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Banner by ~ Kyoshi Frost Wolf


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Everything posted by RunsWithSquirlz

  1. Sweet Jeebuz, it's been awhile

  2. !!! Got a new job as a night audit working at Motel 6. Crazy ass job let me tell you. But I finally have my schedule up in place and I feel functional again. For once, everything is going OK. Oh and hi.
  3. Well the electricity got shut off, like 400 dollars...my tablet is dying. Don't know when ill be back

    1. Alex Kennedy

      Alex Kennedy

      I've done what I can. And please don't feel bad about it. I do it because I want to.

  4. Tulla immediately became awkward around Abigails older brother. Looking down at her boots and trying her best to ignore the fact that Adrass was there. It wasn't that she disliked him, he just gave her a weird feeling. Whisper picked up the lizard and petted it lightly "Shhh baby lizard..." She heard her name and ran off the way she came.
  5. Facebook: Manda Panda Monium. Let's be friends.

    1. Alex Kennedy

      Alex Kennedy

      If only I actually had Facebook.

  6. "Hateful..." Whisper repeated slowly. Those words made sense. The little girl had lulled her into a false sense of security, preying on her weakest traits. It made sense to her...a world with no fighting, no anger, no pain. It sounded beautiful. Maybe she could help...maybe she should. "I want to save them all." ------- Tulla grimaced at Abigails outburst. She was mostly used to her friend acting out, playing her role. Yet...she imagined someone else. Someone smaller, throwing toys in the playroom...blazing red hair. Who...? @@Flying Ace, @@Torrent505, @@Alex Kennedy, She glared at Dresdens arm and then back at him "I have two legs. I can walk myself. Tugg, c'mon let's go already."
  7. OK I'm back. Everything has been shit for me as per usual. I got mugged the other day, the ahole took my bag with my wallet and money. Thank god I forgot my crappy crap crap tablet at home. My laptop I fear, has uttered it's last whirr. No one has any info on @[member=Sanctified Absence] ?
  8. I hate my life. On top of everything else...I get mugged.

    1. MinunShy_Kay


      Ohmygoodness!! Are you okay???

    2. Torrent505


      Damn it. Hope you're alright :( what did the asshole take?

    3. Alex Kennedy

      Alex Kennedy

      What!? Oh my god! I swear there must be some gypsy out there cursing you or something. It's just not fair all the shit that happens to you.

  9. Tulla stuck out her tongue and punched Abigail in the arm, face flushed red with embarrassment. For Whisper it was foggy, voices drifting in and out. She only vaguely felt the presence of her dragon and Clarke, but her body wanted to let go and sleep. "I don't know who you are little girl, or why you're soing this but please...stop" she replied into the fog.
  10. What happened to Sanctified Absence? Anyone know? He hasnt replied to any posts in awhile
  11. Alright, in order to keep things going. We need Adrass and Indicus to fall asleep. Unless, Torrent has something planned to just rip your spirits out or something.
  12. Tugg rumbled low in his throat and nudged Dresdens hand with his beak. He rose up on his hind legs, placing his heavy paws on Dresdens shoulders and began lapping at his face happily. "Aren't there supposed to be three of 'ya?" Tulla questioned, chuckling at her chimera.
  13. "No better thing than to go to the market" she nudged Tugg with her boot and then walked over to them. "Names Tulla. You must be Robert and Dresden right? Abby is always swooning about you" she crossed her arms and watched as Tugg scampered over and began sniffing Dresden.
  14. Tulla looked up from the chair she had been sitting in, studying Robert and Dresden. Tugg lay asleep by her feet, now the size of a bulldog. "Abigail told me to show you nobles around while she gets prettied up" She scratched at her unruly mess of hair. "Can't imagine there's anything interesting here in Ashcreek but...eh."
  15. Tulla swayed backwards the feel of sleep hitting her hard. She didn't know why she suddenly felt so weary. That giggle. The little girl. She fell against the already slumbering Tugg. She wanted to fight it but she couldn't, her eyelids drooping low "Damn it all..." She fell asleep.
  16. Tulla scowled and flinched at the gunshot. Looking back at Whisper she sighed. "Fine" She growled. "We can't afford losing anybody else...especially Whisper. Tugg get up." Tugg heaved himself up and shook the dirt from his coat and didn't complain as Tulla hooked him back up to the cart. Within a few minutes, the camp was packed up and the party started moving through the fog in the forest. The mimic on Roberts shoulder remained eerily quiet, as if afraid of something. It looked ready to jump and skitter away at the slightest thing. Zaddions crow was nowhere to be seen, it had abandoned him some time ago.
  17. I wish libraries had food. Like a coffee and donut stand. ANYTHING!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. VitalSpark


      They let you borrow books and take them home. You have food in your house, right?

    3. Alex Kennedy
    4. VitalSpark


      From time to time.

  18. Tulla visibly softened and relaxed at Roberts demand. She kept her eyes trained on Adrass though, still weary he would make his decision. "He's right, you know. The princess would heal from the wound and probably run back in here by herself." Tulla stated. Zaddion was acting strangely and Tullas head wasn't in the right place. She was so tired...and now the other mage was more zoned out than usual. "Zaddion...? 'Ello! ZADDION!" she yelled at him, refusing to move from her spot. Tugg blinked slowly, watching the humans bicker like they usually did. He yawned and stretched, cracking the toes on his paws and turned away. Stupid humans. Always yelling about something. Whisper was already sleeping again, she felt much too weak. Keeping Clarke alive had taken it's toll on her untrained body. Seeing his ghost made her lose hope. She had failed. With a small 'thunk' her forehead rested on the side of the cart and she was out cold.
  19. Tulla woke up abruptly, shoving herself off of Tugg and wiping her face "Dresden, what the hells was that?!" Taking a quick survey she stomped in front of Whisper "For the love of...Adrass! What do you think you're doing? And Whisper! What did you do to incite this crazy bastard?!"
  20. The more people who would like to try thier hand with rpg maker the better. A game like this would require lots of work and cooperation. She looks adorable. I dont have the maker, but is there an option to give her a braid? And for anyone wanting to get it for free, I suggest typing "rpg maker torrent" into google and you'll get a few good links. You'll need a bittorrent client, I use Azureus. Just follow the instructions and you'll learn in no time.
  21. Nah, man. I thinking how to proceed hahaha Adrass scared me! And thats funny, Ace, because I was thinking about turning foa into an rpg game too! Maybe we can collab
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