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Everything posted by Nighty

  1. Time for another day. Hopefully it's a fun one c: !

  2. Time for another day. Hopefully it's a fun one c: !

  3. Giving new things a shot is great. I love finding new things, and especially new people to hang out with. This forum's full of great people too, so I'm still here to stay c:

  4. Learning to love myself. The right one will come when he will, but first I've got to make sure I'm okay when he does.

  5. My date flaked on me! Just when I thought I found someone cool, they vanish without a word. See? Even in real life people can be as bad as online folks. I don't even know which type of relationship I can value anymore after tonight T_______T!

    1. Vulcan


      Know that feel, I got stood up on the first date I've ever been brave enough to ask someone to. It hurt so much. T-T

  6. Hey, did you make this xD? I saw it and immediately thought of you xP http://puu.sh/ovFL1/7bd9c6638b.jpg

    1. Kyoshi Frost Wolf

      Kyoshi Frost Wolf

      Yup, I made that. :P It was a parody of my video game reviews. The person here that is using that as an avatar is my boyfriend. :)

    2. Nighty


      Awwwwwwwwwwwwww that's so sweet x3!

    3. Kyoshi Frost Wolf
  7. Had a sleepless night obsessing over a past relationship. I wish I could just put it beind me already because deeeeeeep down I know ot's a dead end!

    1. CheeryFox


      It takes time, mate. =)

  8. I can't possibly be the only one. Is there anyone here that plays PoE ?
  9. Time for bed. Still no stallion. *siiiiiiiigh* whennnnn will I find him cx ?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Sunset light

      Sunset light

      Heh never believed in gofd im an atheist so heh just wise words

    3. Nighty


      Sages are just really smart people, religious affiliation whatsoever :P

    4. Nighty


      It's also a plant :V




  12. Woke up late, but upon checking my online schedule, class is cancelled! Wooohoooooooo :U

  13. I lay here again, thinking about what it would be like to be snuggled against the right pone for me ~w~..... I'm sure he's around here somewhere c: !

    1. Sunset light

      Sunset light

      Heh im surethere is a colt out there for you and well hmm im willing to help sounds dumb considering im more attracted to a female presence but ill help you find the right colt

  14. Definitely bi or something, but I like guys more c: !
  15. Breaking my wrist trying to play Osu!
  16. Another day. Another three hour lab to hit stuff with other stuff in physics @.@

  17. I'm great in relationships, but TERRIBLE when it comes to finding and starting them! I seem to have like no ability to find people and to make myself visible :c How fix pls
  18. I'm feeling overly warm since California springtimes are only trumped in hotness by California summers @__@ It doesn't help that I'm single and bored and warm and comfy in my sheets and hugging this giant fluffy pillow >///<!
  19. Oh, I see this is here. My skype name is ncb894, and I'm usually up for chatting and talking people out of silly situations. As much as I love to give advice, it seems that I'm just no good at finding people and being found myself. My being single for several months is a testament to just how bad I am at starting an otherwise easy process: building lasting connections with people. Ps I'm totally looking for a colt to cuddle hmu bois o3o
  20. Still unfortunately single ;-;! Still looking around for the right colt for me, though finding any candidates at all is difficult since I have no idea how to find people for anything at all where I live ;-;
  21. One of these days, I'll get to know somepony here nice and well, well enough for me to want to drive halfway to them to meet them halfway so we can snuggle and eat sushi or something x3

  22. Still looking for a fellow colt to cuddle around the area :/ Where are you all? Maybe I'm just not looking hard enough ;3

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Nighty


      I'm so unluckyyyyyy ;-;

    3. Scrubbed user

      Scrubbed user

      Maybe you should move to middle Tennessee, I'll find one for ya. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

    4. Nighty


      Waaaaaah I can't, tpo much college xc

  23. Snuggle withdrawal is kicking in o___e;;

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