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Posts posted by Emmigator

  1. 1. I LOVE rats! so much!

    2. I am very good at art

    3. I love to design oc's and pony adopts

    4. I enjoy old television shows, the type of stuff my mom grew up with!

    5. I am vegetarian

    6. My favorite pony is Fluttershy (I love Rarity too)

    7. I am in AP Art (advanced placement)

    8. I am strongly against any drugs/alcohol use 

    9. I hate fighting/yelling/violence of any sort

    10. I am really good at comforting people c:

    • Brohoof 1
  2. Share 10 facts about you! (It can be less than 10 if you can only come up with a few~!)

    Read other peoples facts they have posted about themselves, you may find some new friends that you have a lot in common with! c:

  3. Rats.......no way.  No matter how genetically close we are to them, they are disgusting to have.  Not to mention, where I live they are the size of cats....so yeah....not really my thing. :/

    I can understand your feelings seeing where you have lived they are wild and probably look quite alarming, but not all rats are disgusting ^^ pet rats are completely different. you can train them, they love to snuggle up with you and whenever i walk past the cages in the morning they will all run from one side to the other because they are so delighted to see me c: my rats only get as big as a guinea pig. Again though the rats where you live sound kinda scary seeing they are wild and all yikes D;


    I do not like rats, I will admit, they creep me out and, ugh......I personally would never have one as a pet.

    My grandma said the same thing hehe >u< alot of people are grossed out by them i think its just past generations that tell their kids rats are gross from a young age, and then as people grow they just keep that in their minds. for alot of people its the tail that freaks them out c: is that the same for you?


    Having rats as pets are okay. As long as you keep them clean, which is always safe.

    oh yeah >u< my babies i clean their cages every day and feed them twice a day. they get little baths too but only in the summer/spring so they dont get too cold afterwards. 

    I had a pet rat once, and she was the sweetest cutest most wonderful little sugar cube! They're very intelligent little rodents, and unlike a lot of other rodents they tend to very definitively bond with their owners, and will be excited to see you and spend time with you :3

    yes! rats are just ;v; amazing. i taught my most beloved rat Revy how to beg for mercy, so when i hold her on her back i say "mercy!" or "show me mercy/beg for mercy!" and she will lick my hands neurotically until i let her go x3

    • Brohoof 1
  4. Luckily the Meijer in my area sells them for 1.99 (or close to it) so it's not as expensive as other places , like target and such, although I bought some online because I got hooked starting with the glitter crystal wave batch.

    man lucky duck o; i have to buy them for 2.99 

    but i love them enough to keep going 

    just the pegisi though c; and a couple other unique ones...but mainly just pegisi~

  5. I like collecting all the blind bags and figurines.


    I have every wave except for the nighttime wave (only have twilight from that) and the newest wave which I only have four of the ponies from. I also have most of the figurine sets.

    Here's a lot of my figurines


    -launches myself at you-


    jus kidding c; so jelly though <3 

  6. hey, zumba is pretty fun :)

    my sis made me try it XD 

    well i think your sister is awesome for that!! Zumba is my stress release, along with my dance class

    also thank you to potatobutt x3

    • Brohoof 1
  7. Oh man I could live on this topic for the rest of my life

    I have anxiety issues so everything must be perfect (which sounds more ocd but my anxiety makes me kinda ocd)

    closet door and door to my room need to be shut
    all lights have to be off

    my ipod has to be upside down in case it lights up and scares me or wakes me up

    my alarm clock light has to be dimmed 

    i have to check my alarm before i go to bed every night to make sure its right (even though it never changes)

    my blankets have to be in the correct order; cream blanket first, then the white cashmere one, then my teal/blue blanket and lastly a large cream blanket on top

    i have to have my stuffed wolf to sleep, along with a shirt my boyfriend gave me a year and a half ago thats starting to tatter 

    i have to have vicks on my lips before i go to sleep, my lips chap and dry easily

    the list goes on, man. it never ends xD

  8. I do believe in spirits personally. my mother and grandmother have both seen spirits of deceased family members c: my mom has had multiple visits from family that has passed away (I have only had one visit that was with my grandpa). Also any of my family on my moms side that has been on their death bed, within the last few days of life would talk with deceased family members, but only with the dead ones. anyone who was alive was not mentioned and anyone who stood at their bedside was ignored like they werent even there. crazy stuff ovo;;

  9. Hello, hello!

    To play this game, post a picture or name of a pony from the show, or it could be any of your oc's! the next person to post would say either "yes" as in they would adopt that pony or "no" they would not adopt that pony and also pick another pony to post for the next person to say yes or no to. You can add silly fun comments to your responses also c: just stay on topic of the game! Thanks and have fun!




    P1; Fluttershy?

    P2; Yes! 


    P3: No

    Pinkie Pie?

    so on, so fourth

  10. Hello all! I enjoy making pony adopts which i call "Button Ponies"

    The idea behind these ponies is that a button is posted with a preview of the ponies design on it. These ponies are free to adopt, but you have to try out for them! There are many different competitions but most will be "guess a number between", "show me a picture of", or "tell me a story about" types of contests. These contests will last for 2-3 days and then a winner will be chosen! Once the winner is chosen the pony is revealed and it is for the winner to keep! You can find button ponies here;


    thanks so much!

  11. My Favourite Mane 6 Pony: Fluttershy

    How did you find MLP Forums?: Found this site on google!

    How you became a fan of My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic: Had a friend named alex who brought a little rainbowdash figure to school. I saw him carry it every day and decided to give the show a try, and i love it!

    I'm emily, 16 year old female c: loves zumba, art, skateboarding, and of course ponies! pegisi are my favorite, earth ponies are a close second. I am in ap art (advanced placement) in my school and love every second of it. in my free time I enjoy designing pony oc's! If you are interested in seeing some of my pony adopts, click the link below! I make a lot so feel free to check back there often c: <3


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