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Banner by ~ Kyoshi Frost Wolf


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Everything posted by eps-3-freak

  1. I feel like I'm the least known guy on this entire forum.

  2. Hey there, this looks interesting. Is there room for one?
  3. The season has started again so I am back!

  4. Making them some weaker will limit them to the damage they can take but it could give more of a thrill in a fight. I was planning to make the character who got shot the literal "heartless guy" but you might be right. I only need to find an point in the body that could be fatal but not so important that he would die if he got rid of it to stop the poison. Hmm... I'll think this over. Thanks for the help.
  5. I am writing an story right now, it is about an war 2000 years ago in equestria. My story is about 4 friends who are the elite group in Luna's rebellion. They are insanely strong and fight through the most fatal wounds. They aren't like normal ponies. I wanted them to lose the war since that also happened in the original story but I also wanted them to survive. In an part of my story, there was an battlefield where the main characters battle and one of the friends get hit by an arrow. The arrow goes through the heart, but like I said, these warriors are no normal ponies so he even survived but he the arrow was poisoned and the characters are immume to side effects like tiredness, paralyzes and other effects but not immume to the killing effect so if the poison stays in him to long and spreads, he would die. The character inmediatly realises that there was poison on the tip of the arrow and pulls his heart out inmediatly to stop the poison from spreading, while one of his friends who has the power to destroy and capture spirits and souls uses his powers to keep the soul in the body so he doesn't die, but his friend can't do that for long since it is difficult to keep an soul in a wounded and dying body. But now I am not sure how to make this person survive. I thought of using his magic to connect his veins and use his magic to pump the blood through his body but than the character has to use his magic all the time and no one can do that. Do you have any suggestions? Or do you not like the story at all? Actually, the story hasn't been very extreme until this point.
  6. Have a beautiful Monday, beautiful Tuesday, beautiful Wednesday, beautiful Thursday, beautiful Friday, beautiful Saturday, beautiful Sunday, beautiful one day!

  7. Thank you for being so kind to me. It always cheers me up when somoeone tells me that things aren't as bad as they look. I don't know how I can repay your kindness. I guess, all I need is just someone who lends me a hand/hoof every once in a while. Maybe you are right. Maybe I should take a break. Sometimes you do need pauses. You can't work, play or even sleep forever. Everyone needs a break every once in a while. There are only a small amount things that don't need a break or a pause. But a small break from the community can be what I need right now, so I can come back later, fresh and hyped up again. I don't know how I can ever thank you for the advice that you have given me.
  8. Well, vacation time is over. Time to get back to work.

  9. I hate racist folks, telling tasteless jokes, that explain where people belong. When I listen music, on my own and then someone interupts my song. When someone doesn't understand something while it is obvious what's going on. When people buy a full game, and only plays the mini games inside it, on and on. Or when you think you made a new friend with who you can chat and then they suddenly stop to reply. No word, nothing, while you wait and watch as time slowly passes by. Being hold down by the limits that money casts on us. Having no chocolate milk in the winter while it slowly starts to frost. Having big dreams that are as difficult as climbing a mountain and reaching the top. People say that it is impossible, while they know that you won't stop. Hate it when I sit home all day and I have nothing to do. You fill your time and at the end of the day, there is nothing in any of your mailbox. You enter the new year and feel like the last one was a waste. You didn't come close to what you wanted to reach and you feel like you are all washed up. Knowing that friends are going out and never invite you to come. You begin to wonder or you were a friend from the start. All your friends from long ago decide to move on, while you slowly become someone to who they once talked. In the meanwhile they adjust and have a new group, you do not know what to do, those friends where there from the start... Feeling epmty inside without knowing why and feeling like you could cry out. Hope that someone will come along and stop, and tries to cheer you up.... But that never happened, no one cared or saw, then you realize that no one who walks by will ever stop.
  10. So, a new year has started... To be honest, I wans't satisfied about last year. I don't know but... it felt so... empty.

    1. Lunar Echo

      Lunar Echo

      hopefully this year is better for you

    2. eps-3-freak
  11. Hi Amber, (is it okay I call you that?) I celebrated Christmas for the first time! The start of the day was a little rough...everybody left home around afternoon... but later they came back, around... 6p.m. We watched some Christmas movies together and ate cookies(sadly enough, they were just bought from the store. I hoped to get home made ones, but oh well. Just as good, I guess...) I placed some Presents in the middle of the night under the small tree that we had.(I personally bought different presents that fit with the person I bought it for.) The next morning, there were many presents more than the ones I bought! There were things under the tree that I really needed and wanted! Everybody liked what they got and smiled a lot, I wished everyday could be like that. And the most suprising thing is: When I woke up, a necklace was right beside of my bed out of nowhere! It seemed to be a necklace that someone close to me lost and couldn't find for a long time!(I bet Santa was behind that one.) I know this is an "ask me" thread so I am not going to write this all without a question, here goes. Amber, I thank you for all your advice and inspiration you gave me, it would be sad if I would just say bye and that's it. Never speaking to you again... I don't want that to happen... but it happens every single time... actually.. that bye isn't even concluded... everytime I meet someone... we talk for like a week.. and then they never send something back.. There also no one who sends me messages or anything when I log in on the website. The only notifications I get are status updates of the same guy over and over.. almost like spam... not saying any names though (Ahum... Kyoshi.. kahum....) Everytime I make an new friend, they are only interested to talk with me for a few days and then I hear nothing anymore from them again. Every single person. I slowly feel like I am being left out of the fandom... I still like to watch the show, but... it's like I am no part of the community I have no group I belong to or something... My question is: am I.... fading out of the herd... or was I never even part of one to begin with?
  12. Look at the money that we have gathered to make Chrsitmass Merrier!

  13. I am impressed that you could guess my situation like that by just readig what I wrote. But for someone with a lack of Christmas expirience like me, it is difficult to organsie something like that, besides I also don't have a large paycheck. Maybe one of my friends can help me out and when I think about it, a small event like this doesn't have to cost that much. But it is still going to get tricky since all my friends are gone to celebrate it with their famillies. I'll try to figure something out. Thanks a lot. I will remember your great help.
  14. Well , now I am thinking to myself that I shouldn't have asked this. It is sad but true, I do not celebrate Christmas. Most Cristmas everybody leaves becasue they are invited by their famillies and then I am left alone, sitting in the living room with a blanket on my back while I watch "A Chritsmas Carol" on TV. After a while all my friends come back and show off their presents and keep on telling me how fun it was. I do not mind. I wish them the best and I ask what they did and stuff but it makes me feel like I am missing something. What I wouldn't do to celebrate Christmas just once. I really want to celebrate Christmas once in my life in the way you would do it. Like eating cookies and play card games(I love to play Uno) and how you wake up early, wake up your brothers and RUSH dowanstairs! I bet that I would wake up sooner than you!... but I never had such an situation. I never had a fireplace where I could hang my stocking, I even never had a stocking, let alone the fireplace. I did have a tree.. a fake one... that is half as tall as I am. But it is only there for decoration. There are never presents under it.. and most Christmas days everyone is gone. I do not know what it is like to have a Christmas spirit. The only thing I had was a tree... it wasn't spectacular or something but it was something. Every Chrsitmas morning I wake up while everyone is gone but I keep thinking to myself: "Maybe to suprise me this year, they sneakily put some presents under the tree while I was asleep!" Then I walk to the tree and still, it was empty while I think to myself: "Yeah... should have figured..." And then I hear all my friends talking about how great their Christmas was and you see all those Christmas shows, movies and special Christmas episodes of cartoos where everyone gets presents and have fun with their friends and stuff... and it just makes me curious... that is why I hate but like Christmas at the same time.
  15. Uhm... Hi... I would like to ask you a question if you don't mind. You see, I actually would like to know what christmass is like. You know... for... you see... I never actually had a true traditional christmass and honestly, I get pretty sad around christmass time and everyone reminds me that christmass is coming. It reminds me of what I miss... compared to other people. I always picture it to be one of the greatest times of years. You know, being with your family and friends and waiting all night to see if Santa actually drops by and all the cokkies are suddenly gone. So I would like to know, what is christmass like? What do you do on christmass? How do you feel during christmass?
  16. I wished I understood what christmass was all about. I spend every single one alone...

    1. eps-3-freak


      Because, no one invites me, I live on my own and... I don't know. Most people I know celebrate it together. They say they got invited and stuff but everyone always forgets about me.

  17. *sigh* WHen I saw the new banner, it kinda made me sad. It's not like I have anything against christmas but I spend them mostly on my own.

  18. I always make up tons of MLP side fan stories, if Ionly could share them....

  19. I had a dream about a muffin... A giant, delicious muffin....

  20. Celestia, I never ate an Taco... I have the feeling I am missing out on something.

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. honk friend

      honk friend

      and by good i mean tonguegasm good, the most fucking delicious thing you'll ever taste in your life

    3. eps-3-freak


      When I hear all this, it makes me feel like I have been missing something important in my life. This is problably why everyoe loves taco tuesday.. or whatever day you eat tacos... did you just actually say fucking?

    4. honk friend

      honk friend

      yes i did

      taco bell is fucking delicious

      i mean other tacos are pretty good too, but TACO BELL IS THE BEST.

  21. I saw MLP plushies in an mechanic arm machine. I don't have any MLP merchandise (except for a very small toy of carrot top) so I decided to go and win an plushy. I put on a disguise so no one would recognise me, it felt like 50 degree in there. I spent 25 dollars until I won an rainbowdash plushy that's poorly made and has no wings. After 2 hours I was back home in my room and thought to myself: "... Was it worth it?" ... and I can tell you... IT WAS TOTALLY WORTH IT! MY F...

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. 碇 シンジン
    3. eps-3-freak


      What are you going to do today? :)

    4. 碇 シンジン

      碇 シンジン

      nothing really=)=))=)=)=))))))<3

  22. The style of the banner... it reminds me of a game but I do not know which one...

    1. That One Pone
    2. 碇 シンジン
    3. Flutterstep


      I tried to go for Saints Row. It kinda failed :0

  23. I had a very strange dream. Princess Luna was in it.

  24. Whenever I feel burned out, I just ignite a new flame!

    1. CrimsonWeb


      sounds painful

  25. @, Eps walked a little fast till he catched up with soundwave and started to walk by her side. "I never said anything about a forest, you are trying to do something. I don't know what but I don't give a dang. I have my own personal reasons to go to the castle, but you best let me read the book when you find it."
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