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Banner by ~ Kyoshi Frost Wolf


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Everything posted by eps-3-freak

  1. @, @, Eps was getting hurt by every muscle he moved "Let's just hope he is home... where is his home...? Anyway, he is problably at sugarcube corner. That's where he ussually is. Eps just hoped that his friends were at sugarcube corner. It is where Pinkie sleeps. Even though they can't give him proffesional medical care, he can recover a bit there till he has regained enough strength to get home.
  2. @, "Well, you see, I am not really loved by the society." Said Eps with a awkward voice since he was once arrested because they thought he was about to attack Celestia while he only wanted to talk to her and he escaped out of prison after he was arrested. "You also don't know how to fly yet..." Eps was trying to think of another idea. "We can go to a friend but I won't get the treatment I am supose to get to heal or we can try the hospital and hope that they don't recognise me. It has been years ago so the princess and all the other high ranked people might have forgotten about it." (That is actually pretty cool. I want to try to hike too some time)
  3. @, "Hmm... You are problably right, maybe now is not the time to think of food. We should head for a place to heal me up. Maybe it is best if you take me to my home. It's in the middle of the great mountains of eqeustria in the misty mountains... you don't know Equestria. It will also be difficult to go to the hospital." Eps tried to think of a place where they could go until he can get home.
  4. @, "It only involes you a little." Eps pointed the sword the demon sticked into the ground with the mp3 on top of it. "I need to ask favor when the time has come but for now, things will be normal. You'll later on learn about the promise because you are involved but for now, let it rest." Eps just realised something. "Actually... after all this..." Eps was silence for a few seconds to make it more dramatic. "I am hungry."
  5. @, Eps didn't move a muscle and said "Do you know the feeling that you trained very hard until late at night and the next day, a muscle hurts really bad when you move it...? That's how my entire body feels like right now..." Eps tried to lift a hoof but after just a little movement Eps felt a lot of pain. "tatatatatatata..." Eps looked at Soprano. "I thought it looked obvious what happened. When that evil pony combined himself with me he had control over the body. I only could see and hear what he saw or heard. I tried to fight back but I was to weak. When I saw that he was going to hurt you two... something happened... I don't know how or why but I gained the power that allowed me to take control over my shadow powers and demon powers. I can make my shadow come to life and let it act like a real body. So I seperated my demon powers and gave it to the shadow and then transfered my mind into the shadow so I could fight back. I guess that I just couldn't stand it to see you two get hurt and to break my promise I once made... But in the end... it looks like he won..."
  6. @, @, @@Midnight Starfall, @@10InTheTardis, The demon slowly stood up with trouble. He walked towards Eps until he stoof on Eps his feet... But... He wasn't standing on it... He went through it. The demon turned around and then moved into the position Eps was on the ground. The demon dissapeared into Eps, for a second nothing happened, but then Eps woke up in shock! He was inhaling deep the second he woke up and looked like he had trouble with moving. "Ah... it hurts... it really hurts..." Said Eps as he was trying to sit up straight. "Why did that guy show up now?" said Eps as he was trying to move. (OOC: Are you even reading what is going on? I wanted to make it tragic by not waking up, but now I need to wake up to keep the story rolling. Aren't you also forgetting that there are 3 other cahracters around me and we are in a back alley? And how do you know my name already!? You got to write it from your characters perspective and she hasn't met me yet and if she did then we need to make up a background story, because if she met me a second ago, it would ne strange to know my name since I was in some sort of comma. This is so miss timed! Oh well, we got to life with it, let's go on.)
  7. @, @@Midnight Starfall, @, Eps just didn't want to wake up. He just kept on sleeping. As Soprano tried to wake Eps up, The demon started to growl. He growld for a long time but whe hewas finished, an mp3 appeared our of the pommel of the sword. (http://mygadgetstation.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/12/MP3-Player-CM009-.jpg) Afterwards, it was all silent. The demon just sat there and Eps was still asleep.
  8. @, The demon just sat on the ground, not moving at all. The pony who replaced the figure in the coat and Eps tried to crawl away but when he realized that he didn't had the energy to do so he stopt trying and started to ask the demon the question that was lingering in his mind the entire time. "I took over your body, I have your power, then how....? How are you able to fight back? How were you able to seperate your demon form from yourself and use it to fight me?" The Demon just sat there while he started growl like he was trying to talk. For some reason the figure understanded him. After the demon was done growling the figure laughed. "NhahahHAHAHA! When you saw that I was going to hurt your friends through my eyes, you seperated your demon form me and took control over it to protect them? That sounds so sentimental. There must be another reason." The demon growld a little. "I deny to believe it. Having friends doesn't make you stronger, they are just another weak point." The demon once again growld. The figure now started to look annoyed. "Even after we reunited we equal eachother. Maybe I need to take everything from you except your body." The figure gets surounded by chains so no one could see what was happening. The chains went away. On the place where the figure burried himself in chains was Eps but very wounded while being asleep and a pony in a coat with his hoody on so you couldn't see his face. The pony in the hoody crawled away and started to speak. "Here, have your body back. But do notice, it will be empty when you acces it. I took your powers and memories. It is gone. Once I have restored, you won't have the knowledge anymore on how to fight back when I attack. You won't win. It won't be long till your demon form will start losing its memories too."
  9. @, @@Midnight Starfall, The figure and The demon were standing in their battle stance. It was all going to be decided by this final blow. For a 5 seconds nothing happened... but then the pony in the coat and the human shaped demon armor jumped at eachother. In a flash they passed eachother and changed from positions but in a stance that looked like they attacked with their backs facing eachother. For a second they stood still in the same stance until the pony started to shake. "You would expect that we both would have the same strength" Said the evil pony with a voice that sounds like he could barely speak. The demon went out of his stance so he would stand up straight. The demon stabbed his sword into the ground so the pommel and the grip face the sky. "I guess that I was wrong..." The demon slowly moves until he sits on his knees with his hands resting on the guars of his sword with his head low. "It looks like I am stronger." Said the evil pony. The pony stopped shaking and tried to stand straight. "Now Equestria WILL BE MI-...." The pony stopped in the middle of his scentence and collapsed of tiredness.
  10. @, The Demon armor looked at Soprano as he tried to find a place to hide. The Demon concetrated back on the fight and now the tension was rising. The figure attacked with his sword while the demon blocked the attacks. It kept on going until the figure found a moment to hit the demon. The figure hit the sword of the demon so hard the the demon flinched so the figure had a moment to attack. Without hesitation, the figuremade an uppercut move the punch the demon into the air and jumped after him. The figure came up close and prepared to attack. But the demon recovered from its stun and saw the attack coming. the figure made 3 quick attacks as the demon blocked it and countered by hitting the figure so he landed on the ground. The demon flew at full speed towards the figure on the ground. The demon made an quick attack with his sword but the figure blocked. The figure dissapeared and reappeared behind the demon. the figure grabbed the back of the demon his head and threw him towards a tree. Instead of getting blocked, the demon went through the tree as his back hit the tree. The demon fell on his back but he stand up right after he hit the ground. The demon and figure slowly walked towards eachother until they stood 4 foot away of eachother. "This is taking to long! Let's just finish this now!" The figure demanded. The demon armor agreed. The figure and demon were walking backwards until they were 20 foot away from eachother and then took a final battle stance...
  11. That is a pretty interesting story.
  12. @,@@Midnight Starfall, @@10InTheTardis, The figure that replaced Eps saw that the chains were broken. "You think that they will escape!?" The figure commanded his chains to attack the ponies but the demonjumped in front of the ponies. With a great speed, he deflected the chains by hitting them. The chains fell lifeless on the ground as the demon went for the figure. The demon came in closer to the figure, the figure now also decided to go for the assault. The figure ran towards the demon as he prepared tro attack. The figure and the demon their swords collided. "You fool! Even if they escape now, I will catch them in the end. This fight is useless. You can't beat me!" The demon didn't say a word, he just looked at the figure, but for some reason the figure became more angry. The swords started to fly around as the 2 stood on the same place.
  13. @, @,@, Oh good, you are back. Now starfall just needs to accept peppermint and someone needs to pick up soundwave. EB, pepper, maybe you 2 can help eachother out in the rp. Stargfalll problably wouldn't mind if pepper joined. A lot of people were there for only 3 episodes and left already. If we get more guest characters we'll have a "Best A hoof in 2 worlds characters top 1000" and not a top 20. Anyway, we are heading back to the rp. We don't have our own intro so we just copyright it. Now, "A hoof in 2 worlds" shall continue.
  14. @,@, @@Midnight Starfall, Eps hits Soprano soflty on the top if his head. "YOU ARE SAYING THAT AFTER BEING QUIET FOR 3 DAYS!?" Eps sighes deeply and then looks into the camera like heis looking straight at the audience. "So, A Hoof in Two Worlds will continue later on." Eps now lifts his hoof to point into the camera. "Now head for the outro!" (I think an actuall outro for this RP would be cool, but for now we use this... eh...? To the people at home, this is no copyright, this is only borrowing an ending for a limited time.)
  15. @, That will be dificult for me since my body transformd and got taken over by an enemy while my mind used the shadow powers to replace itself into my living shadow in its devil form.
  16. @, That is what I mean. We just got to an exiting moment and then it stops, that's a little dull isn't it? It's the same as an arc in a anime or an episode of an action series. You just got at the awesome part and then it stops and you need to wait an entire week for the next episode to see what heppens next. That is what is going on here.
  17. @@10InTheTardis, @@Midnight Starfall, @, Starfall hasn't been online lately. It kinda slows our progress down... Should we just... continieu without her? Like... you guys bring her to safety and we keep on going wihtout her until she comes back or something?
  18. does anyone else also like the new banner?

  19. @, The demonic creature slowly standed up until he stood straight. Afterwards he grabbed the sword that was sticked into the ground in front of him and pulled it out and took a battle stance. The figure that replaced Eps and the other pony charged towards the demon knight in rage. The figure went on the offensive while the demon blocked 2 attacks from the silver/red maned pony. The demon dodged the 3rd attack and afterwards made a quick dash towards Soprano. He ended up beside Soprano. The demon lifted his sword and then attacked at full power to break the chains. Without making a sound, the demon quickly gave Sopranoa shield, the same one as Eps gave him when they were playing the card game. The demon knight jumped back into the battle with the pony, acting as a distraction so Soprano could escape with the other 2 ponies who were close to the fight..
  20. @@Midnight Starfall, @@10InTheTardis, @, It looked like someone was in the amount of dust where the lightning came from... it almost looked like... a human... The dust slowly faded away, revealing a strange creature in the shape of a human but it wasn't... when all of the dust finally faded away, there was a armor of a Demon Knight visible. He was sitting on its knees while his hands rested on the guard of a demonic blade that was sticked into the ground in front of him. The figure who replaced Eps and the shadowy other figure was suprised to see the demon. "What? Your body submits, your heart accepts. So why does your mind resist?"
  21. @, @@10InTheTardis, @@Midnight Starfall, The figure sighed deeply and started to look annoyed. "You know what? Fine! YOU!" The figure pointed at the pony who thought that this all was a dream. "if you are keep going to interupt, then at least let it be usefull! Think of a name for me. Now the figure looked at Soprano. "And you! Fine then! You know what!? I just finish you both off right now so I finally can get rid of this nonsence!" The figure lifted his sword and just wanted to hit Skyla with his sword until on the very last second, a lightning bolt flew form the side to blast the sword away so Skyla didn't get hurt. The figure now became more angry. "NOW WHAT!?" He screamed out of angre. A amount of dust was gathered at the spot where the lightningbolt came from... it looked like someone was in it.
  22. @, @@10InTheTardis, @@Midnight Starfall, Eps roled his eyes as the chatting went on. "Excuse me, I am trying to torture people here. Can't we do this another time?... now, where were we? Oh yeah!..." The figure looked at Skyla. "I was busy killing you if he said that he had nothing to do with this. Now sit still, that way we make it easier for me and less painfull for you." Said the figure while using his magic to aim the sword properly. Afterwards The figure looked at Soprano. "Lets see... oh yeah! You said I wouldn't dare. Shall we bet? Besides, if you have nothing to do with this, she shouldn't be that important to you, would she?"
  23. @@10InTheTardis, The figure looked at the confused pony who saked who they were. The figure that was over confident at first now got confused because he got interupted. "What do you mean, Who are we'? I should be asking : 'Who are you'? you just happen to pass by, so you tell us who you are first."
  24. Thank you for answering my questions. I shall look or I can make it to participate in this event. I shall message in this topic or I will be able to come or not as soon as checked or I have nothing to do at the time the event starts. It might important for you to know that I only have the games Gmod and team Fortress 2. Once again, thank you for answering my questions.
  25. This looks like a nice event. But I do have some questions before, to make sure or I can participate or not. First question:Do you need to be a good player for team fortress 2? Because I am not really good in team fortress 2 sadly enough. Second question: If we play Gmod, then which game mode will we play? Third question: Will my Ip adress be visible for other players? Because personally I like it to keep it private. Fourth question: Will you need a comunication program to make contact (such as Skype, Messeneger or Google+ to voice chat.) Fifth and last question(for now): Am I allowed to record this event and post it on youtube or use the games in the event for my advantage like creating a source filmmaker video?
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