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Posts posted by Panzerbeard

  1. I definitely don't; I have a severe case of Social Anxiety Disorder, to the point that I can't even talk with somebody over Skype. It's not quite that bad if it's just typing, on a forum or chatbox, or whatever, but I'm more reactive than proactive; I need someone else to initiate a conversation and such, I can respond to other people well enough, but left to my own devices I can't really do much more than say "hi" and hope that the other person actually gets the convo going. I like to talk to friends when I can, but I have a lot of difficulty doing so. If friendship is magic, then I'm a muggle  :huh:


    Well, that was.. cheerful. Sorry folks :P

  2. Depends on what you're going for, really. Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya or Cowboy Bebop are good "intro" animes, and Bebop is probably the most accessible if you're not familiar with all the typical anime nonsense.

    Mai HiME had quite a bit of emotional depth towards the end, I liked that a fair bit. Toaru Kagaku no Railgun had a good blend of action and comedy, with just enough depth to stay interesting without being too serious. I'm watching Black Lagoon at the moment, I'd recommend that if you want hard action. If you want pure comedy, then Shinryaku! Ika Musume is pretty funny in places without being too reliant on obscure japanese culture, as most comedy animes like Lucky Star tend to be.


    I'm fairly new to anime myself, really, so I'm still trying to figure out what I'm into. I'd recommend going to MyAnimeList, you can get a lot of info and recommendations there. :D

  3. I bought the game on impulse now :P For anyone who wants to try it out, the game is on sale of steam for today! 

    It's not a long game, but I'd say it's definitely worth it. Play it with a 360 pad if possible, the way the controls work with it actually add to the experience, it's really hard to explain how, but the game definitely loses something using a keyboard :)

  4. Brothers: A Tale of Two Sons. I'm not the type to get particularly emotional over games, but my god, Brothers is just perfect, every single aspect of the game is designed to get you attached to the characters and world. It's easily my #1 game of all time, I'd recommend it to anyone that doesn't have a heart of stone. The feels! THE FEELS!  :wub:

  5. Welcome to the forums, Panzar, :D  Hope you enjoy your stay.


    Many thanks :D

    Yeah, I know what you mean, whether it's drawing, or writing music or anything else like, it definitely takes a lot of talent to be able to bring up your skill at just any time.

    Thanks anyway though ^ ^

    Yeah, hopefully I'll get better, I just need to force myself to practice regularly, I guess :P


    Hello !

    Of your many names, I choose Panzer, as it sounds the most awesome. :lol:  Anyways, welcome to the site!

    *returns hug*


    Also, I've seen much worse, regarding your small art sample; think you may be a tad hard on yourself thar. :P  Seems to have solid enough form, an expression that comes off well enough, and overall looks pretty decent. B) I like it.


    Off I go~

    Huzzah! My second-favourite name! Have a second hug, why not, I've got spares *hug*

    • Brohoof 1
  6. I actually like your avatar, so..... (Could you draw me one?)


    Anyway, welcome to the forums ^ ^


    I hope you have fun here, and if you ever want to chat, feel free to send me a message ^  ^


    Yay, thanks :D

    I could draw one, but it'll turn out rather bad, I expect. I have to be in a very specific mood to draw, or it tends to just not work out.



    Welcome to the Forums! Hope you have fun here! Fluttershy is indeed best pony.

    Thankya! I picked Fluttershy, but I like them all, really.

  7. So, I'm not an especially creative person; I tend to have trouble with both inspiration and motivation when it comes to drawing. That being said, every month or so I take up the pencil and attempt to art. Yes, it's a verb now.


    Most of my stuff tends to not turn out very well, but there are a few sketches I'm kinda happy with (most of my better sketches are non-pony). There's a lot of inconsistency here, since these were spread out over almost 2 years, and my style/quality tends to vary wildly. Most of the earlier ones make fairly heavy use of references, the 2014 stuff not so much. I really need to start practising regularly, instead of a few random doodles once a month, but hey, whatever, ponies.   :P


    2012 stuff:





    Lonely lonely Tank. You just want to be loved :(



    Is this ok to post here? I mean, it wasn't INTENDED to be suggestive, but in retrospect it did turn out kinda, um, seductive. It's the socks. I shouldn't have added the socks, should I?



    I didn't draw a single passable pony picture in 2013, apparently..


    2014 stuff:




    All in all, I'm not sure if I've got better or worse since I started...


    • Brohoof 3
  8. So.. hello, I guess? I'm Panzer and/or Beard, because of reasons unknown. I'm also called Tank on a certain other forum, used to be known as Ashflare (and still am on DA), and if you really want to, you could call me Karl. My parents tell me that's my real name, so who am I to argue?


    So, I'm.. pretty much your average 20-year-old British nerd; I like gaming, sci-fi, reading, physics, ponies and tea. I also make terrible "art", for want of a better word, as evidenced by my avatar. Behold the mediocrity!   :P

    Not really a whole lot more to say, other than: Hello! Have a hug!

    • Brohoof 2
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