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Posts posted by Slictz

  1. Ah, okay, okay, I guess that explains the whole A-Team schtick. Though don't they need four members? I mean I guess they gained a fourth member at the end of the episode, but still...


    As for Pinkie driving, my guess is Andrea was the one who was available to record lines for the episode. Maybe. I don't know if that's actually the case or not...


    Oh and speaking of her driving: was that a Fluttershy magazine she was reading?


    According to what I just screencapped from the episode I'd say no.

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    EDIT: screen capped from this ep upload: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6ckXmpzJpoc


    It appears to be some magazine featuring a pony with a pink mane of sorts, it could be Fluttershy related (the yellow page with pink blob on the left), but I'm not sure...

    • Brohoof 2
  2. The answe to this is quite simple: No.


    To explain; Their way of Living is equal to ours with some exceptions of course, we don't have talking cows, nor do we have talking donkeys.

    Their system is just as or better than the system we humans use on Earth, we are the Superior race here on earth due to several reasons like for example our evolution, social skills, behavior to name a few.


    We humans might be the most advanced species on earth, but we sure ain't the best fitted to every situation, but were're one of the best species on earth when it comes to adapting.

    "Survival of the fittest" as Darwin wrote in his books, we humans ain't on top because we're "fit" (as in physically strong, good at running) We're on top because we're one of the best at adapting to new environments and living in them whenever we encounter them.


    The same goes for ponies from what I've seen from the show, they're the best at adapting, their physical build is also quite perfect for the job. A griffin would get into trouble in the desert from the heat, a donkey would have trouble surviving any long periods of cold weather. The ponies in MLP have the build to somewhat survive under all conditions rather than just a few ones.


    The other species just don't fit the bill as good as our multicolored pony friends, they all lack something too make them stand out as the best race, sure ponies aren't perfect either, but neither are we humans.

    Another thing is the fact that Pony folk share their land with other English speaking species such as Griffins, cows, Changelings and the occasional Minotaur. This isn't something we humans have to deal with, we're the only race around that speaks the way we do, so we don't have to care about the opinions or needs of other animals, ponies do however.


    So in short: The system Equestria is using is fair to some extent, it might not be perfect, but then again, nothing in the Universe is.

    • Brohoof 1
  3. Ah! Fiber! That's why! I wish we had more fiber options here. It's more important than some people think. I would decide not to move to a country or home if there was not decent internet. (Maybe I'm just obsessed, but I don't think I'm the only one to say that.)


    Fiber is indeed the future. I keep a perfect and stable 4/3ms Ping on our fiber connection while some of my friends that still use the old wires suffer under a Ping of anything from 20/200ms.

  4. Dang! Is it reliable? As in, does it ever slow down significantly? The problem with mine is at high traffic times or when a company is updating servers in the area, mine will slow down to the point that I have to watch videos in 480p or they will freeze. Even if yours did slow down, it would be faster than mine.


    And what country are you in? I'm not sure if I can get those sort of speeds unless I were getting business grade internet. (but you may have that)


    It is indeed reliable. During heavy load on my end I've actually managed to get 84down and 79up out of the line. So during heavy load my max speed increases. :)


    And I live in Norway. And no, this is not buisness internet, it's a ordinary Fiber package that an IPS sells. Their buisness internet starts at 500/500Mbps and move up to 1Gbs up/down which is quite fast to be honest. ;)

  5. I live in eastern United States and this is faster then most of my friends. (It's also while I'm Skyping that I get these speeds)


    Posted Image




    Good gracious! You lucky person!


    Lucky? I guess I kinda am... I have the quickest Internet speed of all my friends. As I said, It gets the job done quite well actually. I have no problem streaming/loading 6 Full HD youtube vids all at once. ;)

    • Brohoof 1
  6. Posters ya say?

    Well I have two really big ones.

    First one is a quite large Viggo poster.

    Posted Image

    Second one is more like a cloth banner really. I got it for free at a exhibition I went to last year.

    Posted Image


    That's all the posters I have on my wall.

    • Brohoof 2
  7. Saving up for... Saving...


    I'm planning on buying some new computer parts real soon, does that count?

    Gonna buy this little thing real soon. A GTX 670 at 524$ it's a steal too.

    Posted Image

    Thyen i plan on getting some other small stuff, Second SSD, Mouse, 1 or 2 new Hard Drives etc.


    Then again, I'm not really saving up for these, I allready have the money for them. Just need to buy them sometime soon.

    • Brohoof 1
  8. Natural selection.


    Climbing in yo species.


    Snatchin' yo turtles up.




    Not exactly. A lot of the tortoises belonging to Georges species actually became extinct because we humans introduced feral goats to the island where they lived. The goats devastated the local enviroment, with the food all but gone a lot of the species died by the lack of food available. The goats have now been removed, but sadly this species appears to be gone forever, making the attempt good, but in the end futile.


    So in short; We're responsible for this species untimely demise.

  9. Thats insane :angry:


    Indeed it is, it get's worse when you take into mind that I only "earn" about 5000$ a year. Gas at 10$, on the vet we refuel it every week and the tank on it is 87L/23gallon and that adds up to 230$ each time we fill it up. I use it April-August which = 20 weeks and all that added up makes the total cost of petrol through the time I drive it 4600$ which is actually quite a lot. this leaves me with 400$ free after the gas bill is paid... Dang life is expensive at times...

  10. those statements sound like my dad

    he shares a similar viewpoint on cars.


    Might very well be, I've been called "old" when it comes to this. Some of this I also blame on the part that 1 gallon of gas in Norway will soon pass the 10$ mark, which is quite the sum to be honest.

  11. Cars ya say? Well then, I do enjoy me cars to be honest so I might aswell take a stroll in here.

    I've driven a lot of different cars, be it American, British, German etc. And through driving these I've found some cars I really like and I'll list them below.


    My fav old timer/vet car would be the strangelly rare to come by Ford 1971 LTD convertible. (only 5,750 were made back in '71)

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    The car handles nicelly, performs perfectly with the perfect combo of a Ford 7.0L 429 V8 and a C-6 automatic transmission.

    At 5.5M in lenght and 2M in width the car is just perfect in size, 3 people can sit in the front, 3 people in the back.

    I drive this car around a lot during the summer, enjoying the view and feel it gives. :)


    My fav modern car would be the Skoda Superb estate.

    Posted Image

    Perfect car for your everyday needs, ours came with tons of extras, 140bhp diesel engine, DSG transmission, heater, heated leather seats front and back, 10 speaker set-up with a 400W amplifier etc. and to tip all this off, the car even comes with an umbrella inside the left back-door.


    So if I had let's say a million dollars, I'd actually buy myself a Skoda Superb and a LTD. Screw "supercars" and musclecars. I want cars with ok/good speed, comfort, lots of space for people and luggage and a good entertainment system.


    I've driven my fair share of musclecars and I find them fun and all, but they just don't cut it. I like the old classics that were buildt for looks rather than speed.


    This is my opinion on the matter, others might disagree, if you do, don't hesitate to quote me and I'lll gladly talk ;)

  12. A Serbian film had some good things violent/gore wise, but I found the rest of it to be quite terrible in quality, bad acting etc.

    Other movies I'd call ok would be:


    Cannibal Holocaust


    Død Snø

    Black sheep (ok, this one isn't that gory at all, but it's so much fun)

    Human cantipede

    Human Cantipede II

    Doom (not that much gore, but some and the movie is good too)

    Tucker and Dale vs Evil. (It's a comedy horror with gorer included! :3 )

    Piranha (Tons of gore, and I mean tons. But other than that it's not really that good a movie.)


    That's my list of slightly gory/ violent stuff.

  13. Not to put anyone off or something like that, but I'd recomend that the person streaming to at least have about 5Mb/s upload speed.

    This way lag won't become a problem to the viewers of the movie.

  14. Some fics to recomend:


    First one is a fic written by 3 separate authors, but still manages to be a very good read.


    Name: Dawn of a New Day, Dawn of Flight, Dawn of Change


    Ship: Twilight x Rainbow Dash


    Tags: Roamance,


    Global rating: Deviantart submissions, no real rating can be found.


    Personal rating:

    Dawn of a New Day: 5/5

    Dawn of Flight: 4,9/5

    Dawn of Change: 4,9/5


    Content: Rainbow Dash get's heavily damaged in a thunderstorm and has to part with something she adores. Broken down, Twilight offers her aid to restore what was lost so that Rainbow can be happy again.


    Why I like this fiction: The fic progresses along a good and calm line, adding bit's of romance and comedy as it goes. The fic then takes a more serious route when it goes over from Furor1's chapters onto the 2 other chapters written by Zaehlas and tn-scotsman. Things that should not be comes into this world, Ancient laws are broken and troubled times arrive.


    Rated: Everyone on Da.



    Dawn of a New Day: http://furor1.devian...art-1-259023753

    Dawn of Flight: http://zaehlas.devia...light-264144919

    Dawn of Change: http://tn-scotsman.d...hange-275147443




    Name: Silver Lining


    Ship: Twilight x Rarity


    Tags: Romance, Tragedy, Sad, Comedy


    Global rating: 181 up, 6 down.

    Personal rating:


    Content: Rarity's shop is destroyed in a horrible disaster. Twilight offers to take her in, but in the process begins to have feelings for the pony she never expected.


    Why I like this fiction: The fic starts a bit rushed, but quickly goes into a comfortable pace. It gives you moments of sadness, humor and romance in fair and good doses along the way, leaving you craving for more.


    Rated: Teen


    Link: http://www.fimfictio...9/Silver-Lining




    Name: My Old Apple Acre Home


    Ship: Rainbow x Applejack


    Tags: Romance, Sad


    Global rating: 191 up, 7 down


    Personal rating: 4,9/5



    When a tragic incident destroys something Applejack hold dear,

    she finds that not even friendship may be enough to comfort her.

    Will she be able to get back what was lost?


    Why I like this fiction: The author really cought me on good at the beginning here. The story's pace was good, controlled, but not predictable. Canon stuff was used to a good extent, fanon stuff brought in was belivable and possible in a practical way.

    The story gripped onto my heart and held it tightly through-out the Story.


    Rated: Teen


    Link: http://www.fimfictio...Apple-Acre-Home


    That is all for now.

    • Brohoof 1
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