I began watching the show about 6 months back.
Me & some friends were just making some jokes about MLP (nothing about bronies), and having a laugh.
Later that night (I had no more then 10 hours sleep over the 3 days before) I was tired, and not exactly thinking straight. I got curious about the show so I decided to watch the first few episodes. I started at around 1am, next thing I knew its 5am & I've been watching MLP that entire time. After that, I stopped for about a week. I at this point understood why people liked the show. I've never had a issue with bronies in the first place, I just never understood it (Main reasson for taking the piss out of the show a little).
Then I began watching it again. Now everywhere I go I notice bronies. After watching the show for about 6 months I decided its time to join the community, so here I am today
So far, the members of the community I've met have been amazing, just as I hoped.
I just wish my friends could see what the fandom is really about. They all think its paedophiles & homosexuals. I don't see where the link between MLP > Gay is. I understand the paedophiles bit, but thats a very small percentage of the community (Infact, I'm yet to meet one).