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Banner by ~ Ice Princess Silky


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Status Updates posted by Constipated_owel

  1. Evil Nightmares died?

  2. i just wanna watch the world burn

  3. So after dealing with deep personal and social problems guess whos back, ME guess who gives a damn? That would be noone :D have a fantastic day everypony

  4. Strawberita strawber-thank you

  5. Dammit its hard to forget someone you love

  6. Hell yeah bumpin my favorite podcast relaxin and playin xbox its been a helluva fun day

  7. What is there anymore...hope is lost..just blackness awaits along with the feeling of sorrow, regret, and anger i messed up we all mess up but its no use going on like this...

  8. Whats the meaning of acceptance

  9. Alot is on my mind wether i have a bright future or not or if im going to go nowhere in life...

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