For the past few weeks, I've been working on this monstrosity. The body and mane are anti-pill fleece, while the eyes and cutie marks are made of felt.
She does not stand up on her own, due to being absolutely massive and therefore very heavy.
Front view. In spite of the terrible photo quality, you can kind of see the nostrils/mouth!
Using this pattern as a reference (no tracing or measuring, just looking at a screen and going "yeah, this looks proportionally correct"... lesson learned), I drew out each pattern piece on a disposable plastic tablecloth. When that ran out, I taped pieces of paper together and then cut those out. Once again, lesson learned... Should have just gotten the appropriate paper for it.
Featuring boyfriend for size comparison.
The eyes, head/body, and mane/tail were all sewn using a sewing machine. The cutie mark and eyelashes were sewn by hand (those parts actually took the longest... buh).
Unintentionally suggestive close-up, featuring my hand.
I have some questions.
- If you were to buy this, would the fact that it can't support itself and needs to be leaning on something be offputting? Would you rather it had a skeleton made out of PVC pipe or something?
- Any criticism or suggestions? This is the fourth pony I've ever sewed, so I'm not exactly pro mode.
Bonus picture: The pone throne. Notice anything off about that Ponyo poster? That wasn't intentional.