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Let's hear some more "What If...But" questions from you guys, too! WHAT IF one of the Mane 6 was killed off...BUT, Derpy could have her name "Muffins" changed backed to Derpy AND she makes a regular appearance. WHAT IF the last episode of the last season turns out to the best episode of them all...BUT the rest of the episodes of that season aren't too good. WHAT IF Twilight becomes ruler of all Equestria...BUT all the Mane 6 become alicorn princesses and rule with her. WHAT IF human Flash Sentry falls in love with human Twilight (with glasses)...BUT he forgets all about Equestrian Twilight.
Let me hear some "This or That" questions from you guys, too! The Mane 6 are all earth ponies OR The Mane 6 are all unicorns OR The Mane 6 are all pegasi OR The Mane 6 are all alicorn princesses Marijuana legalized in all states OR Abortion legalized in all states All video games are illegal OR All movies are illegal. Flutterguy OR Flutterbat
movies/tv What Makes a Truly Satisfying Ending to an Anime Series?
PonyFunk posted a topic in Media Discussion
To be quite honest, I'm one of those people who prefers an anime with a great sweet and happy ending over a really sad or even bittersweet ending. Whenever I see an ending to an anime that's extremely bittersweet or heart-wrenching, I get this feeling of major un-satisfaction, especially when the main character(s) were trying to reach an ultimate goal and they never reach it in the end, or at least not in the way you expected. For instance, I felt this huge disappointment after watching the end to Madoka Magica. Homura tries over and over to save Madoka, but she never can. In the end, it is Madoka who saves Homura and all of humanity by making herself into a goddess, creating a world where there are no more witches and baddies to fight. However, that means the new world has no more Madoka in human form, and the world goes on without Madoka's existence. I was so disappointed with this ending, and I felt that there could be another way around this. Since Madoka had become a goddess with virtually unlimited powers, she may have created a happier ending for the series. I shared my feelings about this on this forum a year ago, and people were saying that a happier ending would have ruined the overall tone of the series. After much time thinking about it, I still think the ending could have been a bit different to have a more satisfactory conclusion. There are plenty of other animes with endings leaving you shocked and unsatisfied. But I think in the end, the absolute best endings are the ones when you feel you have connected enough with the characters, no matter what happens to them in the end or what drastic decisions they make to bring an end to the series. What do you think? What are some of the best and most disappointing examples of an anime ending you can think of and why? -
I think the short, easy answer would be, "Yes, of course." However, I think it could take time to get over each other's differences and opinions, and just learn to enjoy each other's company without ever getting into sharp debates. I admit I have a lot of Christian friends, but not enough friends who are athiests or just don't like to talk about their religious preferences and upbringings. I think it would be healthy for me to find a friend who may have completely different views on God than me, yet still find the time and place to enjoy each other just for who we are. What are your experiences with friends with differing religious/non-religious backgrounds?
Two that come to mind are Demetri Martin and Mike Birbiglia. Their comedic style and delivery I find unbelievably bland and uninteresting. I'd rather watch Ashton Kutcher as Kelso from That 70's Show. Comedians Jeff Dunham and Dane Cook get ton of criticism for being incredibly unfunny and that their humor is far too immature to handle. However, I get more entertainment out of them than Martin and Birbiglia. What comedians drive you bonkers with their un-hilarity?
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H4gYI1wtzIM This is the theme that would play while in the Everfree Forest. This is a C minor version of Version 1 of the Ponyville Theme. Personally, I find this immensely more enjoyable than the Ponyville Theme as it is right now. With any critiques you may have, I would appreciate 1 to 10 ratings on Overall, Chord Progressions, Feel, Use of Strings, Use of Bass, Use of Percussion, Use of Flute and Bell Synth, and anything else you wish to point out. (BTW, C. Thunder Dash, I'm still working on another version of Ponyville Theme. I'm working on the chord progressions, and also thinking about changing the key from C to something else, that way it doesn't sound too much like Everfree Forest Theme.) ------------------------------------------------ This is part of a video game music project I've thought about doing for a while. It's part of an idea for a "My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic" fan-made rpg video game called My Little Pony: Roar of Thunderdoom, in which a villain named Thunderdoom with incredible magic powers attempts to take over Equestria a second time (the first time was eons ago when Equestria was new). It's undoubtedly the Mane 6's greatest challenge yet, and will take all the strength and power of friendship they need. I am by no means a professional musician. In fact, this project is just a way for me to work on writing video game music. Any help, advice, and critiques are greatly appreciated.
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C. Thunder Dash, Thanks for your critique on my latest composition, "Ponyville Theme." I always look forward to your critiques, because they are well thought out and you speak without any harsh comments. The software I use is Garageband, so I'm very limited to the particular "real" instruments I can play with. To create a harp sound, I can try to play the guitar an octave or two higher. However, I'm not sure that would make the sound any better. As for the strings, you can probably see now why they sound too digital. However, I do want some sounds to have a bit of a snes/16-bit tone that reminds me a bit of Final Fantasy 4, 6 and Chrono Trigger. I'll try drawing out the strings to see how that sounds, and I'll definitely add some low strings. For percussion, I'll admit I just rushed through that part (go figure.) I'll see if adding and getting rid of certain percussion instruments will get rid of the latin waltz feel and create something closer to what you were describing. As for the progression of the song, I'm already pretty married to how it is. Though, I can definitely agree how similar it sounds to other kid's songs. The feel I want to go for is something mellow and sweet, something you would hear in a Mario, Kirby, or Final Fantasy game (town theme). It's something that makes you want to stay in Ponyville a little while longer before going out on a big quest. However, I'll definitely look over your progression page for ideas. BTW, I remember you giving me a scale of 1-10 on the last song I wrote. If you could keep doing that, that would help a lot. In fact, rank each parts of the song: Overall: 1-10, Feel: 1-10, Strings: 1-10, Percussion: 1-10, etc. I'll be hearing from you. PonyFunk
This is part of a video game music project I've thought about doing for a while. It's part of an idea for a My Little Pony fan-made rpg video game called My Little Pony: Roar of Thunderdoom, in which a villain named Thunderdoom with incredible magic powers attempts to take over Equestria a second time (the first time was eons ago when Equestria was new). It's undoubtedly the Mane 6's greatest challenge yet, and will take all the strength and power of friendship they need. This is the theme that would play while in Ponyville. While in other towns across Equestria, I thought they could have the same melody but with a unique music style to each. I am by no means a professional musician. In fact, this project is just a way for me to work on writing video game music. Any help, advice, and critiques are greatly appreciated.
movies/tv When Is Filler in a TV/Anime Series Appropriate?
PonyFunk posted a topic in Media Discussion
Sometimes "filler" can fill several minutes of an episode, a whole episode, several episodes, or even make up an entire story arc. It can get very annoying sometimes, but it isn't automatically wrong if done right. I don't mind a love relationship in a drama series if the couple has good chemistry and they both help the main story arc go along smoothly. I don't mind a new story arc that begins unexpectedly if it's plausable enough. Figuring out how to keep the audience engaged for an entire series with as little pointless filler is admittedly not an easy task. So what are your thoughts on filler? What are some examples of TV and anime series that have good filler and bad filler? How does MLP do on filler? -
This song was recorded during the Atari days!
gaming Could Aerith's Death Have Been Prevented? (FFVII)
PonyFunk posted a topic in Media Discussion
Aerith's death by Sephiroth from FFVII is one of the most infamous, shocking and heartbreaking deaths in gaming history. It's a pivotal point in FFVII's storyline, but I must ask the question: could have it been prevented? Now, when I say prevented, I don't mean entering in a cheat code to keep her in your party, I mean could something in the story have happened to keep her alive? Would the game be as powerful and memorable as it is today had she not died? I must hear your thoughts. BTW, how do you think this scene will play out in the remake? How should it be executed? -
Undoubtedly the best episode of the 5th season, and possibly I dare say the entire series! Diamond Tiara has at last become a likeable character, the CMC got their Cutie Marks, and all sorts of wonderful messages were brought across at the same time. It's an episode I will never forget, and hopefully we will get to see a bit more of the legacy that thr CMC leads in further episodes. You done good MLP, you done good. P.S. Let's see an episode about the Apple's mom and dad already!
movies/tv Best Love Confession Scenes (POSSIBLE SPOILERS!)
PonyFunk posted a topic in Media Discussion
It's the moment we've been waiting for from the beginning. It finally happens and we say "Yes! Yes!" in M.Bison fashion. One of my favorites is when Belle tells Beast she loves him after he has died! So powerful. Let's hear yours. -
What's the worst song you've ever heard?
PonyFunk replied to Heylookabrony's topic in Media Discussion
Bad Day Daniel Powter Wow, do I hate this song with a passion! I rock back and forth sucking my thumb every time I hear it. -
movies/tv DISNEY DEBATES: Is Pocahontas really that bad?
PonyFunk posted a topic in Media Discussion
We know that the history being retold the way Disney is telling it is laughable and face-palm worthy. Also, some would argue that the characters aren't that interesting, at least compared to the Disney characters that had come before. However, does it really deserve to get so much flack? Some of the animation is beautiful to behold, also IMHO it has one of the most powerful endings in any Disney movie. It gives me goosebumps every time I watch it. So lets hear your thoughts. -
Ah one...ah two-hoo...ah three...crunch!
Anyone watching OUT right now? What's your favorite part about the show?
Telling Our Children and Grandchildren About MLP
PonyFunk posted a topic in MLP:FiM Canon Discussion
movies/tv DISNEY DEBATES: Does the Mouse Symbol Represent Greed/Corruption?
PonyFunk posted a topic in Media Discussion
Everybody has something to say about the business side of Disney. Honestly, no matter what they do as a business it will never distract my love for their animated films and Disneyland/DisneyWorld. Yes, they can make decisions that are unsettling sometimes, but not enough to take away my devotion to everything what Disney is all about. Alright, let me hear your opinions. -
This is it! The Disney battle of the century! Who will win in the end?
My personal favs are Belle and Beast, and Carl and Ellie. Belle and Beast have to get used to each other at first, for good reason, but their love for each other grows stronger and stronger each day. It's the greatest love story ever for a good reason. Carl and Ellie are undoubtedly the cutest couple! Their love for each other will always make your heart melt. Who are your favorite Disney couples?
With Star Wars VII coming out in three months, I'd like to reflect on something that many consider to be one of the great abominations of the last 100 years. So now I must ask...is Jar Jar really deserving of so much hatred? Is he any help to the franchise? No. Should he have been counted out altogether? Absolutely. Is he annoying? Don't get me started! However, I can certainly think of worse things in the world, even in film. Since his appearance over 15 years ago, people still rage about how horrible of a character he is. What are your opinions? P.S. - If he appears in Episode VII and gets killed off (rumors), how would you like to see him go?
I'm about to say something about Charlie Brown that a lot of people are going to disagree with. In the past several years, he has really begun to get on my nerves for a particular reason... He has far too many limiting beliefs for him to be the loveable character I used to see him as. What I mean is, in every single special I see him in, he is always beating himself up for one reason or another. Half the time I have to see that sickly, squiggly line frown on his face (sometimes with his tongue hanging out). What drives me crazy the most is how he considers himself a failure, because he can't win a baseball game, kick that football, or fly a kite. I can understand the no-winning-baseball-game part, but not flying a kite?! How low do you have to feel to consider yourself a failure because you can't fly a kite?!?! Now, I know what you're all thinking. "What about all the crap he's been through?! What about how cruelly everybody has always treated him? Lucy and her friends are always driving him towards the deep end. He's gotten rocks instead Halloween candy. He got no valentines on Valentine's Day! Isn't that enough to justify why Charlie Brown is down all the time? I'm surprised he's happy at all!" While I'm perfectly aware how tough Charlie Brown has had it, it's also arguable that he has had just as much support from his peers to balance everything out. While he's treated mean in every special, everyone comes together to support him, even apologize, by the end. Even the ones who have been most cruel to him are able to recognize the special person he really is. Despite all that, Charlie Brown always seems to forget the support he's gotten, and go right back down to the depression pit. Now, I know there's a Charlie Brown in all of us. We all get depressed, hopefully someone is there to support us, but then something happens that gets us in the pit again. That's why so many of us relate with him and are always cheering him on. As someone who struggles with depression/anxiety, I know exactly what it is like to be in Charlie Brown's shoes. However, the whole pattern of him being depressed, calling himself a failure, then overcoming obstacles to prove the great kid he is, only to do the same thing again is really getting old. What I would like to see in a Peanuts special, is someone other than Charlie Brown as the hopeless victim, so that Charlie Brown can be the "supporter/cheerleader" role. It's also arguable that Charlie Brown has been in that role too, but not enough for me. Well, in a way I still root for him and connect with him, but not as much as I used to. Please tell me your thoughts. I expect a nasty mob coming to my door soon.
Besides Beauty and the Beast, Fantasia is one of my favorite films of all time. It's such a wonderful experience for me. Other people who watch it, either love it or just want to find a different film to watch after ten minutes. What do you think?