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Everything posted by TheRogueDroid117

  1. Hey everyone! I wrote a FNAF 2 fanfiction, if you guys want to check it out here it is: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/11071636/1/Not-After-That-Night Let me know what you guys think!

    1. Dark Horse

      Dark Horse

      Nice work, very engaging and well written. I love reading the many interpretations people have for Freddie's lore, even though I don't really like the game itself.. xP


      I wonder if this was the fate of poor ol' Fitzy?

    2. TheRogueDroid117


      Thank you so much, Dark Horse! Comments are always greatly apprectiated! :)

    3. Dark Horse

      Dark Horse

      No problem! ^^

  2. Just chilling out and playing some Far Cry 4

    1. Dark Horse

      Dark Horse

      I need to find time to play it more.. Already like it well over FC3

  3. I'm really struggling with night 6 on fnaf 2. Been trying all night to beat it, still no luck :(

    1. Dark Horse

      Dark Horse

      <-- Played 5 minutes of night 1 and shut the game off. Stronger willed then me..

  4. I have returned from my long journey into the cosmos. It was a long, challenging journey that nearly took a toll on my systems, but I have finally returned. Are any of you aware that there is a planet out there inhabited by a warrior race of tapir?

    1. Dark Horse

      Dark Horse

      I always figured there's a planet out there inhabited by something... should we be concerned..?

    2. TheRogueDroid117


      They seemed like good creatures. Had a strange fixation on coconuts, though...

  5. Talked to Bhadra, then completed the Yogi and Reggie campaign mission where you're first introduced to the arena. I thought maybe afterwards an Amita or Sabal marker would show up, indicating my next campaign mission. No such marker showed up. Instead, another Yogi mission is on the map, and a Longinus mission is on the map. Is that Longinus mission supposed to be the next campaign mission? Or was there supposed to be a marker for Amita or Sabal (I'm asking because I think that Longinus mission is supposed to be a side mission. The game doesn't call it a "campaign mission", just "mission")? What's supposed to come after the Yogi and Reggie campaign mission? I'm afraid my game might've bugged or something UPDATE: Nevermind, I think I figured it out. Sorry if this was a dumb question. I just got this game recently and am still trying to figure everything out lol
  6. Hope everypony has a Happy New Year! 2015, man, that's gonna take some getting used to :)

  7. If I remember correctly, Swarm of The Century was my first episode. That was a fun episode
  8. Hope you had an amazing Christmas, Starlighty! I finally got a PS4!!! :D

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. TheRogueDroid117


      Mine was great! Got to see a lot of family I hadn't seen for a while

    3. TheRogueDroid117


      And I'm glad your Christmas went so well!

    4. Starlighty


      Oh well thats good!!!



  9. Hope you had a Merry Christmas, Butters! Tell Mr. Hankey I said hi! :)

  10. Hope your Christmas was an awesome one! :)

  11. Hope you had a Merry Christmas! :D

  12. Hey man! Hope you had a Merry Christmas! :)

    1. PE Brony

      PE Brony

      It was pretty low-key this year but it was alright. We got up late and ate and packed boxes. Moving etc. Yours?

    2. PE Brony

      PE Brony

      Oh I got How to Train Your Dragon 2 and a Toothless from Build-a-Bear (I guess my mom gave up on the one she was supposed to make for me...;) haha).

    3. TheRogueDroid117


      Mine went well, thank you :) I'm glad yours was enjoyable. I should see that movie, it looks good

  13. Hope every pony had a Merry Christmas! I've been so busy with my job and Christmas, I haven't been able to get on! Sorry, everyone

    1. Dark Horse

      Dark Horse

      I'm with you in that boat, so many relatives to visit on both sides of the family, why they so big!?

    2. TheRogueDroid117


      Christmas is a fun time, no doubt about that :) ! But when you have a large family, it also becomes a very busy, sometimes stressful time. Did you have a good Christmas, Darkhorse?

    3. Dark Horse

      Dark Horse

      I did indeed, don't take my distress the wrong way. I enjoy seeing the family again as really this is the only time of the year we see them all at once, so there's lots to catch up on. :) But after a couple of very late nights i'm glad to get my sleeping pattern back in order and check out some of my gifts! :P


      I hope you had a good christmas too, Rogue!

  14. "To my knowledge, I'm the only person who talks to you! You're like the Ralph Wiggum of real life!" Jesus, Celestia...
  15. Very good points I don't hate Equestria Girls, but I'm glad that it's not the main series. I was personally never a huge fan of high-school related stuff (it reminds me of the hours of schoolwork I had to do lol). The fantasy and imagination of Equestria, and the ponies that live there, are some of the many things that makes the show special The world of Equestria is more fun than high school
  16. Chicken and noodles atop mashed potatoes! Mmmmm...now I'm hungry
  17. I rarely care about achievements and trophies. I care more about in-game unlocks, like costumes, new weapons, new characters, etc.
  18. Nearly 3:00 AM and I'm still not that tired!

  19. Very strange experience for me. I didn't become a brony until 2014, so I'm still pretty new. You see, all through out high school, I'd hear about bronies, and what everyone thought about them. Everyone thought it was weird, and I was one of them. I didn't think much of the show, and I didn't start thinking about it well after I graduated. One day, out of curiosity, I was watching pony videos on YouTube. Episodes, fan works, Creepypastas, that kind of stuff. I began to become more and more intrigued with the show, and the fandom itself. I felt...weird. Nervous, because I never considered myself a part of...well, ANYTHING, before! I was liking the show, and found myself wanting to be a part of the fandom. It was something new, something unexpected, and the thoughts that we're going through my mind went like this: "Oh my God...I'm a brony..." lol I'm glad to say I don't regret my decision of joining the fandom. I watch a show about candy-colored ponies, but you know what? I love it! We bronies are a unique bunch, and I love that as well! Anyway, sorry for telling you my whole life story, lol, but this is what went through my mind
  20. With Mortal Kombat X coming soon, I thought it'd be appropriate to start a new topic to celebrate it! So, here's the question: Have changed you're favorite character? Have you originally stuck with one character, but after playing newer games in the series, found a new favorite? For example, when I was a kid, I loved playing as Reptile in Deadly Alliance. I loved dinosaurs and stuff, so naturally he was the perfect fit for me. Over time, though, I began to gravitate towards Scorpion. I loved his backstory, his design, his spear attack, and of course the famous phrase "Get Over Here!" Now Scorpion is my go-to character. I always pick him in MK9 and MK vs DCU, and that trend will likely continue when MKX releases.
  21. Well, I'm tired. Goodnight, everypony!

  22. I'd have to say Beast, and Frollo from The Hunchback of Notre Dame. I always thought Beast was cool: his design, his moments when he uses his monstrous strength for heroic deeds, etc. He' s a good person, but like Belle says, he needs to learn how to control his temper lol. Frollo is just a great villain: his voice is epic, and his presence is powerful and authoritative. He doesn't have powers or anything, he's just a man in a powerful position, and also very religious. He let's nothing stand in his way, and goes to any length to acquire what he wants. He's very realistic, which makes him more intimidating. I pretty much agree with everything Nostalgia Critic said about him, lol.
  23. Lol, while I don't find any of the Covenant "smexy" (no offense to you if you do!), I do wish they didn't mess with their designs so much in Halo 4. They just...don't look right. I dunno. They looked way cooler in Halo: Reach (with the exception of the Brutes. They looked their best in Halo 3. They look awful in Reach lol) BTW, Astral. What's your favorite Halo weapon? Mines the DMR, Needler, Binary Rifle, and Machinegun Turret.
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