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Banner by ~ Kyoshi Frost Wolf


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Everything posted by whizzball1

  1. Snowstorm laughed lightly as he said that. "You're adorable," she said, playfully, and put her foreleg around him also. She thought he was being smooth, which of course he wasn't, but she still thought he was anyway because love.((21 characters for filler)
  2. ((The movie is heavily flawed, like all book-turned movies. xD))Snowstorm smiled. "Thanks, Grell," she said, trotting in. She kept it open for Grell and when he trotted through, she closed it after him. She looked around at the beauty of the path and smiled again. "It's beautiful," she said, even though she'd said the same thing last time.
  3. ((Khione actually lives in her father, Boreas' palace. Boreas is god of the north wind, and I don't remember Zeus making any such decree in the books.))Snowstorm sighed. "I hope that I'll be able to meet her in some way." They were almost at the path to the clearing.
  4. Oh *facehoof*I was all like "Is he going to PM me or what?" And I wondered what the hay you were talking about. Thanks for settling the worries!
  5. Yeah, I was about to say that. Hera has never had a human child. Also, Dashian, you said you would PM me about "helping with my storyline". I'm still very confused about that.
  6. Snowstorm smiled. "If I find out where she lives, maybe I'll visit her." She smiled. "Does it even work that way?" Her blush returned, stronger than before when Grell nuzzled her, and she nuzzled him back just as lovingly. She loved him so much, and she was glad he shared the feeling.
  7. Snowstorm continued to walk with Grell, looking around at the scenery while listening to the sounds of the crickets. She looked up at the stars, gazing their beauty, and she wondered if she would ever meet her mother. "Do you think I'll ever meet my mother?" she asked.
  8. Snowstorm smiled, and then blushed furiously. "You do too," she said, lovingly, and looked at the glistening, beautiful lake with her love. She looked back at Grell and blushed deeper, kissing him on the cheek also. She began to walk again, the blush failing to fade no matter what she did.
  9. Snowstorm smiled. "Then let's have a walk there," she said, taking hold of his hoof again and starting to walk with him. "The camp is so nice," she said, softly. "Especially at night. I love it so much. I'm glad I found this place." As they trotted past the lake, alone, she said, "I'm glad I found you."
  10. Snowstorm smiled. "I can't wait!" she exclaimed, gratefully. "How should we walk? Aimlessly, or to somewhere?" She didn't have any destination in mind, so she had just asked Grell to see if he had anywhere in mind. She hoped he did.((A bit of filler to fill this limit since I have to go like, right now.))
  11. Snowstorm smiled when he opened the door. "Couldn't sleep?" she asked, warmly. "Why don't we take a walk? It might help." She smiled again, taking hold of his hoof lovingly. She hoped he would take a walk with her. She wanted some time alone with him again. It'd been a long day.
  12. Snowstorm trotted around the camp, thinking about different things, most commonly Grell. She eventually found Grell's cabin and knocked on the door, wondering if Grell was asleep or awake. If he was asleep, he wouldn't wake up from the soft knock. ((Filler because I have nothing more to say, unfortunately.))
  13. Snowstorm nodded. "A foal of Zeus, eh?" she asked, quietly. She'd have to make friends with this one. He looked like he had a lot of influence, and she needed that. Definitely. She took Speed Boost and carried him on her back. He was very light for somepony of his build. She wondered what made his build, but shrugged it off and trotted to the infirmary, depositing Speed there. They administered Nectar through a syringe to heal him and she trotted back out to look for Grell.
  14. Snowstorm trotted over to Minx and helped her up. "Careful there, Minx," she said, smiling. "You beat him up good." She chuckled. She normally used her power to put ponies down, but here, strength would work too, it seemed. ((This is just a bit of filler because I Have nothing more to say.))
  15. Speed Boost heard the sickening crunch as many of his bones broke from the terrible hit. When Minx headbutted him one last time, the world greyed out, but he heard what she'd said. He had no idea what the hay it meant, but he would find out when... he... woke... up. He passed out. Snowstorm chuckled. "Who is that, anyway?" she asked, looking over at Speed Boost, and then back at Leif. "Do you know him?" ((Leif's been here prior to that latest mission, right?)) ((Also, Leif, did you PM me? I didn't get anything at all.))
  16. ((No, it's perfectly fine. Especially since she's using Shadow Minx. And besides, Speed Boost is very light to make for agility. That build? It's muscles. )) Speed Boost winced again from the headbutts and rammed into another dummy as Minx bucked him across the grounds. He crumpled to the ground, but didn't pass out. It would take a lot more than that to knock Speed out, and that likely wasn't what Minx was aiming for anyway.
  17. ((Oh, it's perfectly fine, no godmoddy. And since Speed didn't set a limit on the bet, Minx gets to beat him until she's tired of it.)) Speed Boost winced from every absurdly strong punch. He wouldn't have tried to fly away anyway, as he took bets very, very seriously. He never backed down from one, not even when it ended up in getting beaten to a pulp. He rammed into one of the dummies when Minx bucked him, wincing again. There was no going back on what he'd said now. Snowstorm nodded in understanding. "I see. I think I'll watch," she said, sitting down to watch Speed's beating.
  18. Speed Boost sighed in relief. "I forgot for a moment. I'll make sure not to say Anton around you. No worries." He smiled gratefully, since Minx hadn't gotten angry. ((xD. I did that on purpose, if you haven't noticed.)) ((What do you mean helping in my storyline? Also, Snowstorm was drinking some wine at the bar, but who knows what now? Maybe she's watching. I'll do that now.)) Snowstorm passed the area that Speed Boost was going to get beaten by Minx, and stopped when she saw her friends. "Hmm?" she asked, trotting over to Leif. "What's happening?"
  19. ((Do note that we've been doing tonnes and tonnes of time skips in the last few hours. So... Yeah... And this is filler to satisfy that blasted 200 character limit that plagues every OOC post of mine! It's so bloody annoying. But this should be the last sentence to curb its insatiable hunger for characters. NEVER MIND. Apparently you edited while I was postting xD))
  20. Speed Boost sighed, zapping himself a bit to try and rid himself of some of the buzz. "Um..." he said, slowly. "We should probably rid ourselves of this buzz." Later, after the buzz was all gone... ((yay for time skips)) "Well, do what you will," Speed said as they came to where Minx would beat him up. "Thank Celestia Anton isn't here to see this. He would never leave me alone about it." The moment he realised that he'd said Anton in Minx's presence, he clamped his hooves over his mouth. If Minx had had any thoughts of going easy on Speed, they'd likely been eliminated. This was going to hurt.
  21. ((I guess so.)) Speed Boost scoffed. "I never declared any such thing," he said, temporarily reverting to Received Pronunciation. ((Full name instead of abbreviation made for filler.)) "I'm absolutely sure that it was you. But enough talk, let's go do this." He switched out just as fast as he switched in. Later, just before the end of the drink off... Speed took the latest drink and gulped the entire thing down. Unfortunately for him, that was the last straw. He convulsed for a second, and then his grin faded. "Blast," he said. ((Once Minx gloats or whatever, we can skip to when their buzz is gone. I have an idea to make Minx's wrath oh so much worse.))
  22. Speed Boost grinned. "Doing great," he said. "I'm pumped for this. And I'm going to win," he said. "I would have won if it weren't for you declaring that rematch." That was a lie. He had been just barely under Minx when they had declared the rematch, but that didn't matter.
  23. ((Let me repost my post for you.)) Speed Boost had lost all of his buzz and was pumped for the rematch. He was going to win this, that was for sure. He had to. Of course, he wouldn't, but let's just give him his bliss for now. He looked around for Minx, and then grinned. He unsheathed Ánemos, charged up a weak lightning bolt, just enough to wake Minx, and sent it toward wherever she was. He chased after it, finding Minx just after the bolt hit her. ((Oh, also, Blacky won't be back for a while, so I think we're skipping to the end of the drink-off where Speed just barely loses to Minx. And then we're going to skip to when they've both lost their buzz so we can start the beating.))
  24. ((I have no idea what time it is for you though. But if you're only going to work now, it'll probably be a long time! D: And I want to get to Speed's beating as soon as possible. xD And this is more filler because of the bloody character limit for OOC/IC posts here in Roleplay World Main.
  25. ((I'll try and come up with some names for the drinks. Is that okay? Or we can also skip the whole contest until the very end where Speed loses. How's that, @? Also, this is filler to satisfy the very annoying character limit that plagues the life of OOC posts continually.))
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