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Everything posted by DATA EXPUNGED

  1. 5m0k3 w33d 3vry d4y m8s, w07 u g0t?

  2. 5m0k3 w33d 3vry d4y m8s, w07 u g0t?

  3. n0 0n3 h33r 1s f4z3 r1t3?



      FaZe here bruh, ned sum weedz?



      w33d 0vrl0d3!!! l00m1n4rt33 c0nf1rmd!!!!

  4. You know, when your eating popcorn, and one of those stupid kernel skins gets stuck between your teeth, or when your eating Beef Jerky, and a small string of it gets caught. Ugh, it is the most annoying mildly uncomfortable thing that can ruin your day. Anyway, Have any of you ponies experienced this?
  5. Well GIF stands for "Graphics Interchange Format," and since Graphics is pronounced with a hard G, I'd pronounce GIF with a hard G as well.
  6. Apply for welfare, get cheque, cash cheque, spend all the money on hard liquor and die the Russian way with pride (and alcohol poisioning).
  7. Well, sometimes, when Im feeling really edgy, I chew AND swallow them... I know, Im such a rebel.
  8. Quite the contrary to be honest. I have been known to be a very closed off and emotionally inert.
  9. Ooh, how charming, what a cute little video... *music starts* ... no... God No... I THOUGHT WE KILLED YOU!!!!!... *screams*
  10. I cant stop myself from watching it, it just so beautiful.
  11. You want to go home and rethink your life...

  12. Exactly, Now if we were discussing whether or not an Imperial or Federation Crew would win under even circumstances, id defiantly side with Picard-&-Friends over an Imperial Crew, well maybe not Admiral Firmus Piett. PS. Sorry about the belated response, the power went down for a few hours.
  13. The Gravity Well Projector (sorry did I say generator?) creates an Interdiction Field, which kind of like (for lack of a better term) a really big tractor beam. The field is also in the shape of a huge spinning vortex. Concussion Missiles have been fired in a planets atmosphere without complaint, so "natural" gravity doesn't affect them either. However, the "gravity" generated by the Interdiction field causes the missiles to careen out of control. In one case, the missiles made a complete "u-turn." Star Destroyers are also capable of landing as well (albeit it would need a clear 2 km by 2 km flat spot), and actually have faster sub-light speeds in atmospheres (only if their shields are up though). One of the main functions of a Star Destroyer, other than being a Capital-Ship for an Armada, was transporting large armies to and from different planets.
  14. not sure if Mane was a mistake or intentional... moving on The Star Destroyer has Gravity Well generators (albeit small ones, not the massive ones on the Interdictor Class Star Destroyer) which effectively make enemy torpedoes useless, and faster-than-light travel impossible. One disadvantage is that it cant fire its own torpedoes, and that it uses so much energy, that they cant fire their various Turbo-Laser batteries either. As much as i would like to discuss the sub light speed of a Star Destroyer, I cant due to the fact that the actual value for a MGLT (Megalight is the ironically named Star Wars unit for Sub-light Velocity) is highly debated amongst us at the Cantina. But now were at a stale-mate, because you cant use your Warp Drive, or your torpedoes, and all you have left is phasers that get blocked by my shields. But I cant fire at you because of my Gravity Well Generator not being energy efficient.
  15. Yes, but after a while, as I stated earlier, the Shields on the Enterprise D (or any other Federation ship for that matter) will degrade as they are attacked. All the Star Destroyer would need to do is fire on it with everything they got for a couple minutes, and as soon as those shields go down, the Promethius would look like the surface of Taris after the Sith Bombardment of 3956 (BBY of course)
  16. Well, I don't have an answer for that one, but I will state that the Star Destroyer (well any ship from the Star Wars universe) has Shift Shields that serve a similar purpose to the Navigational Deflector Dish, but also halt small (mainly torpedo sized) harmful objects. Also, don't you think it would be feasible for the crew on the Star Destroyer to tune their concussion missiles to the frequency of the shields on the Prometheus as well? The only problem I could see with that is that the two ships have vastly different (I don't neccisarily mean better) technology. Another problem with Star Trek sheilds is this Their Shields wear down after being hit, and when the shields hit zero, the prometheus is in trouble (not in picture) whereas in Star Wars, shields are simply on or off, they don't wear down during battle (Unless you played Empire At War, where that idea is thrown out the window), and stay on until the ship enters an atmosphere.
  17. Fair Enough, The Star Destroyer would have alot of trouble actually hitting the Prometheus, but i must bring up the subject of combat range. The Star Destroyer has an effective combat range of about 250,000 km (For example, when Lando considered flying within hundreds of km from the enemy "point blank"), whereas the majority of encounters in Star Trek take place, at the most, are 100 km. While the Prometheus may be able to out maneuver the Star Destroyer, they would be well within firing range before they could act (aggressively). In Star Trek, "Sheilds" do not deflect physical objects, as that is the job of the navigational deflector dish. The Navigational Deflector dish also only deflects space debris. If you've seen Star Trek 6: The Undiscovered Country, the hull of the Enterprise was getting hit by torpedoes even though the shields and deflector dish were up and running.
  18. No, These numbers aren't from the show, but are from the Canon books "Star Trek The Next Generation Technical Manual", and "Star Wars II Incredible Cross Sections". And about the shields, It is clearly established in both universes that shields protect from energy weapons, not physical objects. To be fair, the deflector disk on the Federation Ships do serve that purpose to some degree. Also, It's hard to pull numbers out of something (Im taking my first year Engineering right now so I have some background) that takes place in a completely different plane of existence that follows very different laws. Its a little easier with Star Trek due to the fact that it takes place here in our universe.
  19. I too, commend your research, however there are two flaws with your comment about out manoeuvrability. First, Most Imperial Vessels (I mean all the vessels developed past 12 BBY ) are equipped with Tractor Beams. This would effectively keep the Prometheus in one place and let the Star Destroyer blast it with Concussion missiles. Second, The Star Destroyer is slow, but it also has 4 squadrons of TIE Fighters (12 per Squadron), and 1 Squadron of TIE Bombers. And about your comment regarding Hyperspace, when you fly in hyperspace, you aren't flying "blindly," you are flying a very specific path that you designated through coordinates. Your craft is also not piloted by Humans at this point, as flying in hyperspace is done by highly advanced flight computers. Also Hyperspace is MUCH faster than Warp Speed. About the Prometheus fireing out of the Star Destroyers Range, The combat range of the Prometheus is about 20 km if I remember correcly, however the combat range of a Star Destroyer is about 3,400 km in comparison. Another asset that the Star Destroyer has is Ion Cannons, who's main purpose is disabling shields and shutting down electronics. Think of it as an EMP blast. Anyway, I'm tired and need to go to retire to my quarters for rest. I'll continue this later. For starters, Their not SWORDS (you should have said VibroBlade, then We could talk) Their called Lightsabers. Also, blasters and guns are tow different thins, but there are "Guns" In Star-Wars, however their called slug-slingers. Also, If you don't consider Star-Wars a Sci-Fi, but rather, a space drama, then what does that make Star-Trek? A space Sitcom? Also, shots fired by slug-slingers (which have much higher muzzle velocity than our real world counterparts) have been blocked by force users. We have Jar-Jar binks, yes, but you guys got Tribbles to deal with, so yeah.
  20. *Giga-Nerd Mode Engaged* Let me begin by saying that I am using two (canon) resources for both Star Wars, and Star Trek that give real world units in reference to their ships. For Starwars, ill be using the "Star Wars II Incredible Cross Sections" technical novel, and for Star Trek, I'll be using the "Star Trek The Next Generation Technical Manual." Now, before we delve into the numbers, I want to get something forward. Sure, in Star Trek, "lasers" are considered primitive when compared to "phasers," but in Star Trek, "Lasers" are what we encounter here in our universe. They are an Intense beam of Coherent Light that travels at the speed of light. "Lasers" in Star Wars are highly Visible solid beams of slow moving (well, you can actually see them travel) energy that almost explodes on contact. So obviously, Star Trek, and Star Wars have different ideas of what a "laser" is. Moving on. Lets look at the destructive power outputs of some of the weapons on a Enterprise Class D starship in Giga Watts (GW) Main Phasers = 3.6 GW (there are 200 phaser emitters, clocked at 5.1 MW each) Photon Torpedo's = 64 Megatons maximum (considering the destructive payload of 1.5 kg of antimatter) Operational Range = 2750 Light years (considering it can travel 7 years at warp 6 before refuelling) Shield Heat Dispension: 3311 GW max Main Propulsion Reactor Power: 4 billion GW Now lets look at the Destructive Power output of an Acclamator Class Star Destroyer Light weapons = 300 Million GW (24 Turbo-Laser Turrets clocked at 12.5 million GW each) Heavy Weapons = 3.2 Billion GW (12 Turbo-Laser Turrets clocked at 266 Million GW each) Operational Range = 250,000 Light Years Shield Heat Dispersion = 75 Trillion GW peak Main Propulsion Reactor Power = 200 Trillion GW max Now I can already hear you saying "Thats an Enterprise Class D, but the Prometheus is hundreds of times more powerful" Well the Prometheus is not in my book (the episode where the Prometheus was unveiled came out after this book was published, im pretty sure anyway), and even so, If you were to times all of the specs of the Enterprise D by 100, it would still not mach. Besides, The Acclamator is at least 10 times weaker than the Imperial Class I Star Destroyer. Simply put, the Entirety of the Federations Fleet would get ravaged by 1 Star Destroyer fairly easily. *Giga-Nerd Mode Disengaged*
  21. I.. I ca... can't resist.... must ... co ..must controll .s ..s... self. Ahh I can't, OF COURSE I WANT TOO!!!! Since you suggested it, I'll let you decide the rules and let you start.
  22. Only 3,000,000 views? Thats odd, the counter must certainly be broken. I think its only showing how many time I've watched it.
  23. At least this is not a thread comparing the Imperial Class I Star Destroyer and the USS Prometheus (Which the Star Destroyer would stomp btw), but that is another thread for another day. On the topic of Star Wars vs Star Trek, I have to side with Star-Wars mainly because of the ridiculous amount of depth and complexity that makes up the entirety of the EU. Don't get me wrong, I am a Trekkie, and proud of it (watching the saga since TNG), but I just love Star Wars more (wanted to join the 501st for a while now).
  24. I would sell my soul to Farquad if that would make Lucasar... er... Disney see this and hire a Japanese studio to make this a show.
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