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Lee Everafter

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Posts posted by Lee Everafter

  1. tbf, No one ever said AJ abundant screentime is what's causing Rainbow's current slump.

    Oh I didn't mean to say that either. I'm just saying they're trying to give an equal amount of screen time it seems. 


    Dash's downward spiral that people are noticing I think may have A BIT to do with the less screen time. Not AJ. 


    Though I don't really notice much difference in her. Except for her occasional outbursts of non-RD-like emotions. Which have pretty much always been happening.

  2. Dashie has always gotten on my nerves a bit. BUT don't get me wrong sunshine. She's amazing and awesome. I love her, just like I love all of the mane 6. They all have faults and positives to them. Rainbow's fault just happens to be that she's not the most modest pony around. 


    I think that just because she's had LESS screen time this season and Applejack has had more, doesn't mean she's lost her spark. Just means they're trying to show diversity and pick other pony's to have episode's on. 


    that's my opinion anyway. teehee. 

  3. I am not going to say that it has changed my life drastically or in any way harmed my reputation any more than it already WAS damaged by the fact that not only have I recently come out of the closet but I attend a very preppy, stuck up, Christian school. Where ANYTHING out of the ordinary is considered taboo. 


    I've come to find, though, that the more you prove and promote your love for something (Like MLP:FIM, and my girlfriend, and my blue hair etc) the most people usually back off. At least that has been my experience with it. 


    I got lots of hate and "BUT THAT'S A LITTLE KIDS SHOW DUMB A**" when I first started watching the show, but after that people accepted it and really just ended up not caring. 


    I didn't force them to watch it, so there wasn't much conflict.  :o

  4. Welcome to the forums! 

    In your profile picture, is that you, by the way? Sorry if that's a weird question!  :blush:

    Thanks !

    nope, not weird at all! =) it is me. I died my hair blue and then happened to be watching A Canterlot Wedding Part 1 and 2 when I realized. I HAVE THE SAME HAIR AS QUEEN CHRYSALIS  

    what's up?welcome to the herd and enjoy your stay here at the forums! ^-^

    Your profile picture is 20% cooler. teehee. I'm sure you've heard that one a hundred times. lol. 

    thanks for the welcome! 

    Yay! Another Flutterfan! /)O3O(\


    I'm not really much of a social butterfly at all like you though, but I hope you enjoy your experience here. I think you'll have a great time here, everpony here is so kind and caring.  ^_^

    So welcome to the herd Lee :D

    Thank you so much dahhhling. 

    I think I'm definitely going to like it here =) 

    friends friends friends  :wub:

    and thank you to the rest of you! =D everypony is being soooooo nice ! *passes out hugs and chocolate chip cookies*

  5. My Favourite Mane 6 Pony: Fluttershy


    How you became a fan of My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic: I became a fan as soon as I watched episode one. I mean come on, how can you NOT become a fan? Ammaright? :catface:


    I'm a 19 year old mare <3 (old right?)

    I love Fluttershy, she is my pal.

    I don't know what to say...

    I'm a theatre major, with a raw talent for singing and acting. (Raw because I'm just now starting to make something out of it)

    so I'm pretty sure my cutie mark would have something to do with being in theatre. =)

    I love to meet strangers =D

    aaaaaand I love my beautiful marefriend <3 we've been together two years!..

    I share a bloodstream with my iPhone (yea, i'm one of THOSE ponies heehee)

    annd i'm pretty geeky but that's okay because being unique is the booomb

    that's about all i got

    <3 XOXO  

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