My Favourite Mane 6 Pony: Pinkie Pie How did you find MLP Forums?: Through the magic of Google search.
How you became a fan of My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic: My boyfriend and I were scrolling through television channels and landed on the hub. Pinkie Pie was was jumping around yelling in this episode. As soon as I saw Pinkie I looked over to my boyfriend and he looked at me and I said, "I can get behind this tv show", and he agreed.
Welp, I'm new as you can see. ^.^
This is one of the first MLP sites I've joined, I've been a fan for sometime now
just haven't found a fan site I liked the looks of yet. My pony persona...? I guess
that's the right term for it...
My pony oc is a Pegasus pony named Doodle Bug or Sketchy Bug, I have her
as my profile image.
Hmmm, some things that I like are Doctor Who, MLP of course, photography, painting,
drawing. I pretty much like anything crafty and artistic. So yeah, this is my
introduction, I hope I stay around and can make some friends. I'm shy, and it's sometimes
hard for me to keep conversations going so just putting that out there.