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Zyla Fae

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Blog Entries posted by Zyla Fae

  1. Zyla Fae
    But it is a very special number, especially in latino culture; the fifteenth birthday is when a girl "becomes a woman" and is "revealed" to the world.
    And it was my friend's 15th birthday yesterday!
    Since she was, of course, a quinceanera, she through a quince años, and I had the honor of being one of the attendants!
    Being one of the attendants, I was told that I would be waltzing with one of the female attendants and the quinceanera, however, the attendant dances were taken out of the mix, and my only scheduled dance was with the quinceanera.
    However, there was a lot of dancing that wasn't already determined who was dancing with who.
    After about a quarter of the way through, I finally managed to bring up the courage to ask the female attendant that I was going to dance with to dance.
    It was pretty awkward since neither of us had really danced before,* but it was quite a fun experience* ^^
  2. Zyla Fae
    Well, today's the day, I went out to be chosen between as a possible starter today, and I had a feeling that I was going to be picked.
    My reasoning? I heard that there were three trainers starting out their journey, and groups of three tend to try and pick one of each type, making a circle of who's starter trumps the others.
    Anyway, when the trainers took the starter Pokemon out to see which one they liked the most, I got to meet them all, there were actually five trainers there, but two of them had already gotten their first Pokemon, the three that were choosing were Calem, Shauna, and Ixana. Shauna seemed to be just like any other fun loving little girl, bouncy and energetic, Calem seemed to be a bit reserved, but he seemed that he would probably be the one to go for battling the elite four to prove his strength, Ixana on the other hand.... She was hard to get a read on at first, she wasn't really saying much, and just looked us over in a curious fashion.
    After a bit of decision, Ixana walked over to me and knelt down, her first words to me were this: "You look like a pretty cute Pokemon, Chespin," at this point, I wasn't really sure that we'd get along, I wasn't wanting just another lass as my trainer, "but that's not all I want in a Pokemon you know" she said with a glint in her eyes "if you think that you're powerful enough to beat the best of the best, then you're the one I want, cos we're gonna go for break and take on the Kalos league"
    I had the biggest smile of my life on my face at this point, if that's what she wanted, we were going to be pretty good partners.
    She reached her hand towards me, and I nodded my head and shook it, that moment marking the start of the time of my life.
    After Ixana choose me, Calem was the next to choose. Fennekin was his choice, wise in my mind, Fennekin would give him a slight advantage over me, due to our typings. Shauna of course was last to choose and went with Froakie. It seemed to me that that's probably who she would have chosen if she had chosen first too, with how happy she was, since she was practically swinging him over her head.
    After that, Ixana and I headed towards her house, to say one last goodbye to her mom and pick up her stuff before heading off.
    But of course, the first thing to do after getting your starter is never talking to your parents, you have to try a battle first, and that's exactly what happened, Shauna was the one to challenge us, stopping us on our way towards Ixana's house and sending out her Froakie.
    I remembered Froakie from our time at the labs, he way pretty fun, he was mischievous and extremely fast. Needless to say, we were pretty good friends.
    "Pretty fitting that our first battle is against each other, huh Chespin?"
    he said to me before the battle began
    "Yeah, just don't hold back Froak, or the match won't be too much fun!"
    "You ready, Chespin?" Ixana called out to me
    I turned back and nodded with a grin on my face
    "Alright then, go for it!"
    I charged towards Froakie to attack with a tackle, and he jumped as high as he could into the air. I smiled at that moment, knowing that he wouldn't see, he was a Pokemon that I grew up with, it wasn't that hard to predict what he was doing. I rolled back as the inevitable bubbles hit where I was standing, creating vines from the surrounding grass and hitting him with them as he fell. It worked pretty well, he stood up again, but he was dazed and almost finished, giving me the perfect opportunity to tackle.
    And that was where my life started to change, not only did I met my trainer, but we even won our first battle.
  3. Zyla Fae
    After the battle with Shauna's Froakie, we headed to Ixana's house for me to meet her mom and for her to say goodbye. The visit wasn't honestly that interesting to me, except for the fact that Ixana's mom is a person who believes that every Pokemon should have a nickname, so, of course, Ixana named me then, giving me the name Chenips, not necessarily the best name in my book, but hey, it's a name.
    After that, we headed to Route 2, where the Shauna and Calem were waiting. It was a pretty boring meetup, since Calem was wanting to teach everyone how to use a Pokeball, and although Shauna seemed quite interested, it didn't seem like it was anything new to Ixana.
    After that though, was were it got interesting, Ixana decided to propose a set of rules for our challenge of the league, any Pokemon that fainted during a battle couldn't be used again in the league challenge, and we'd only catch one new teamate in a given area.
    But where it got really interesting was when we encountered our first wild Pokemon.
    I took one one look at the wild Pokemon, and it was as if I were paralyzed, it's hair was slicked back in spikes that looked like they could cut through a Rhyhorn's skin, and it was the most beautiful Pokemon I'd ever seen.
    And she was fast. She could probably run circles around me. Well... More like squares.
    I stepped toward her, crackling a leaf under my foot. It was a soft sound that it made, I could barely hear it, but she made a yelp-like squeaking sound and turned around faster than I've ever seen a Pokemon move before.
    "Who... who are you?" she asked, hiding her head behind a spike of fur
    "I.... I'm... Muh.... My name's... uh.. nips." I stammered in reply Nips!? Seriously????
    "Nips?" she said in tone that sounded like she was trying not to laugh. She started to peek through her hair at me, and I could see a faint smile
    "Uh... yeah..." well.... if it makes her feel more comfortable....
    "So, anyway, aren't you supposed to attack?" I asked her
    "A... attack!?" she said in a scared manor
    "Yeah, you're a wild Pokemon, so I'm supposed to fight you!"
    She looked absolutely terrified at that point.
    "Playfight I mean!' I said quickly, trying to make her feel more comfortable "Nobody's gonna get hurt, it's just for fun!"
    "... Alright" she said, managing a scared smile
    "Ready?" I asked her while getting in a fighting stance
    As her response, she tried to look angry and growled at me.
    If you could call that a growl, it was actually quite adorable, she looked like a cub trying to intimidate a full grown Ursaring.
    I started laughing, it was just so adorable, I couldn't help it.... And I also didn't see her coming in with a tackle.
    She smacked right into my side, and I fell onto my back, getting up and shaking it off, I ran to tackle her back.
    By this point we had sufficiently attracted Ixala's attention, and she came over and started directing my movement in the fight.
    Right before we were both almost finished, Ixala told me to stand back and threw a Pokeball at her, the Zigzagoon offered little resistance, only shaking the Pokeball once before giving up and letting the capture finish.
    Ixala pretty quickly let the Zigzagoon out of the Pokeball and started talking to her, she was scared at first, but eventually she felt a bit more comfortable with Ixala, and after a few tries with naming, Ixala and the Zigzagoon decided on the name Nazga.
    Which fit pretty well in my mind, I mean, it's a beautiful name, and she....... she fit that description pretty well
  4. Zyla Fae
    The forest connecting Routes 2 and 3 was pretty dark, but Nazga, Ixana, and I entered unafraid just the same, it's not like there was really any Pokemon in there strong enough to beat us.
    Anyway, after a lot of walking, we encountered our first wild Pokemon in the forest, he didn't really seem like much, just an average Fletchling, but Nazga and Ixana seemed to like him, and we walked away with a new teammate.
    He seemed pretty annoying to me to be honest, he picked up on every little twig snap that happened around us, and he acted really scared, I'm not sure whether or not he was faking it all, but it seemed to really get Nazga's attention, she was comforting him every time....
    The "pretty bird," named Tshell by Ixana was pretty weak at first, he actually almost lost to a trainer's Bunnelby, but he was a pretty good worker, and he was getting strong pretty quickly.
    He was even starting to warm up on me, he was pretty good at keeping away the bug Pokemon that seemed to think the leaves in my hat made good food.
    By the end of the forest, he was pretty strong, not as strong as I was, and not nearly as strong as Nazga, but he was doing pretty well, might even be good enough to help us tackle the first Gym with just a little bit more training.
    But then we reached the end of the forest, it was a pretty good journey, we met our new friend Tshell, and got a lot stronger in the forest, now it was time for the next part of the adventure
  5. Zyla Fae
    So, I had had a draft of a blog that I meant to publish a LONG time ago, so here it is: (Note: I've ridden my bike a lot since then)
    Well, I think that a few of you have heard about what happened the last time I rode my bike, but I thought I'd fill you in with a few more details.
    (If you haven't heard, basically, I had to get stitches.)
    So, I'll have two different versions of the story posted; the first will be how it actually happened, and is rated PG; the second post will be the story that you tell to your friends to make it sound awesome, but I'd probably rate it PG-13.
    First story:
    Second story: PG-13
    So there you have it, the story of my last bike ride (For now of course)
    By the way, I have one last thing to say.....
    Never forget to wear a helmet. EVER
  6. Zyla Fae
    I'm not really sure how I should start this, I'd give you my name, but I don't really have one. I was born to one of Professor Sycamore's Pokemon, and as a strong Pokemon from birth, I was chosen to be a starter Pokemon, and since I don't have a trainer yet, I haven't been named either, the Professor and his assistants always just call me Chespin.
    It's not bad being a starter Pokemon though, I know that I'll be chosen some day, and then, my trainer and I are going to do our best to beat the Kalos league.
    As it is, like in Sycamore's lab is pretty fun, people say I'm mischievous, and that tends to be true, I tend to get into trouble every few hays, and I always have fun doing it.
    I remember one day that a scientist was trying out a new Pokeball design, trying to make an old Apricorn Ball in a way that could easily be mass-produced in a factory. While she was on a different floor grabbing something for the Pokeball mechanics, I tried to reach the blue dye so I could draw on the Pokeball for fun, but I ended up spilling it all over myself. My hoodie's still blue from that.
    But anyway, on to more recent events, I've heard that another group of trainers are about to get their first Pokemon, so if any of them want a grass type, my adventure will probably be starting really soon.
  7. Zyla Fae
    I've realized over time that although I like writing short things such as poems and *really* short stories, I'm not very good at writing, so here are some ideas for books that I'd love to see people use if they inspire anything
    (Since they're as simple as ideas, I definitely wouldn't require any credit, though I'd love a link to whatever's written based on them )
    Double Time:
    Almost everyone has thought at some point in their lives how different it would be to have someone else' life, but what if you did live two lives, and they were in very different times?
    The idea was basically of someone that every time they fall asleep, they wake up in a different body, one of the bodies lives in "the present" and the other "the future" what would happen if while in the future, the person looked up the history of his world and used that knowledge to change it?
    There is a theory that for every possibility, there is a universe that houses it, every decision you make creates a new universe, but what if you could control what universe you go into, what if you could control what universe you go into just by thinking of the possibility that something happens? In an infinite multiverse, it's quite possible that there's someone who could do that...
    Well, there are some ideas that I'd love it if someone used
    I'll probably update this post. A lot.
  8. Zyla Fae
    Well, here it is, my full classification system for numbers as of today.
    This is the system that I use in the Count To a Million thread and sometimes in my head in real life too.
    There are three parts to the system: Grades, Types, and Tiers.
    And there you go, my full classification system for numbers. If you read all the way through it, you're most likely a nerd, geek, or totally bored, and if you're either of the first two, I Salute You!
    Also, if you have any ideas for improvements to the system, feel free to tell me in the comments!
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