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Everything posted by Replicant

  1. I'm waaay too old to be babysat, but I would definitely have liked Pinkie as a sitter when I was younger. All I wanted to do was eat candy and stay up late bouncing off the walls, so... perfect!
  2. Yeah, why not? If it were a temporary thing, I'd be too curious as to what it was like to say no. Clearly none of you guys refusing to fuse would make good Jaeger pilots.
  3. Oh riiight. This place.

  4. As far as I know, Hasbro sees us as potential cash cows... Remember when that Care Bear-related email was leaked, and one of the execs was hypothesizing about the brony equivalent of Care Bear fans? They do cater to us a little in some of their products to encourage those who weren't buying the little girls' toys to actually get involved with their products. The trading cards come to mind, though I'm not entirely sure how much of Hasbro is involved with the cards since Enterplay sells them. *shrug* As it should be, though it would be amazingly cool to have a soulless money-hungry company compassionate toward its fans... just not something to be expected.
  5. Oh my god, it's a mahou shoujo (magical girl) pokemon. When I get one, I'm naming it "Madoka," and I'm going to draw fanart of it in pretty dresses fighting bad guys with magic. *__* That said, one cannot have too many Eeveelutions; they're adorable, and if you don't like 'em, you can ignore 'em pretty easily. It's not like you HAVE to get them in the game.
  6. I thought Celestia needed him because his magic was extremely powerful (and I guess therefore useful)? He can manipulate his surroundings at will, which would be useful in a battle. You're right that as chaos incarnate, though, he probably wouldn't stick to the rules. It would be interesting if he betrayed the ponies at a later point during a critical event. o: Possible S4 ending?!
  7. The characters can't seem to solve problems until some element of friendship is reinforced. On that basis, I would say friendship is "magic" because its presence automatically leads to the characters' success. Also, this... the show makes a point to emphasize how necessary the presence of Twilight's friends are to her success.
  8. Hurricane Fluttershy and the training montage. The lessons of the episode are that trying your hardest is valuable and effective, and that every bit counts. I think the training montage highlights that lesson in the most positive and entertaining way possible. Also, I love it, so I think of it first anyway.
  9. If I woke up with a peen, I would be more concerned with the circumstances leading to me having a peen than the actual peen itself. Besides, my hair is already really short... in all likelihood, no one would notice the difference. After I got over the initial shock, I'd pee on things until the novelty of being able to aim wore off. Yep.
  10. @@MiStErUnMeRry- Unfortunately the bit about the diamonds makes your scenario pretty likely. Until that last bit I was thinking that humanity wouldn't go to so much trouble to destroy/control the ponies' way of life, but then... diamonds. Yeah, that's probably enough motivation. 6_6 I have a more cautiously optimistic idea of what would happen: Humanity wouldn't risk wasting heavy artillery on shields until they had a good understanding of magic and what to expect from it. It also depends upon how one goes about getting to Equestria/MLPverse; if it's off-planet, that would take a lot more resources to get heavy weaponry to and from Earth. If it's in another dimension and somehow we found/created a portal (yay science magic), there's a good chance that unicorn magic could just close it. That said, ponies are of roughly the same intelligence as humans, so I believe that if humans were aggressive and threatening toward them, they'd build their own versions of our weapons with magic/powered by magic (in spite of their nature-- the other option is extinction, so...). It would bring the disagreement to an impasse.
  11. I FOUND MY TABLET *disgusting squealing*

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. MiStErUnMeRry


      Using new software/techniques and coloring I don't even know. I just finished one picture-my first pony in god knows how long-that was kind of an experiment ground for me. So, hopefully I learned enough from that to make Oran not look like mud color wise.

    3. Replicant


      Is it on your DA page, by any chance? *stalk stalk*

      I'm sure you'll do him justice. If he looks like mud, that kind of suits him. :P

    4. MiStErUnMeRry


      http://manwhomurderedtime.deviantart.com/art/Trade-354034925 yes. Yes it is. I haven't drawn ponies in a while so...everything in this picture I knew not what to do.
  12. Yeah, so I'm basically going to send your channel to all of my brony friends. I absolutely love "The Night Will Last Forever," and I'm listening to Pink Rush with the biggest smile on my face. Have you ever submitted anything to be posted on EqD??? I downloaded a collection of MLP-inspired music that had been selected by the MLP subreddit, and there were so many things that didn't even come close to your music's quality. Get your name out there, dude!
  13. This is beautiful. Do you have a soundcloud or any other music you've made? Any experience in a live orchestra? You're very talented. *_*
  14. Thanks for the feedback! And the compliments. :"D If I ever make another one this large, I'll have to make a PVC skeleton... I'm going to stick it on Ebay pretty soon, and honestly as long as someone is willing to pay enough to cover the material cost and time effort I don't think I'll complain, heh.
  15. For the past few weeks, I've been working on this monstrosity. The body and mane are anti-pill fleece, while the eyes and cutie marks are made of felt. Pillowy. She does not stand up on her own, due to being absolutely massive and therefore very heavy. Front view. In spite of the terrible photo quality, you can kind of see the nostrils/mouth! Using this pattern as a reference (no tracing or measuring, just looking at a screen and going "yeah, this looks proportionally correct"... lesson learned), I drew out each pattern piece on a disposable plastic tablecloth. When that ran out, I taped pieces of paper together and then cut those out. Once again, lesson learned... Should have just gotten the appropriate paper for it. Featuring boyfriend for size comparison. The eyes, head/body, and mane/tail were all sewn using a sewing machine. The cutie mark and eyelashes were sewn by hand (those parts actually took the longest... buh). Unintentionally suggestive close-up, featuring my hand. I have some questions. - If you were to buy this, would the fact that it can't support itself and needs to be leaning on something be offputting? Would you rather it had a skeleton made out of PVC pipe or something? - Any criticism or suggestions? This is the fourth pony I've ever sewed, so I'm not exactly pro mode. Bonus picture: The pone throne. Notice anything off about that Ponyo poster? That wasn't intentional.
  16. I like the sound of the second two better than the first. Not really fond of OC main character fanfiction, personally, but I honestly can't say you shouldn't write it. If you would have fun doing it, why not? Regardless, the first two sound like things I'd go out of my way to read. Also, any writing is good writing because you're getting practice; I say you should do all of 'em.
  17. Sir Ian McKellen('s beard), I want to marry that beard. Otherwise, I don't really care about celebrities and therefore don't get crushes on them!
  18. Mushi-shi, Kuragehime, and Kaiba are my top three favorites. My favorite anime movie would have to be Redline, though. 'Dat animation. *O*
  19. Yeah, so there's about two feet of snow outside right now.

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. MiStErUnMeRry


      No snow here. Bit of a let down to be honest.

    3. khaine21x3


      I wish I had Blizzards instead of floods down here

    4. Replicant


      Mister - I lost power, how's that for a letdown. XD It did look pretty while it lasted.


      Khaine - It's turned to flooding now that all the snow is melting! But I can imagine a change of pace would be nice @_@

  20. I find it interesting that all of the deaths you described were meant to be significant deaths. Parents passing away, family, friends, etc. I think one of the reasons children's cartoons have to skirt the subject of death is because the situation is usually very serious or dramatic. The only modern example I can think of a where children's cartoon candidly and openly shows death and violence is Regular Show. People get blown up, sliced in half, shot with actual guns that don't look or act like laser guns. This is significant-- can you remember a modern cartoon with real, working guns that shot bullets? If you can, you probably didn't see the bullets hit living people. Regular show is on early enough in the evening where kids over 10 are probably watching it. The deaths and injuries experienced by the characters aren't meant to be tragic or upsetting, though, so maybe that's why Regular Show can get away with so much.
  21. This is really interesting. You outlined the characters well, and the progress of the story seems to be well-paced... I really like the relationship dynamic between Nostrum and Charity, they clearly have a history together. I hope you update this story or put it on FIMfiction so I can keep up with it. There are some grammatical and technical issues with it, which I would gladly point out if you wish, but otherwise I think you're on the right path.
  22. Earth poni best poni. 4 of my 5 OCs are earth ponies. The other is a pegasus. Earth ponies tend to get the short end of the stick-- like in the Windigo episode where it's explained that none of the pony races could get along, you see the earth ponies as peasants. ;-;
  23. @@blackopp1 Dang. I wish I could be of more help. Good luck, maybe try to find a friend who would let you watch it at their house? Or maybe go to the library and use a public computer for forums? @_@
  24. Fluttershy being weaker than a bunch of little forest critters and butterflies in Hurricane Fluttershy. Also, when she flung the butterflies after getting minutely stronger. I don't know why, but that always gets me.
  25. Oh man. Your parents don't sound like the rational sort, but I would highly recommend doing some research of your own. Fight fire with fire. If you need a copy of the Brony Documentary, I will GLADLY send you one so you don't have to buy it (I bought it and have several downloads left). It's 90 minutes long and shows bronies in an extremely positive light, which might help... There's also the Brony Study, which is an in-depth, professional psychological look at the brony phenomenon; tell them to take a professional's interpretation of it, rather than editorial pieces of trash that I'm sure their supposed "articles" are. I'm so sorry you have to deal with ignorant parents. You seem like a kind, spirited person. /)
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