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Senor Citizen

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Posts posted by Senor Citizen

  1. i was disgusted with it, but I'm disgusted with any anti-brony stuff as is my tulpa/waifu!

    And herein, gentlebeings, lies the problem.


    So, you condemn media saying bronies are freaks, and then go on to say your imaginary friend doesn't like it either. Can you see where the other party is coming from, at least?

    • Brohoof 1
  2. took recon out of the game

    What happens when you want to shoot someone who's far away, dingus? In fact, what about giving C4 to a non-bullethose class? What about designating targets? What about radio beacons?

    Lolnope. Counter-strike bunny-hopping. It's not bad... It's terrible! Plus, the weapons of that game aren't too well balanced, just by cost, but that has proven many times an ineffective system.

    TF2 and BF4 player, actually.

    Also, I actually find one place of Zavod-311 a great sniping spot. I don't believe the developers actually put snipers in mind for the most part. I believe they put in mind for vehicle-users on larger maps and ARs/SMGs on smaller. Some I agree were meant for sniping, but Operation Locker is like impossible to snipe on. The corridors are too short. Way too short.

    Is it just my opinion, or is C4 practically useless? I have only killed 1 person with C4, and that was the luckiest kill any player could get. I threw it backwards into the other guys face, and blew him up. I've tried many times to kill tanks and vehicles with C4, but it never works. I get shot every time because the vehicle's ROF is faster than my Recon's sprinting.


    1. Jihad vehicles.

    2. Be sneaky.

    3. Cover-B-Gone.

    4. Use lots.

    5. Defend objectives.

    • Brohoof 1


    Standoff nodded. "You don't want the Dogs to be mad at you. The tunnels are a great subterfuge resource, and for another thing, if you just walked in there to, say, try and get a leg up on the enemy in a battle, it could be seen as an invasion, and then you'd be fighting Diamond Dogs on their own turf. Wouldn't end well for anyone involved. If this deal goes through, which I hope it will, you could have a steady stream of gems to bribe the dogs with." Thinking for a moment, he absently looked out the window. Hey, um...


    I didn't even say anything!

    You thought it, and the answer is no.

    I have information the nice mare might waaaant...

    ...Fine. Be civil.

    My middle name is Gunther. I mean, civil.

    I'm regretting this already...

    Standoff smacked his lips, opened his mouth, coughed, and started talking again, in a completely different voice. "Hello, I'm Red Alert. You may be vonderink how I am doink zis. Ze answer is, I don't know. Not ze point. Anyvay, I've been monitorink a couple of sings, und did you know zere's been a terror attack in Cloudsdale? Common vord in ze buildink is zat it vas napalm. Don't ask me how ze entire city didn't burn down. Zat's all." Standoff sat back, obviously pleased with himself, then sat forward again, as if gauging Roseluck's reaction.

    It's reasons like these I keep you around.

    Aww, that's sweet of you.

  4. 3.1415926535897932384626433832795028841971693993751058209749445923078164062862089986280348253421170679

    • Brohoof 1
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