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Blog Entries posted by LongGoneGr

  1. LongGoneGr
    And we kick off with another blog post of PPR's FiM Music Analyis. As you may have guessed, this time I'm doing a Top Ten of the Songs from Seasons 3 & 4. Now; for sake of clarity; while I do not have songs from either EG movie on the main list; I count EG as part of Season 3 and Rainbow Rocks as Part of Season 4 for future reference. I am also introducing an Honorable Mentions section in this one with 5 songs that did not make the cut of this list but I felt were also too good could not to include somehow. Now, let's get down to it. Again, I recommend listening to each song as you read along. HOWEVER, the Honorable Mentions Section (Specifically Honorable Mentions 3 & 4) contains RAINBOW ROCKS SPOILERS. Tread Lightly if you don't want them!
    Pinkie Pie Rules' Top Ten List of Songs from Seasons 3 & 4:
    #10 S4 E11: Three's a Crowd - "Glass of Water" (Discord): It's sad that this is Discord's only song to date. This song is so random and silly that it's perfect for Discord. It's extremely catchy and despite it's short length earned a spot on this list. It also references Harry Potter, which is a favorite series of mine. Definitely worth a listen.
    #9 S4 E14: Filli Vanilli - "Find the Music in You" (The Ponytones): This episode got quite a bit of hate from the fanbase however I don't really mind it. This song is partially the reason why. We get to re-experience Flutterguy and in a great way. The message is nice and sweet and shows us we all have the music in us. It also makes an interesting contribution to the shipping parts of the fanbase - Cherilee seems to have something on Big Mac... could this mean they might have something together? Only time will tell. Everything's gonna be A-ok!
    #8 S4 E7: Bats! - "Stop the Bats" (Applejack & Fluttershy featuring the Rest of the Mane 6): Now this is quite a song. Applejack starts the song off describing the problem in a darker side to her character that actually fits the context of the episode. Fluttershy's parts of the song go back into the light side of things as she plays Devil's Advocate to the destructive bats. Despite her efforts, as the song goes on we hear the other 4 Mane 6 ponies and Spike seem to agree with Applejack and see the bats as monsters. This song is less about catchiness and more about the way it's sung and presented. Still a great song.
    #7 S3 E13: Magical Mystery Cure - "A True, True Friend" (The Mane 6): Now this song usually makes me cry because it presents what being a true friend is all about, that a true friend really will help you in any situation even if it looks impossible. This song teaches us that friendship can overcome any odds as long as you are willing to make the commitment to help fight for your friendship. Rarity and Applejack's verses may be the better ones in the song, but the whole song is a treasured classic. A true true friend helps a friend in need.
    #6 S3 E8: Apple Family Reunion - "Raise this Barn" (Applejack and the Apple Family): This must be my country-side upbringing talking, because this song is a catchy one worthy of a hoedown down on the farm. It shows ponies of all different types working together to accomplish a common, important goal - through song. Did I mention it's catchy as heck? I really want to eat some apple treats and have a hoedown with Applejack after listening to this one.
    #5 S4 E12: Pinkie Pride - "The Super Duper Party Pony" (Cheese Sandwhich and Pinkie Pie): Now this I KNOW is just my love for Weird Al's songs talking. This has everything you'd expect from a Weird Al Song; from Flowery Shirts and Fizzy Drinks to islands made of pizza and a smiling hippo. This song interestingly wasn't written by Al himself, but it's his voice that ties it together. It wouldn't be so great without him. Adding Pinkie in there to compare them adds an element of feeling as Pinkie begins to feel unwanted with this new pony in town despite the upbeat tempo. Dangit Weird Al, must you be so talented?!
    #4 S3 E4: One Bad Apple - "Babs Seed" (The Cutie Mark Crusaders): Well then, it's about time for some Crusader music! This song even trumps Winter Wrap Up as the definition of catchy. The Crusaders are on the run from Bully Babs and are singing even in their despair. This song earns its spot via being sung by the Crusaders and because of just how catchy this is. The visuals enhance the experience but the song is great just on it's own too.
    #3 S4 E26: Twilight's Kingdom (Part 2) - "Let the Rainbow Remind You" (The Mane 6): This song is just great. Each of the mane ponies gets to sing about the strength of their friendship as the rainbow they've created through the magic of friendship flies through Equestria, visiting all those who helped them realize just how special their friendship element and relationship with each other is. It also teaches us that when we come together there is no battle we can't win with the magic of friendship in our hearts.
    #2 S4 E9: Pinkie Apple Pie - "Apples to the Core" (The Apple Family): Now this is another song that earns its song solely based on it's catchiness. It shows us that being an Apple would be a fun thing, despite all the problems that may happen. Pinkie's verse is great enough to stand alone, but with this song, it's just spectacular. Definitely earns it's Number Two position.
    And finally, we reach Number One:
    #1 S4 E5: Flight to the Finish - "Hearts as Strong as Horses" (The Cutie Mark Crusaders): This one is also here due to catchiness, but it's mainly here for the message it presents - even if you're small and weak, your heart can be as strong as you want it to be. Put your minds together, and combine the light within you with that of others - you can overcome anything with a strong heart.
    And now, as promised; the Honorable Mentions:
    Honorable Mention 1: Equestria Girls - "The Cafeteria Song/Equestria Girls" (The Mane 6): Hooray! Another song that lands on the list because of catchiness. I listen to this song at least once a day. It's just THAT catchy. It also presents a message that though we are different, the magic of friendship exists in us all. Generous, Honesty, Laughter, Kindness, Loyalty... they do exists in us all, and we can show these in all we do. Pinkie's verse is once again good enough to be standalone but really enhances this song. Go Canterlot Wondercolts!
    Honorable Mention 2: Equestria Girls - "This is Our Big Night" (The Mane 6): "Enough chatter girls. We need to get ready, and we need to look fabulous!" Another song that earns its way via catchiness factor. It may not be the most true song according to it's title; it's only Twilight's big night as she needs to get that crown back from Sunset Shimmer. Regardless, it's still a great song. All the Mane 6 look awesome in the outfits they pick that greatly match their personalities. Get ready girls! Go and make the scene!
    Honorable Mention 3: Rainbow Rocks - "Better than Ever" (The Rainbooms): CONTAINS RAINBOW ROCKS SPOILERS! Yup, the Equestria Girls are back and have formed a band which can make beautiful music. They also transform into their half-pony forms from the first movie as they sing using the magic of friendship in their hearts. The message of this song shows us to forgive our fellows who made mistakes and make our friendships better than ever!
    Honorable Mention 4: Rainbow Rocks - "Got the Music in Me/Battle of the Bands" (The Rainbooms vs. The Dazzlings): CONTAINS RAINBOW ROCKS SPOILERS!! The Battle Beings. The Rainbooms are showing you to find the music in you... wait.... that sounds familiar... (Half Life 3 Confirmed?! A reference to Filli Vanilli?) Meanwhile the Dazzlings are trying to take over the world through their hypnotic music, but the magic spread through the Rainbooms, projecting their voice from Vinyl's DJ Mobile only barely equally matches that of the Dazzlings' Sheer Might. Only when Sunset Shimmer joins in and helps her friends, accepting the magic of friendship and projecting the music in her heart, transforming into half-pony Sunset, does the Magic of Friendship project itself through the music and defeat the Dazzlings once and for all.
    Honorable Mention 5: Pinkie Pride - "Make a Wish" (Pinkie Pie): This song is what I wanna hear on my birthday. As with other songs by Pinkie, this song just makes me want to party!!! all day long. This is a great song, it's just so darn short I disqualified it from the main list.
  2. LongGoneGr
    Alright, everypony! It's time to play the music...it's time to light the lights. It's time to get us ready for the pony show tonite! Haha, now that we've got the air nice and relaxed, it's time to begin Part One of a series of blogs I'll be doing on the music of Friendship is Magic. To further the immersion I recommend listening to each song as it you read along. Now, without further ado, I present to you:
    Pinkie Pie Rules' Top Hits: Top Ten Songs of Seasons 1 & 2
    #10 S1 E21: Over a Barrel - "You Gotta Share, You Gotta Care" (Pinkie Pie): Starting in an episode set in a stereotypical western town, we have Pinkie Pie dressing up in an adorable dance hall outfit and singing like she's in a saloon. She presents a song that may bother both the ponies and buffalo, but this song is just so darn catchy and sweet we humans can hardly resist. The message is clear and presented the way only Pinkie can do: ponyrific and through a song. The message: You have to share, you have to care.
    #9 S2 E17: Hearts and Hooves Day - "Finding Cherilee's Special Somepony" (The Cutie Mark Crusaders): This episode is a fairly good one, but most Crusader episodes are. In addition; this song introduces two hidden gems; Button Mash and the trolly face of the jelly-obsessed pony. Despite what we had seen before, this song shows that the Crusaders have beautiful voices. The lyrics are silly and light-hearted, and the song ends abrubtly on a hilarious line by Apple Bloom. The song may not be the most memorable, but it sure is nice and catchy. Don't you just want to make a GIF out of the Crusader's adorable skipping?
    #8 S1 E26: The Best Night Ever - "The Best Night Ever" (The Mane 6): This song is not what I'd usually listen too if it weren't a pony song; but hearing each of them describe their dreams for this night and singing them in their own way is a nice little way to handle it. I wrestled with this song and whether to include it or not, but Rainbow's rockin' verse and Pinkie's sweet description made this good enough to take the Number 8 spot. We also, as a bonus, get to see a recycled design - the ponies Pinkie dances with are wearing her "Dance Hall Girl" outfit.
    #7 S1 E26: The Best Night Ever - "The Pony Polka" (Pinkie Pie): Wow, two songs from one episode, one right after the other. This song is just so darn catchy! How does Pinkie know what is going on with her friends while she's singing...? Whatever, she's being Pinkie Pie. Rarity's angry face and Fluttershy's crazy shout make this song particularly funny to watch. Not to mention we get to see Pinkie interact with Octavia in her own way - by being Pinkie. This song makes me want to party whenever I hear it.
    #6 S2 E15: The Super Speedy Cider Squeezy 6000 - "Opportunity/The Flim-Flam Brothers' Song" (The Flim-Flam Brothers): Well, I'm gonna say it now. Why is this song not being played at every fair and carnival? These two are probably some of my more hated FiM characters (although not nearly as hated as Snips and Snails...) but the song is just so darn amazing and catchy it always gets stuck in my head. Granny Smith finally earns a nice line in song to argue with the brothers. How the citizens of Ponyville don't see how these guys are trying to put the Apple family out of business I don't even know; but this song probably has some effect on it. Well you've got opportunity in this community.... See what I mean?
    #5 S2 E9: Sweet and Elite - "Popularity/The Type of Pony" (Rarity): Now, I do NOT endorse the message this song presents, as popularity is not everything. However, this song is so beautifully sung and I just adore Rarity, so naturally this catchy song made it's way onto the list. We also get to see the hidden Derpy, the return of Photo Finish (even if she has no lines), and we get to see just how glamerous and how beatnik Rarity can get in any situation. Her voice is just so beautiful.
    #4 S1 E14: Suited for Success - "The Art of the Dress" (Rarity): This song at one point during the creation of this list was Number One, however I pushed it back after re-listening to each song. This song goes by a very catchy beat, and shows off just how truly generous Rarity is, through both verses. "Even though it rides high on the flank, Rainbow won't look like a tank!" is my favorite line of this song. In the second verse, we also see that the other of the Mane 6 have character flaws, which in reality only makes them better characters because they are relatable. Once again, Rarity's beautiful singing voice holds this song together by the.... seams....Haha, I kill myself with my amazing jokes. As an added bonus, this is also were we got the 20% Cooler meme.
    #3 S1 E11: Winter Wrap Up - "Winter Wrap Up" (Twilight Sparkle featuring Ponyville Citizens): This song just outright is the definition of catchy. The Mane 6 all get their own solos, and we hear just how beautiful their voices are. The chorus is as I said the definition of catchy, and this song pretty much made me embrace my true brony self. By the time this song was over for the first listen, I realized that I was a brony. Applejack and Rainbow's solos get stuck in my head constantly and are so good. If you seperate the lyrics and the instruments, the song is still just as catchy know matter which half you hear. It is upbeat and happy, which makes a great song in my book.
    #2 S1 E2: Friendship is Magic (Part 2) - "Giggle at the Ghosty" (Pinkie Pie): The shortest song on this list is also one of my all-time favorites, and it also taught me not only how to laugh again but to stand up and laugh my fears away. Ever since I watched this, Humor has trumped Fear in my life. It always just screams "Laugh!" at me, and I can't help but get a smile from this. Not much to say on this one except it truly shows us how great a character Pinkie is. Take a lesson, my friends! Laugh in the face of fear!
    And now, the moment you've been waiting for... The Best Song from Seasons 1 and 2....
    Here it is....
    #1 S2 E18 - A Friend in Deed - "Smile Smile Smile/The Smile Song" (Pinkie Pie): Oh yeah. If you know me, you should know this was gonna be my pick. In addition to being a Pinkie fan, I love to Smile and this song taught me how to again. When you're life is in a rut and you feel like it'll never get better, this song teaches us to smile. And smile. And smile. This song always helps wipe my tears, clear my mind, and make me happy again. This is a song I'm not afraid to hum all day. The beautiful video that goes along with it and the feeling of true happiness that runs in your veins when you hear this song only add to the MLP experience. How can you not love this song? C'mon everypony, Smile Smile Smile, fill my heart up with Sunshine, Sunshine, All I really need is a Smile Smile Smile from these happy friends of mine! Smile, Smile, Smile, Smile, Smile, C'mon and Smile! Come on and Smile!
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