Hey. I can help you with your problem. Now I am not entirely sure if there is a dubbed version for the netherlands (and I'm horrible with this language stuff) but if you dnt mind watching the English version then there are 2 sites I use. Watchcartoononline.com and Dailymotion. I believe Dailymotion has a higher quality but its up to you on what site you want to use. Hope that helps. And if you have any other questions about mlp, then feel free to PM me
Bored? Nah, you didn't do that. Seriously, its great to have u here. Ever wanna chat to someone, I'm here after a few months hiatus from the forum. I'm not leaving
I never thought I would be asked this question and it is hard. I love both of them. Vinyl because she's a DJ and Rainbow because of her personality. And its even harder with the fan made animations with vinyl. Anyone else have this problem?
Hey and welcome. Everyone here (from what I've seen) are extremely friendly and if you wanna be friends then go right ahead and if not, that's fine to. No ones forcing you enjoy your time here
I knew it was a toy company before I watched any of the shows. The first show I watched was tramsformers G1 and it is apparent that it is a huge advertisement for toys. MLP now actually feels like its stand alone show
Sure, we've seen them in show stoppers but do you think the Cutie Mark Crusaders (or whatever the human counterparts are called) will perform in Rainbow Rocks. And if so, do you think it could be the same structure as show stoppers
I joined the herd in March but I started watching the show at the end of February but I wasn't fully hooked until Dragonshy which was awesome. My m8 did talk about the show a lot and I did watch the full series of turnabout storm and after that, I decided to watch mlp. Good thing I did as well. One of the best shows I've seen in a while.
Please no. If they did a spoof of mlp is would be one of the worst things and we all know Al Jean (current show runner since Season 13) would do it completely wrong. They MUST stay away from MLP
Rainbow Dash is so awsome, her speed just about matches Sonic the Hedgehogs and she can also destroy the decepticon, Starscream, Completely even when he is one with the all spark. Dash is AWESOME!!!
I love this crossover. Already a pheonic wright fan but this actually was one of the things that made me a brony. The other was my m8. Who else loves pheonix and pinkie investigating?
A lot of ppl here seem to be extremely negative about Rainbow Rocks. I think it could be good. The only problem I have is that it is possibly guarenteed to include sandpaper personality pointless love interest Flash Sentry. I also have a feeling that Vinyl Scratch will finally have a voice. She has been seen a lot in the shorts so I wouldn't be surprised. Let's just hope its good.
No offence to those who like this episode but I really didn't like this episode. The plot is the main problem. Its the type of plot I dispise but if u like this story, more power to u. I'm not telling u to hate it.
Am I the only person who looks at this episode and thinks "looks like twilight has decided to cosplay as Snake from MGS 3 Snake Eater". I can't help it. She really looks like it. Must be the eyepatch.
Cool name for ur OC and...I havnt heard any groans yet, to be honest, I dunno why ppl have problems with alicorns. I certainly don't. Can't wait to see the OC once finished
I like the sound of your OC. Original. I'm currently working on an OC who is basically myself. Just need to finish the design that's all. But yeah. Welcome