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~Glimmer Bloom~

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Everything posted by ~Glimmer Bloom~

  1. I don't know about y'all but I spend a LOT of my time on YouTube! So I lazily looked around the forum for a topic like this and didn't find one in five minutes so sorry if it exists. I make videos about random stuff and just try and make people laugh and all that jazz so here is where you can give a little description of your channel and post a link to the channel/video! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JO6lK9KIk-Y&feature=c4-overview&list=UUx2V6OPnQs0t2_b1EFCwMdA Yes, I am very hyper. No, I am not on drugs
  2. Even though I'm an atheist, I sort of believe in reincarnation. I know that I don't believe in heaven/hell but the most probable outcomes, in my opinion, are reincarnation or nothing (which absolutely mortifies me).
  3. Well, being in advanced classes and in high school = infinite homework Honors Trigonometry: 1.5 Hours AP Italian: 1.0 Hour Honors English: 2.0 Hours (Reading almost half a book daily) AP Euro: 3.0 Hours (My research paper is due tomorrow) AP Macroeconomics: 1.0 Hour Honors Chemistry: 1.5 Hours *Drum roll please* 10 FREAKING HOURS TONIGHT!! This is the most I've had in two weeks, because its the weekend and my paper is due, but still My average work load is 4-7 hours a night
  4. 5'11'' and 143 lbs.... I've been trying to lose weight but I'll get down to 130 and then go back to 150 -_-
  5. took a much needed vacation, how has everyone been?

  6. Well I live in New York and people might find the city controversial because we are accepting of all races and nationalities and sexual orientations. But us who live in the city just really don't find controversy in much. I guess a lot of drugs and violence but, hey, its NYC.
  7. Exactly, I don't want to read about some perfect character... It's just aggravating. It is more so a personal preference I guess. I don't read stories with Mary Sue protagonists... it just spoils it
  8. ^-^ You can certainly derp around here xD Welcome to the forum! PM me if you ever wanna talk, I'm going to BronyCon 2014 as well c:
  9. Yaaas, I love Rainbow Dash ^-^ That's how I started watching too. Since I've become a brony I'm definitely a little happier just in general. I don't know anypony IRL either, but have made friends here! What instrument do you play? I played saxophone for 3 years but no longer play, I never had the time to practice daily. Super Smash Bros, good taste c: If you wanna chat with anypony PM me, I'd be happy to talk
  10. I don't really want children ever but For boys I love: Ronan Damon Noah Jace Whenever I meet guys with these names they are automatically 10x hotter xD Girls: Charlotte Jane Katerina/Catherine Beth These names are really beautiful to me but I hate nicknames. Catherine would stay Catherine... I hate Kathy or Katie. Yes, Charlotte is my favorite girl name I think ^-^
  11. I don't know why but for some reason I've always though Rainbow Dash would be a master with the nunchucks And I think Pinkie would be really cute throwing ninja stars or something
  12. For a while it was orange... then red! Now I really cannot choose so I say all colors! Pastel mint is definitely a favorite of mine... I've always wanted to dye my hair this color
  13. Lots of Barbies, Bratz dolls, and American Girl dolls. But, most of all, my LEGOOOOOS. I'd build and destroy Hogwarts every few days, soo many HP legos xD
  14. fell asleep in 6/8 classes today :D ...

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. OG Blaze
    3. ~Glimmer Bloom~

      ~Glimmer Bloom~


      They filmed you? lol my friends always laugh at me because my head always falls over and I don't even notice. Yeah, I have school in 10 hours but haven't started my papers. First one due tomorrow D: And the computer and forums are soo distracting, it's a problem.



      Ik man x_x Why can't I just graduate now??

    4. ponypowa96


      Ah wow that sucks, good luck with your papers! And yeah my head kept moving around too. Luckily the video hasn't found it's way on to Facebook, yet :D

  15. Oh, wow. I've never noticed that! That's the best argument I've seen xD
  16. I'm wearing a great ballgown with a plunging neckline, sparkles, and a long train. Oh and its invisible
  17. Back from my tournament, I've been out since 5:30am... so... tired

    1. Sunny Shimmer

      Sunny Shimmer

      What kind of tournament?

    2. ~Glimmer Bloom~

      ~Glimmer Bloom~

      volleyball... so exhausting. now writing an essay on Shakespeare D:

  18. Wow @Dsanders and Pink Mist I'm so filled with fuzzies right now because of you two! That's incredible! Most relationships sadly don't make it online but your true love really made it work c: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ As for me, I'm a super sucker for romantic things. I don't expect guys to get mushy gushy, but when I find out they're holding back on the romance because they don't want to seem feminine I get so upset!! Hey, all of you male bronies, women WANT romance! And NO you are not emasculated for being romantic! A guy is more of a man to me if he isn't afraid to get sentimental. Now, there is a line and its when the relationship becomes to mushy-gushy. My last boyfriend was one of those guys who'd want to eskimo kiss and have pet names like "shnookums". Ehhhh that's too much, for me at least. I don't want to disappoint any feminist bronies or whatever but I like to be treated like a lady. Chivalry in romance isn't so common nowadays but when a guy offers me his sweatshirt because its cold or raining I die of feels! Things like that and simple stuff like holding the door out for me, "ladies first" type things, and acting protective. If I found a guy like that I'd be hooked! Sorry feminists who are shaking their heads at me Most of all I need someone who is real! I hate when people feel like they need to force things in their relationship as well. In my best relationship, we would go hiking and when we'd reach the top of the mountain just sit there and take in the view. We didn't need to have a conversation going 100% of the time. That just puts pressure on the both of you to keep talking... pretty soon the conversations become bland. But we had this spiritual connection that was strong enough we could communicate 1,000 words in just one look. A fantasy of mine is to find some beautiful hill and lie down in the grass with my partner and just watch the stars, not needing to say much. I love nature-y outdoors stuff. But in a partner they need to be able to be silly sometimes, take a joke, understand I have random bursts of energy and excitement like a 2 year old, and most of all have deep conversations. I loooove philosophical and thought-provoking conversations. Ya know, the meaning of life and whatnot xD If anyone wants to have a deep conversation PM me ^-^
  19. I'm a girl who's into guys. Though on the Kinsey scale I'd say I'm like a 1 xD As a girl I might only be into guys but some girls are hot! haha Honestly I think it'd be strange if there were any person who can't think of one person who is attractive to them and the same gender... at least a little bit. One day I was talking to a very close, brotherly, male friend and he was telling me about this new kid and I asked "Oooo is he hot?" jokingly and he got super serious and said "I don't know" Then I had a long conversation with him about sexuality and how just because you think someone is attractive doesn't mean you're gay. Seriously though, I asked "Brad Pitt?" and he was like "Ehh idk" Eventually I got him to admit that James Franco is "decent" lol That's such bologna! Maybe you dont want to get physical with your own gender but you can certainly tell if one is attractive or not. Geez it is like some people think they have to be 100% hetero I don't think anyone is full blown hetero or homo
  20. I too chose understanding. Many people lack this skill but its so important! Nowadays its like we need to be taught these things that should just be wired into us all. That's awful I've seen similar treatment to students from my school. Kudos to you for having super duper awesome friendship skills ^-^ and you should tell him, if he asks. Honesty and trust! Right? xD !! The cool way of saying understanding? Well I guess it's a little different. I could add it if you want
  21. Thank you for your in depth reply C: We definitely see eye to eye; its hard to choose them when they're all so important. Though it is interesting to hear from the people who favor certain aspects Interesting reply Do you think its not possible to have a friend that you don't trust? I find I have a good amount of friends, but there is only one I really trust. Maybe I just have trust problems xD I see what you mean though Maybe I should stop being an aggressive jerk xD I like that you included laughter, not many think its so important
  22. Welcome to the forums! ^-^ I've only been here a few days and everypony is super nice. PM me if you wanna chat with anyone c: You will have no problem finding friends here
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