It is said that in the beginning, there was nothing. It was not cold, for that would imply there was heat. It was not dark, for that would imply there was light. It was not quiet, for that would imply there was sound. It was, simply, nothing. Then came the Gods. This is the story of the Creation of the Equestrian Universe. We start with complete nothingness, and we have to work our way up. Gods have certain very necessary attributes, which include: They can survive anything (they have to). They can hear any prayer to them (they have to). They can talk, they can fly, it doesn't matter where they are. That way things work in nothingness. They can teleport. Character Sign-Up: That which is required in creating a character here: The Backstory should include any important info about the character. No Backstory, just background and important info. And put equipment there too, just for kicks. In Other, put the realm that your God controls, be it Fire, Water, Order, Light, Bees, whatever. When you've created the char, put the link to the character in your post. Here's my char: Rules: Your Realm is your responsibility, so if anything goes wrong in that specific realm, it's your responsibility to fix. No controlling a realm not your own. Violence is... Iffy. Depends on what kind. No blood (even if you're the blood god!). You can't make anything on a whim, it has to be carefully shaped. For example, a star must be made with the help of the Air and Fire gods. If you wanted to make a pony, call the life god (and probably a bunch of others). If any more are needed, they will be added here. Tonnes more important info: There are two realities that a god can go to: the God Realm and the Mortal Realm. A god can traverse between the two at their will, and some gods can be in both places at once. As per request of Snowy Storm, there is now a Void Realm, and is described in his character. There is literally nothing at the moment. Nothing. You have to create everything. There isn't direction, no air, no time, no nothing, as the first sentence in this prolonged post says. Read it again, in fact, just for good measure. If you've read all this, tell me your favourite colour at the bottom of your post (not in the character!). If you don't, I won't accept you into this RP. I might give you a friendly reminder to read the whole thing if you forget. Characters:
And that's it! I'll create the IC thread once we have a few necessary gods: Water, Sound. You now have permission to own two (2) gods.