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Everything posted by Kel_Grym

  1. Here it's 1-900-WTF-GTFO Do you come with coffee and cream, cuz ur my sugar!
  2. I think they're just making you say that to lull me into a false sense of security. I could have swore I heard my cat snicker.
  3. I think my cat has taken control of your mind.
  4. If she's a supreme being, how come she is helpless vs. canned food. Without me, she'd be nothing!
  5. I love you because you don't need to evolve to be cute!
  6. Yay. I knew one brony guy in college, and I wasn't a brony then. Became brony after college...back in old town and am alone...so alone. Texas sux. East Texas sux harder.
  7. Only if i can take a picture to prove to all my friends bigfoot exists. See my friend over there? He wants to know if you think I'm cute.
  8. My first name gets pronounced wrong all the time. Kenny, Kenneth, Keenae, Kenen, Kanon...grr. Guess my real name!
  9. I believe in using your belief as tool rather than being a tool of your belief. Becaues chaos magick! (not a practicing chaos magician) Other than that, I'm a determinist that doesn't believe in free-will... Chaos magick! [We set ourselves up against ppl of differing belifs due to a kind of tribalism instinct...]
  10. Shit. How'd we get trapped in an impressionist paiting?
  11. Granted. It's dial-up. I wish I had inititive.
  12. Fluttershy 1.Sniper Rifle 2.Bazooka 3.Machine gun 4.Ammo ammo ammo! 5.Stare
  13. Granted. Internship lined up with Donald Trump. I wish I had more cookies
  14. Cocopuffs. Skittles. Mustard. Eat it now.
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