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Everything posted by Dx121

  1. If that's true, about the balloon pop for bits.. omg yes please! I want <3 * For anyone reading this that may need it, here are some helpful tips for you that might be useful. 1 - Noticed missing items from your game? It's a pretty wide-spread bug. (Lots of people are complaining about it over on the My Little Pony Game facebook page.) Missing ponies Missing shops Missing items that are needed to complete S.A.A. quests... So if you've noticed this, no you're not alone. Yes, this is happening to a >>>LOT<<< of other people. No, this has nothing to do with your computer / tablet / phone. This is all in Gameloft's hands. Their "fixes" aren't all that good at "fixing", it would seem. If you're patient enough, just wait this out. Keep an eye on other people's comments after the latest Gameloft "fixes" or "updates" come out to see if their latest release actually helps, or just causes WAAAAAYYYYY more problems. (kinda wish I'd done that myself and never bothered installing the mine cart or sweet apple acres updates. They've been nothing but a long line of problems. ugh.) 2 - If you have a bunch of friends already on your friend's list, and they're giving you hearts, spend the hearts in Flim and Flam's Balloon Pop stand, in the heart balloons one. That one is known to give out gems. (And that way is a LOT cheaper than pumping real world money into the game, especially if you're getting any game progress save problems.) It's not an insane amount of gems where it's get rich quick, but you can get a few for free, which is better than nothing, right? If you need friends names to add (or figure out how the heck to add friends names) google is your best friend. LOTS of people out there that need friends and hearts. You just gotta advertise your name a bit and go 'Add me please!' You know, if you want / need more friends to earn hearts, you can add names. How do I add friends? Go to the scroll at the top right hand corner. Go down until you see the blue Gameloft Live button then click that. If you don't already have a Gameloft account make one. Once logged in, go down the list to the 'friends'. Once there, click on the orange icon, type in a Gameloft ID username (or just write something MLP-related like Ponyville, Celestia, RainbowDash, Derpy, etc.). When the name or names appear, click on the blue + beside their name and a request has been sent to them. The more names you add, the better your heart collection rate is. (No idea how you add them if you're one of the computer / Windows players.) Where are some names I can add? https://www.facebook.com/pages/My-Little-Pony-Gameloft-Friends/575290682538649?ref=stream 3 - Want to take a bite out of that infuriating infestation of parasprites in your Ponyville? A - Employ as many of your ponies as you can and boost them up when you can closer to the full 5 star status. B - Try to collect from your shops at least 3 times a day (I do mine at breakfast, lunch, and evening times.) C - Use whatever shards you get to take out the parasprites when you can, even if it's only 2 or 3 at a time. (Any progress is better than NO progress, right?) D - If you want to keep a place free from any more rocks / trees / vines / shard-eating-enemies, for Sweet Apple Acres do we wells ( since they're the cheapest at 50 bits) and Ponyville, put down dirt paths (cheapest at 75 bits). Rocks / vines / trees can't grow where you've got those at. In Canterlot, you have to use something more solid like shrubs or statues. The changelings will still form on top of the pathways / walkways. E - This isn't a fast solution and it WILL take a while to get rid of the pest infestation, but you CAN get them all cleared out in good time. You just have to stick with it. Then one the little beasties are cleared out and you have pathways / solid objects put down to prevent any more from infesting, enjoy the peace. <3 F - One last thought. If you enjoy getting the free gems from the little beasties, but don't want to get totally overwhemled by another infestation, have a very small section left open (like 4 x 4 squares), so the changelings / parasprites / fruit bats can still spawn. That way they are totally managable, you can get rid of them with ease, and still get gems fom them. (Or just use the hearts that your friends send you to spend in Flim and Flam's balloon pop stand. Go to the heart's balloon pop stand and use your hearts there. You can get free gems from that. Not a whole lot, not a 'get rich quick' thing, but it will occassionally give you a few, which is better than none at all, right?) 4 - If you're losing your progress when you log into your game, it might be down to the fact of you not being connected to a network. I got told this last night from Gameloft Customer Support (short version) For your game progress to be saved, you have to be online and connected to a network (Facebook or Gameloft). If you don't, your progress won't get saved. Or if you play offline or have no access to wifi then are able to get online, your progress will default to the progress you had the last time you were logged in and connected to Facebook or Gameloft. (Well excuse you, Gameloft. Not everyone has wifi access 24/7. Am I the only one that misses the previous versions of the game where we didn't even have to be ONLINE to play and our progress would be saved?)
  2. For anyone out there, like myself, who's on the hunt for more names to add, I rounded up a few more. TerraFlareKSFL asiakozak dx125 SoggyToast117 bezowa sparklebutton25 ForeverPurity queeniky pinkamenas2 GrdnOfShdws thecuddlipanda_18 minxieki tk0212 Cece2017 sweetcoal Umbreon72 SoulToxin vinna95 dx121 DethKidd SakuraMitsonomi misatosensei ninjakyuubi13 CitizenRarity Tankulis CmdrShep_herd QuartzStar shinimegami2007 ghadeerdidi HarleySempai rainbow_dash0323 ramshacute000 Hookes89 ______________ Facebook username add Andres Moreno -> https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100006820576718&fref=ufi Melissa White Etheredge -> https://www.facebook.com/melissa.etheredge?fref=ufi
  3. So, I was playing the game today and spied this weird little bug. I was just wondering, anyone else seen it? Or seen anything more weird bug-wise? Full size -> http://s13.postimg.org/wdyg6nml3/glitch2.jpg
  4. Twice I had an annoying little sister go 'Oh look! My sis loves this game on her tablet so much. It'll be fun to watch her rage about it! *delete*' I WAS gonna flip out until I read online that we could time travel. So I spent three weeks time travelling like a mad woman to get back to where I was. 'Must get ponies back up to all 5 stars... dang it I need more crystals, *goes on relentless parasprite killing spree* Die you little buggers, I need mah crystals...!!! ' 5 minutes, 5 FRICKIN MINUTES LAST WEEK THAT I LEFT MY TABLET ALONE AND SHE DID IT AGAIN! Now my tablet is locked (wish I'd known about the screenlock password thing months back), but I've had to start from scratch AGAIN. :okiedokielokie: Anyone wanna adopt 1 annoying little sister? Free to any takers. However, this morning, literally minutes ago, I got a rude awakening. I updated the game. I was like 'yay! update! with new game! Oh wait! I still have ponies to re-buy and 5 star. Let me get more crystals.' but then I realized no more time travelling. At least not on my Acer Tablet. (I do NOT look forward to spending *MONTHS* or up to a YEAR bringing my ponies back up to their 5 star status and having to wait so long to buy those blasted buy-with-crystals-only ponies to advance through the game. I even had all of the quests done before all of this crap happened! And before you ask, no, no one I know is willing to 'spend real world money on an online game' on my behalf. :okiedokielokie: ) So. . . Anyone else who's use to time traveling, updated with the new version https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.gameloft.android.ANMP.GloftPOHM And find that they can't time travel either now? Or is this just me?
  5. I'm not entirely certain about the details of what colorblind people can or cannot see, so I just took my best guess-tament and here. I figured that a visual would probably work better with the feelings I get from the 3 pony choices, instead of just using words. Pony 1 - Pony 2 - And last but not least, Pony 3 - As for the three choices and my own personal opinion, I like pony 2's colors the best, just because it makes me so much think of the gentle teal colored ocean waves.
  6. So... you're basically telling me that McDonald's is basically saying that DJ Pon-3 is a more popular (earth) pony than AJ? ...seriously?? I just...
  7. So true. He's got no problems about that either. Nightwing is another matter. (damn tumblr... i've never been able to look at Nightwing in the same light since. -_-U) I remember the movie... what was the title... Doom? Tower of Babel?. He had a contingency plan for every super hero out there and even keeps that shard of Kryptonite for Supes for the day when he goes and loses his marbles. When that part came out in the movie I was like 'o___o hoooollly crapcicles...' I mean, on the one hand I totally understand it... but still.... jeez. I'm not sure if it'd make me laugh or shudder if there was a Batpony. (Could only ever see BatPony as an earth type.) Just one more question along this (earth pony) line (thank you Tumblr) How can the Crystal Empire have such powerful magic if it consists entirely of earth ponies?
  8. I think, to some degree, kids have always been mean, unfortunately. I just wish more adults would take a proactive role in their local schools to stomp out bullying. Not just tolerate it and say 'oh that's just kids being kids'. 'Kids being kids' are playing around on school grounds, doing homework, making friends. This doesn't include bullying others to make themselves feel better or more powerful and definately doesn't include them beating the crap out of someone else 'just because'.
  9. I was a kid when the first MLP (yes, generation 1 OMG!) was playing on tv. I honestly don't remember too much about it, but remember, very clearly, that I wanted the pony toys from it. As the years went by, I got older, my interests changed, I got away from MLP. When there was talk of a new MLP (FIM) this got my interest up. I'd seen little tidbits over the years of other MLP generations... did NOT get my interest at all. So, when the first couple episodes became available online (it's not like I was rushing to watch it, more like idle curiousity) I decided one day, why not sit down and give it a watch? It couldn't hurt. Not like I had anything else to do that day. I liked it much to my surprise. Now, even then, I wasn't really a "fan" of it, despite liking watching the episodes. After a while, I started keeping an active eye out for the availablity of the newest episodes to watch. "Still not a fan, but I wanna see what else happens!" A year later "still not a fan of it", or so I kept telling myself. Then my niece and two nephews asked if I could share some of the new MLPFIM episodes with them. Why not, I figured? Not like it was really any sorta loss. They loved it. My niece, a bit artistically inclined, wanted some MLPFIM pictures to color and bases to trace from. Again, not like I really had a lot going on, nor that it took any real time to find and print these out to her. Not a big deal. And so, here I am. 2014. 3 mini figures sitting on my pc desk alongside my mini TARDIS. It's taken me a while to fess up to myself that I am actually a fan of the series now and I don't regret it. Especially not after the day I was in a Wal-mart and the cashier admitted that she liked MLPFIM too. I was like *thinking silently to myself* 'O_O OMG! REAL LIFE PEGASISTER?!' This is a bit of a shock to me. I live in the middle of nowhere's-ville. It's nice and quiet, but darned difficult to find fellow SuperWhoLock'ers or MLPFIM'ers. We exchanged DA addresses, I finally broke down and drew up a ponysona for myself, and ... so... yeah.. ^_^U I'm not a hardcore fan, and am only beginning to call myself a Pegasister (would still rather be called Pegabro or Brony), but hey, at least now I can own up to the fact that I like the show and am, on however small of a scale, a fan of it. (...though i'm not gonna be shouting it from the rooftops any time soon.) Now.. if I could just buy a shirt with the words "PARTY CANNON" written on the front, my life would be complete.... until the new seasons of DW and BBC Sherlock start up again. o___o
  10. I agree. You should make what *YOU* feel most comfortable, satisfied, and are most happy with. If someone else doesn't like it, screw them. It's THEIR problem and *opinion*, not yours. Besides, this is YOUR pony, not someone elses. You make it how you want. Simple as that. Same view I take towards art. (As long as it's not vulgar or meant to be insulting to others) at the end of the day, it all boils down to you creating something that *YOU* like, that *YOU* enjoy, that *YOU* have a passion for. If other people like it, great! That's icing on the cake. If not, forget them. You're making this for >>>YOU<<< first and foremost. Not anyone else. But hey, that's just my 2 cent's worth on the topic. True, and flippin' intimidating too. o___o I think if I were to choose to meet anyone from the Marvel or DC universe to meet, I'd be terrified if it was Batman. Sure he doesn't kill, but he can sure scare the crap outta you with extremely little effort. (...well... as long as it's not the 1960's version.)
  11. omg... I thought I was the only person who dips their fries in ice cream. For me, I use to have the ice cream, dip the fry into a little bit of ketchup, scoop a little ice cream onto the french fry, then nom. Don't ask me why it works, it just does. ** lol I should start to do that. "Ah! No! Bad fork that fell onto the floor! Bad!! No supper for you tonight! NOW TO YOUR ROOM!" I will say this much for us and all of our weird little quirks. It's things like this and people like us that make the world way more interesting. I mean, think about it. If we were all 'normal' and 'well behaved' like society wants us to 100% conform to... well... only one thing comes to mind. We'd all be like . . . well.. minus all of the
  12. To be totally honest, for me and me only here, I like mine to have a bit of show. The wings do that for me. Big and showy. Having and earth pony or unicorn just don't really suit that characteristic for me. (Though, I suppose, that probably makes me sound a bit shallow. Don't talk much about the personality of mine, but it's more about that first impression.) Though I will say this much. After learning a bit more about earth ponies and their abilities, they may not be as flashy as pegasus or magic-throwing as unicorns, but they can be darned impressive in their own right.
  13. I remember seeing this on the news a couple days back. Oohh it still has me so pissed off. Just like everyone else here is saying, it's victim shaming. Instead of going after the bullies, they go after the victim. It's messed up in all sorts of ways. I can totally understand how some teachers / school officials would be scared to deal with angry/bully parents, and rightfully so if some are a couple apples short of a full barrel, but at the end of the day, it's like a parent dealing with a tantruming kid. The parent can either try to appease the kid and let them do their own thing which is easier, or actually step in, do the right thing but tough, and get them to chill out. Unfortunately, this isn't the first case I've seen on TV that's pulled this kind of crap. Kid gets bullied. Victim gets punished or shamed. The bully? Not a thing. In one case the pricipal of a school got the victim and the bully together in the same room, face to face, to have them shake hands and 'be okay'. The next day, the kid was bullied worse than before. I agree. As an American our schools are seriously messed up and I'm not even gonna try and deny that a little bit. What I seriously wish someone would do is actually get into these school systems and talk to the teachers, the pricipals, the school officials. EDUCATE them on how to approach and handle this kind of crap. Not just pussy foot around and pander to the bullies or bring down a whole new level of bullying on the victim. Only in a few really rare cases have I ever heard where the teachers/school officials did the RIGHT thing, got the bully to come in, sit down, and really investigate what the eff the kid's problem was and start dealing with it. The way I've heard it is that bullying is down to either the kid wanting power and control over someone else because they think it's funny and don't know what it's like to be on the other side of that coin, they have no control over their own life and have to hurt someone else to feel like they have control, or something majorly wrong is going on in their personal life and they feel like they need to lash out at a target to make themself feel better (kinda like the trickle down effect. Man bitten by rat. Man kicks the dog. Dog bites the cat. Cat bites the rat. Rat bites the man. Cycle continues.) Then again, I don't think it's helped along any either by the casual attitude so many people have (and I saw this way too much in high school first hand). You're either okay or 'get the eff over it'. If you're really emotionally upset, no one really wants to sit down with you and help you overcome what your problem is. (Or if they do, they expect you to just talk about your problem the one time then magically be all better.) You're either expected to suddenly be okay and get over it, or you'll be ignored because you're making them uncomfortable/they don't want to deal with it. I seriously, seriously, seriously wish things were different and if I had the training and know-how, I sure as hell wouldn't be sitting here talking about this. I'd be out doing my d@mnest to help change things. It does make you wonder though. Just because this kid got into the news for this.... how many other kids who are getting put through this same crap but aren't in the news for it? This whole subject makes me so sad.
  14. You know, someone over on Transformice was gathering up some MLPFIM fans and talking about this very subject. "Pegabro" was the word she used. Her definition was : For the ladies who aren't femmy girly. For the dudes who aren't all lumberjack masculine. "Pegabro" should be used for everyone else who doesn't fit into those two neat little categories. (and, to be totally honest, it's why my ponysona has got a bit more of a masculine look to it, rather than the standard feminine body type. Just because I'm a woman doesn't mean I'm super femmy.) In any case, 100% support for this thread
  15. I've gotta admit, I'd like to see his character brought back and expanded upon. At the very LEAST, explain how he got to how he was before the whole Crystal Empire story. I do agree that the way he was played off reminds me a bit too much of a Power Rangers baddie of the week or just there for the season finale for attention and drama sakes. But, I mean, come on, how can you have a character like that and NOT want to get a bit more in-depth about who he was, how he got to being so powerful and evil? But... then again, I'm kinda afraid that if they do go into his backstory, it'll be the same ol'-same ol' 'got hungry for power, went nuts, got destroyed in the end by the good guys' storyline. Is it wrong of me to want something kinda... different and more?
  16. Sorry, the title was meant to be "A rundown of all of the PONY races". (Kinda didn't realize that until after I'd posted the thread.) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ First up, sorry if I put this is in the incorrect section (thread mod, please move it if it needs it). Second, sorry if someone else already made a thread about this exact topic (and someone please send me a link if there is). Third, the reason for this thread. So, after about 2 years of watching the show, getting sucked into it and the comics, my muses finally got me to sit down and write a fanfic. However, not far into it I realized that I really didn't know the pony race's abilities that well. Sure, I know the basics, like everyone else. Earth pony (has magic that) makes stuff grow. Unicorns have (clearly seen) magic that makes stuff move. Pegasus have wings and can fly. So, what I'm looking for here is a rundown, with pictures to back up what's been stated, about what each race's abilities are. (It's easy to state what their abilities are, but I prefer to see an actual picture of it as the act in action.) I read over on the earth pony biased (or something like that) thread about such traits as earth ponies having tremendous strength (makes me wonder how so after seeing AJ, Big Mac, and Pinkie Pie's sister Maude at work), and that they, and zebra too, can use their tail like an appendage too in order to grip things. The thing is, my goal here is to get together a single post that lists ALL of these traits so, in the future, when someone else (like me who's not a super die hard fan of the show and doesn't know every tiny detail of every aspect of it) is wanting to write a fic and get the details correct on all of their (currently known) traits, they'll have someplace they can go to in order to find all of the details needed. ...well... that... and I'm honestly curious about just what traits they all have. (Mind you, yes I know we can do whatever we want in fanfics, but still, I'm a bit of a stickler for getting details right. It'd just bother the dickens outta me if I had any doubts that I got something wrong.) * * * * * So, for those of you who are die hard knowledgable about the series and knows all of these traits, (especially any that aren't listed) please feel free to share. It'd be appreciated! <3 Please and thank you in advance! * * * * * The categories are (since, for my limited little view, they do seem to be different) Alicorn - (Main) Princess Status (i.e. Celestia and Luna) Control planetary bodies (I figure that since, to date, we only have the 2 to base our information from, that will be the best for information purposes.) Princess Alicorn Abilities by Princess : Celestia - Can raise the sun Luna - Can raise the moon Can enter dreams/nightmares to offer guidance, clarity, and comfort (But how? When someone has a nightmare, does it set off some sort of mental alarm for the princess? Does it happen for EVERY pony that has a nightmare, or only certain types of nightmares?) Alicorn - (Lesser) Princess Status (i.e. Candace and Twilight) Unicorn *Uses magic to move items (though this makes me wonder. As seen above, though Luna's special skill is only for raising the moon, she is raising the sun, and clearly Celestia must've been raising the moon all the years her sister was trapped on the moon, right? Can the same hold true for all unicorns? Just because their special skill is for working with 1 particular object, that they can move / manipulate any object?) And just how powerful is a typical unicorn's power? We see when Rarity was getting her cutie mark, that, thanks to RainbowDash's rainboom, her horn ticked on and actually dragged Rarity all the way to a huge rock that was full of gems. Pegasus Can Fly Can control the weather Clouds are solid ground for them to walk/run/live on Earth *Great Strength (Not entirely certain if we can use Maud has a good example of strength, seeing as she threw a huge boulder which outrighed shocked RainbowDash. If all earth ponies could do this, and RainbowDash had seen others doing it, she wouldn't have been so shocked, right? As well as her literally drilling into a boulder to save Pinkie Pie's life. And, I'd think, that if Pinkie was able to do this on her own, she would've just drilled right through the rock herself as it was bearing down on her. ... right?) *Also falling under the 'strength' category, can we use RainbowDash and Rarity as valid examples of their entire race strength-wise, or would this be unfair? Because RainbowDash had difficulty carrying -more like dragging- a rock *candy* necklace Whereas, in other episodes, we've seen Rarity carrying a huge BOULDER -more than once- on her back and even PinkiePie lifting up a boulder *then again, I guess it's a bit unfair to use PinkiePie as any sort of standard. Not with all of the 4th wall breaking she consistently does* Can grasp items with their tail (I've read this. I don't recall where it's been shown. Can someone screencap it for me?) Have inherent and subtly seen magic that helps plants grow Zebra ~~~~~~~~~~~ And last but not least, just idle curiousity here. Are the ponies, at least somewhat, telepathic? The reason I ask this is because (is it just me??) it kinda seems like a LOT of ponies names match their role in life. This isn't a 100% the same for everyone, but still. (Yes, yes, yes, I know, the names have to sorta match the pony's role just for toy marketing purposes, but still. Not taking that into account, when they name their offspring, on some unconscious level are they telepathic and give their kids names that'll match their, eventual, special skill in life?)
  17. Sooooo glad I've been keeping up with the comics. I still just can't quite wrap my head around well, you know what in issue 17. It does make me wonder, that fanvid of pre-evil Sombra over on youtube....just how much of that is gonna end up being cannon (at least in the comics)? Or will it be something else that doesn't exactally delve into his past?
  18. Hello and welcome to the site! I'm new here too. I hope our time here will be friendly and well-spent <3
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