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~Glimmer Bloom~

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Everything posted by ~Glimmer Bloom~

  1. Yay 10k!! Woop woop ^-^ *hugs*

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    2. Scootalove


      How long is the essay?

    3. ~Glimmer Bloom~

      ~Glimmer Bloom~

      I think the requirement is 3-5 pages, but I also have to do all of my homework Dx tomorrow I'll be at a tournament all day and can't work while I'm there. No mlpforums either :(

    4. Scootalove


      You will get through it, I believe in you. What kind of tournament is it? :)

  2. Just found this and am sad to see its not open for now Could you please DM me as well whenever you need someone? I very good knowledge of Greek mythology and the books ^-^
  3. wow that really just took me back a few years, thank you! Even though I was born in the late 90's I was obsessed with Super Mario for the N64! My favorite console of all time is GameCube but I think that came out in 2000
  4. I've had it happen, its painful and makes you feel worthless. Loyalty is certainly important. Yes, I mentioned that I didn't include it.... And pretty much 100% because of what A CrayZ Cat said xD Can you do magic? TEACH ME YOUR WAYS WISE ONE Yes! When people don't understand I'm like "baiii"
  5. Those are great traits to have! c: A friend that will do anything for you is rare, and very special A loyal friend will always be there, good choice That is heart-warming Generous people are hard to find nowadays, unfortunately Agreed Eeyup! A betrayal can be unforgivable
  6. I don't know, something about owls creeps me out. But I love horror so I enjoy drawing them ^-^ Don't you tell me they aren't terrifying, has anyone watched Avatar the Last Airbender? The guardian of the library? Horrifying Plus, the whole time I was rooting for Spike and was just waiting for them to reveal Owlicious is actually evil but nope. I'M STILL NOT CONVINCED
  7. Agreed. I think you guys are looking too far into things. This is a kids show, I don't think there are underlying disabilities. Pinkie is just Pinkie, comic relief. You're just trying to point things out that aren't really there. I'm not trying to be rude >_< Just don't think they really made Pinkie to represent autism.
  8. Hey everypony c: So a huge theme in MLP is, obviously, friendship! I was wondering what you all personally value in a friend and what you think is most important. I included the Elements of Harmony (minus magic) but I believe there are many more qualities too look for in a companion. Personally, I think the most important quality, although its hard to choose, is understanding. The world would be a much more free and open place with a little more understanding! Many a pony feel like they need to hide and bottle certain things up because they believe no one can make the effort the understand something they don't necessarily face with themselves. I've spoken to many troubled and distressed souls just about to explode from all the problems they've been holding back! It's sad. This thread is all about friendship so if anypony needs a new friend PM me ^-^ If y'all got any more friendship qualities you want me to add to the poll let me know
  9. Hmm, Rainbow Dash is... erm... FRIGGIN AWESOME
  10. -No, I'm a chicken. BAKAWK!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. ~Glimmer Bloom~

      ~Glimmer Bloom~

      One of my favorite Pinkie Pie lines c:

    3. OG Blaze

      OG Blaze

      That was the nightmare night one?


    4. ~Glimmer Bloom~
  11. I clicked this thread because I died, and stayed dead, for the first time in my dreams only two days ago. So basically I have reaaally strange dreams. I was in NYC and was fighting this girl (literally three times my size) and was trying to drag her somewhere, I don't know why. We fought back and forth, I'd pull her for half a block and then she'd pick me up and run back. I finally managed to pull her pretty far and we were crossing a random, fairly busy street. When we first left the sidewalk a big school bus zoomed so close to us, I thought we'd get hit and I could feel the heat from the vehicle. The light was red, so I didn't expect it to happen again. Once we were dead center in the middle of the crossing I heard a large truck barreling towards us (I was facing the opposite direction of the oncoming truck) and it hit us. This was the scary part, I could feel everything. The girl and I were holding eachother already so we both got hit from behind. I somehow bent at the knees first and leaned backwards when it hit and I could feel my neck snapping backwards. It felt like it was in slow-mo because in reality it all would've been seconds. My neck cracked and the back of my head was touching my back. There was intense heat radiating from my neck and it spread through my body. There's nothing to describe the felling of when my head snapped backwards though, it was terrifying. I was scared more than I was in pain. But, after a few seconds my vision turned black. This is the part where I am now dead, to those of you who don't care how I died exactly Everything was black and I now felt cool. My body was floating and felt like it was descending. You know when you push your palms against your eyes for a while and its black with "stars"? Well I saw something similar to that. It lasted for around 1 minute. Now, I don't know if you think I just entered another dream but I think it was a sort of afterlife. I woke up in my parents bedroom, the room was bright like it was already noon. It felt so real. I got up and still felt that weird cool sensation and somehow knew I was dead. But I thought that this was my real house, everything was so vivid and real and I was finally dead, I was happy. I figured I was some sort of a ghost (which I never believed in) and found my sister in the living room, watching tv. She was crying and I didn't say anything because I already knew I was dead. Even though I felt bad for her, I was kind of ecstatic. My problems were gone, it took almost no pain, and now I can run around and travel the world as a ghost! Maybe I'd hate it eventually but for now it'd be fun. Shortly after that I woke up, in my parents room... and it was noon! How creepy and disappointing. But then I remembered my parents were out of town and I just wanted to sleep in their jumbo bed that night. I feel like this was really long so I doubt anyone will read it but if you do definitely respond! This thread is super duper awesome
  12. I'll take the Dash Mustang with the giant decals thank you very much!
  13. Ooo minecraft Welcome to the forums
  14. Love Game of Thrones! And I already saw someone post a LoZ song but they're all so good I had to make one my theme
  15. Why of course the PC version ^-^ Never cared for the xbox one
  16. Ahh! These look great, I totally want one! Layout: The text in the middle with one vector on either side Text: Glimmer Bloom (And then under Glitter Bloom) Everypony deserves love Background: A meadow of some sorts or maybe clouds? Something to go nice and pretty with my vector c: Vectors: Should I pm them to you? Not sure what to do, I've never requested a sig before. Extras: I'm not super strict, so if you see a background thats cute or something just do what you're happy with And for the font, I'd like it pretty and curly, perhaps blue or pink like my OC's hair Thank you thank you thank you!
  17. Hmm, I think considering it is a show originally intended for children Hasbro will never blatantly broadcast a homosexual relationship. Sadly, although many people are very open to homosexuality and non judgmental there isn't a place for it in certain areas of the media, like children shows. In some ways it is still considered controversial. If there were a gay couple on the show they'd get plenty of complaints from parents. Personally, I think it would be awesome c: But I doubt anything like this will happen soon. As for the ponies acceptance; friendship, love, and acceptance are sort of themes of the show and I bet there wouldn't be anypony who was less than accepting. Well, it is safe. The creators would be taking a big chance in the loss of viewers if they featured anything else. Its not like the creators have anything against LGBT's
  18. Deeeefinitely Let it Go! Elsa gives me the chills. My favorite part is her last big note when she goes "Let the storm rage OOOOOOOOON!!!" Ahhhh that note! I always belt it out as loud as I can c: Honestly I didn't like any of the other songs even remotely close to how much I liked Let it Go.
  19. Flipping out because I flipping LOST MY 3DS AND NOW NO ANIMAL CROSSING D:

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. QuirkyUsername


      That is true :) Get some rest and clear your head and you might remember tomorrow morning

    3. ~Glimmer Bloom~

      ~Glimmer Bloom~

      thanks I think I will, goodnight/good afternoon! c:

    4. QuirkyUsername


      Night Glimmer ^^


  20. That game is so fun! And raunchy haha Well, I am replaying Mario Sunshine on my gamecube because it was one of my first games ever aaaaaand its still one of my favorites! c: Also I play Minecraft every other day, not as addicted as I used to be
  21. Heh heh.... heh. Pfft, nah I totally knew it was about humming MLP tunes.
  22. OH MAH GAWD RAINBOW DASH MAKES AN APPEARANCE! "Pineapple used to be a word for pinecone which is what the fruit looked like to early explorers... who were apparently blind." xD I find these videos highly entertaining
  23. Yes I did! That's so funny because that is the only video I've ever seen by them c;
  24. Like most of you, Frozen was great I'm big into horror movies and the Conjuring is definitely worth a mention because most horrors are crap nowadays. Best horror movie I've ever seen. Also Star Trek: Into Darkness was very good! ....mmm... Chris Pine
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