My Favourite Mane 6 Pony: Rarity How did you find MLP Forums?: I found these forums when I ran a google search on Fighting is Magic. When I finally admitted to myself that I'd become a brony, it only seemed appropriate to join.
How you became a fan of My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic: So my girlfriend introduced me to the show. At first I was skeptical, but sometime after Winter Wrap-Up, it started growing on me. I mean, there really wasn't much to complain about. The animation and art-style were solid. The voice-acting was impeccable. AND EVERYTHING WAS JUST SO CUTE.
I'm kinda new at this whole brony thing. It took a lot of convincing myself and frankly speaking I'm still not super-comfortable yet. So I figured joining a forum and making friends was a great way to sorta ease my way into it.
I'm still working my way through season 3 right now. Fortunately, I've had my girlfriend to guide me past all the sub-par/awful episodes. I have a hard time saying I have a favorite of the Mane 6. From the pilot I immediately gravitated to Rarity, though I've come to really appreciate everyone but Pinkie Pie. She just kinda drives me nuts.
Outside of MLP, I'm an avid video gamer and even keep my own blog for gaming news, reviews and editorials. I'm also big into card and board games and have a pretty competitive side.
Welp, that's about all I can think of right now. It's long past the midnight hour.
Oh, and hi everybody!