now instead, this is where it should end.
    But I had believed prior that after the Mane 6's use of the elements, six more would need to rise up to the challenge of being heroes. I placed Applebloom, Sweetie Belle, Scootaloo, Dinky Doo, Rumble, and Pip as those who would fill the Mane 6's horseshoes. They would be Spirit, Love, Hope, Creativity, Charity, and Patience respectively.
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