thanks to everyone who wrote something to this page and brohoof to everyone(including humans, pones, dragons, creatures, changelings, Discords(is that a species? I actually don't know what Discord is... I just call his species Discords)and everybody and ghosts(since ghosts have no body)
if you want to add me or anything else, just ask.
but for in case I can't respond:
playstation 3:eps-3-freak
Steam(for pc games(I only own cod bo2 for pc));eps_3_freak(also... actually for everything).
Xbox360: I couldn't afford an Xbox360 XD
skype:need permission
also, if you add me on ps3, put in the message that you found me on this forum or I will be like:"Who is this person?" or "Have I met this person before and where?"
Just ask or I have certain games and I will tell. If I have any problem I will post it on this page and if you have one, also post it on this page. I hope that we all can be friends.
End of this mesagge... I am going now... TO SPACE!!!!!!!!!!!
(really, I am going to play dead space 3 for ps3)
also,I will cehck out this game, League of Legends. I will tell if I find it and or downloaded it (yes, I do erad everything you guys/girls post)
*read everything you guys/girls post