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Status Replies posted by Slictz

  1. Happy birthday, Slictz! Thanks for all your work on Equestria.tv. =)

    1. Slictz


      A bit late, but thanks.

  2. How is my favorite cutsie wootsie member doing :D?

  3. How is my favorite cutsie wootsie member doing :D?

    1. Slictz


      You know, planning secret santa gifts and such.

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  4. To please the great Overlord Vicke, I've changed my name back again. Are you pleased now Vicke?

  5. [17:37:23] Slictz: Ok chaps, really quick question here, what Harry potter movie would any of you like to see tonight?

    1. Slictz


      It's happening tonight in the forums livestream thing-y/Equestria.tv

      we'll be watching a harry potter movie of free choice, but I wasn't sure which one to stream so I asked yoy chaos/gals.



    2. (See 5 other replies to this status update)

  6. Finally updated my desktop to windows 8! It's quite the change to be honest. :D

    1. Slictz


      Jem: It cost me just about 45$ for the upgrade version, you can use it to upgrade all you want, but only on one computer at any given time.


      Feld0: Yes. I've been using the previews for a while now and I've found more and more neat and really good functions.


      Artemis: Have you given Windows 8 a good try? I can assure you, it might be strange at first, but you'll quickly get used to it and hopefully see that a lot of the functions you use everyday work even...

    2. (See 6 other replies to this status update)

  7. Finally updated my desktop to windows 8! It's quite the change to be honest. :D

    1. Slictz


      Yeah, W8 and Windows phone 8 have sort of the smae setup with the tiles in some places, but the good old desktop is pretty much the same.

    2. (See 6 other replies to this status update)

  8. I will find you, and i will kiss you! You cannot hide!

    1. Slictz


      Sure I can!

      *Runs and hides somwhere safe*

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  9. Hey, Slictz! How is my favorite member doing :D?

    1. Slictz


      Late reply...

      But no, I never got around making that OC.

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  10. Hey, Slictz! How is my favorite member doing :D?

    1. Slictz


      Right now?

      Playing games, watching Doctor Who and eating some cake.

      Good stuff. :3

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  11. *Kiss Kiss Kiss*

    1. Slictz


      *Kiss Kiss*



  12. Hugs? (\(◕‿ ◕(\)

  13. 1h into "The Mist" I'm allready banging my head into the desk over how terrible this movie is, Heck, by now I could even guess the end correctly... >_>

    1. Slictz


      In could start a Livestream if you want Vicke, but to be honest, the movie isn't really good...

      If I keep on banging my head in the table, I'm quite sure I'll get one wicked headache soon.


    2. (See 5 other replies to this status update)

  14. Hmmm, looking at it now, taking a job at a local Computer repair shop probably wasn't that good an idea in the first place. I love fixing computers and all that, it's the customers that bother me. "What do you mean you can't fix my laptop!? I only broke the front part of it!" >_>

    1. Slictz


      Some people should never have computers... But most people that can have sadly.

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  15. A meal from the heavens. :3 (From the skype chat) I began with some toast which I covered in butter. I then put some boiled eggs on top, nutella, Leverpostej, a dash of salt and a slice of cheese. I then put another piece of toast on top and added Nutella, Ham, Mayo, Brown goat cheese, stawberry Jam and some sausage. I then put another piece of toast on top of that and glazed it lightly with some honey. I enjoyed the meal with a nice and cold Cuba Libre.

  16. so I take it were are on DEFCON 5 level right?

    1. Slictz


      Now that is true ;) But to my knowledge, this was just another small failed attack on the forums.

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  17. so I take it were are on DEFCON 5 level right?

    1. Slictz


      The lowest level? The internet sure is quiet today...

      (DEFCON 1 is the highest state of allert, not DEFCON 5)

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

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