Wow @Dsanders and Pink Mist I'm so filled with fuzzies right now because of you two!
That's incredible! Most relationships sadly don't make it online but your true love really made it work c:
As for me, I'm a super sucker for romantic things. I don't expect guys to get mushy gushy, but when I find out they're holding back on the romance because they don't want to seem feminine I get so upset!!
Hey, all of you male bronies, women WANT romance! And NO you are not emasculated for being romantic!
A guy is more of a man to me if he isn't afraid to get sentimental. Now, there is a line and its when the relationship becomes to mushy-gushy. My last boyfriend was one of those guys who'd want to eskimo kiss and have pet names like "shnookums". Ehhhh that's too much, for me at least. I don't want to disappoint any feminist bronies or whatever but I like to be treated like a lady. Chivalry in romance isn't so common nowadays but when a guy offers me his sweatshirt because its cold or raining I die of feels! Things like that and simple stuff like holding the door out for me, "ladies first" type things, and acting protective. If I found a guy like that I'd be hooked! Sorry feminists who are shaking their heads at me
Most of all I need someone who is real! I hate when people feel like they need to force things in their relationship as well. In my best relationship, we would go hiking and when we'd reach the top of the mountain just sit there and take in the view. We didn't need to have a conversation going 100% of the time. That just puts pressure on the both of you to keep talking... pretty soon the conversations become bland. But we had this spiritual connection that was strong enough we could communicate 1,000 words in just one look.
A fantasy of mine is to find some beautiful hill and lie down in the grass with my partner and just watch the stars, not needing to say much. I love nature-y outdoors stuff. But in a partner they need to be able to be silly sometimes, take a joke, understand I have random bursts of energy and excitement like a 2 year old, and most of all have deep conversations. I loooove philosophical and thought-provoking conversations. Ya know, the meaning of life and whatnot xD
If anyone wants to have a deep conversation PM me ^-^