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Banner by ~ Kyoshi Frost Wolf


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Everything posted by tejntanga

  1. Gatling magic-laser-cannon? OH YEAAAHH!!

  2. Can't wait for the Finale! >:C

  3. I appear to have missed a thread that already asked the same question I did! Mea culpa. Thank-you kind mod for combining them!
  4. I know girls who would physically hurt you for even using the term "pegasister" around them. Love and Tolerance nonwithstanding.
  5. What about the girls, though?
  6. Heaven? No, doesn't fit the "perfect place" definition, too much conflict... But Valhalla? Buck YEAH!
  7. Not looking for a real concencus here, just personal opinions directly (excuse the pun) from the horse's mouth. I've found this to be the most elegant one in it's simplicity and inclusiveness: A brony is an honest fan of the show who lies outside of Hasbro's target demographic. So what is your definition of "brony"?
  8. I figure the EoH are like being a Slayer in the Buffyverse: There is traditionally only one concurrent weilder for each element able to unlock their power - but things could always change due to unforeseen circumstances. When one weilder is unable to continue their purpose, another can take up their element. Celestia and Luna shared all 6 between them - one could assume each held 3 of them, but their characters haven't been explored enough to definitively say who held which. When Luna went Nightmare mode, she lost control of her share, but Celestia took them over and harnessed their power to banish her. Seems taking up all 6 took its toll on the Princess, since she can no longer use them - opening the door for the Mane 6, the current weilders. It would be interesting to see who could take their place should they fall. Maybe the CMC =D
  9. Ah hah! Los bronies mexicanos representan! Buen concurso. Me hubiese gustado participar =D
  10. So many great references... Dastardly Dash, James Bond, Kill Bill (or just Wuxia films in general), Agatha Christie, Sherlock Holmes. SO MANY ALLITERATION PUNS! Seems every other line was for added alliterative appeal. I had a lot of fun with this one... one of the most laugh-out-loud episodes of the season.
  11. Reckon Dragon babies are far more mature than human, or pony babies. Actual ages in the show are a little fuzzy, but I'd say he's about 6, or so? With that being analogous with... I'd say about a 12, 13 year old boy, like RD92 suggested. Baby dragon? Yes. Child? Not quite.
  12. Element of Honesty, b*tches! AJ does not steal cake.
  13. Alliterative puns! So many alliterative puns... O.O

  14. Much appreciated! This is going on my favorites...
  15. Dude this is awesome! Where'd you find it?
  16. Cereberus is owned by this guy: Sorry, couldn't resist!
  17. I WATCH IT FOR THE PLOT! ... OK, I watch it for the quality animation, genuinely funny dialogue and visual gags, shared in-jokes between the animation team and the fandom... I could go on and on.
  18. I got 99 problems, but a pink mane 'aint one.

  19. I think that what Bioware meant (or at least how it came out) about the whole "tailor made, loose-end-tying, expansive ending" was just the way each storyline resolved during the playing of ME3. There is a LOT of continuity with that and I was satisfied with how things went with the Krogan/Turian/Salarian conflict, the Geth/Quarian situation, the Rachni, each of your previous companions, etc. When you think of it that way, they delivered what they promised, just during gameplay instead of at the very end. Still want a couple explanations though, cos a few things don't make no goddamned sense: Oh well. We'll see how they handle the issue with future patches/DLC. I still have faith.
  20. Anyone see Derpy today? I don't think I did...

    1. Gingerpotato


      There was quite a lot of Dinky scenes though.

  21. Featherweight's cutie mark is a feather. I think he just realized that he's light, flighty and quick. Apparently also a bit of a shutterbug, but that was just his job.
  22. Ponies in Spanish class? Me gusta.
  23. o.o That's right! Force-fields! Would've come in handy during the tornado... maybe they take a lot of time to set up. Hmmmmmm...
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