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Everything posted by bloodyfox

  1. Afraid? No. Hesitant? Yes. I would rather have someone get to know other stuff about me before I tell them I'm a brony.
  2. Queen, Princess, Prince, King, etc. They are all just titles and hold no significance to physical power. The only power the titles hold are political.
  3. I was thinking more along the lines of their names and magical prowess rather than species. I believe Twilight is just as powerful if not more so than the Princesses. You make a lot of good points to contest my thoughts. I think Cadence's special talent(which I mentioned on another post before) is to put love back in rhythm, hence her name being Cadence which means rhythm. I actually have no rebuttal against your argument.
  4. Haha. Nice. I was watching the wedding episodes again today and noticed Shining Armor's snout protrudes just as much if not more than Cadence's.
  5. Cadence's snout also protrudes further than most ponies. However, Luna's is somewhere in between Celestia's and regular ponies.
  6. Yesterday I was thinking. Celestia represents day. Luna represents night. It is assumed Twilight represents twilight obviously. Then we have Cadence. We have the three different phases of a day represented by three different ponies. However, the phases of he day mean nothing if the timing is out of order. I believe this is where Cadence comes into play. I think Cadence, as her name suggests, represents rhythm. She is the balancing force between the phases of the day(Celestia, Luna, and Twilight). I was wondering what others thought about the relation between these 4 ponies and if it was significant. Perhaps Cadence has appeared to correct the rhythm of Equestria since "the sun/day" has dominated Equestria for too long?
  7. I wouldn't know because this my reaction Then I continue on my way.
  8. I think Pinkie could also fit under Chastity. She views the world from the view of innocence where everything is a positive experience even if the situation is bad(i.e. anytime she is confronted with fear or trouble she almost always sees it in a positive way. except that one episode...).
  9. I would be batman and be the hero Equestria deserves...Ok now for my real answer I would be a unicorn. I would marry Twilight, and we would travel Equestria seeing new places and learning more about magic.
  10. All my friends and family know is that I like MLP. They don't know how intrinsic it is to my being.
  11. I saw someone mention this elsewhere. They had the villains you mentioned the same, but they linked the rest of the deadly sins as such: Flim and Flam: sloth (too lazy too actually work) Parasprites: gluttony(they ate everything) Spike in "The Secrete of My Excess": Greed Wendigos: Wrath
  12. From season 1 to season 2 Luna seems have gotten older(it seemed that way to me). Although Cadence is also a princess, her mane is normal. I wonder if their manes change as they get older?
  13. I think my blood pressure rose answering that question. Rarity's mane is probably the most beautiful. Dash's mane is awesome but I like it better like she has it at the gala and the wedding episodes. I think Fluttershy's mane is also lovely but I like her tail more. I'm neutral when it comes to Appleack's mane. I don't like the poofiness of Pinkie's mane but I like Pinkamena's. Twilight's mane, IMO, has the best balance between style, simplicity, and color.
  14. I personally believe MLP Wikia misspelled it. Spelled as 'Cadence' it is an actual name.
  15. If I was really close to them. Yes. If I knew of them but wasn't really on a friend level. I would do my best to protect them, but I'm not sure I would willingly give my life for them.
  16. Perhaps he needs an excuse to watch it? Maybe his thoughts are such: "I like this show, but I need an excuse should someone call me out for it." Maybe he is leaving himself an escape route to avoid the hate? I don't know your friend or what he is like but this thought came to my mind.
  17. Thank you all for your input. I had thought to use "in her hooves" but wasn't sure if it would sound quite right.
  18. This seemed to be the most appropriate place to ask this question. If not please direct me to the correct place. I am currently writing a fanfic and I have come across a phrasing I was originally going to use, but I am not sure if it would be something a pony would say. The phrase is, "in her arms." Since ponies have four legs and no arms I didn't know if this would be an acceptable phrase for ponies to use. I would appreciate any help. Thanks.
  19. I posted a comment but it said it has to be approved by a moderator first. I don't think it will be approved. It wasn't a hateful comment. It was an explanation as to why the article was biased and his points about MLP destroying values and couldn't compare to the morals of Star Trek and Lord of the Rings were unfounded. I also mentioned that there are bronies serving in the military and protect this country and its people with their lives just as much as any other soldier. I would love to see my comment get approved. EDIT: While I typed this post, my comment was approved. I registered as Iloveponies.
  20. I could probably talk pretty comfortably with any of them. However, I think Twilight and I would be more on the same wave length and would have more in common to talk about.
  21. I can't really go in depth(because I don't really understand it myself), but I have always liked seeing females as main characters.
  22. I've never played Starcraft. That is probably why I didn't get the relation.
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