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Posts posted by thunderflare

  1. Alot of times its hard to do as talking about MLP in public is very looked down upon and thus they keep it to themselves unless you spot them other ways. I commend those bronies who are very upon about it and wear merchandise and such and it would be awesome if more were like that as it would be easier to spot them.

    Ya, I don't think I can really admit that I'm one but someone in my class talks about it so much and wears an RD jacket and everybody knows he watches MLP.

  2. I made a 600x100 signature and I went to settings>signature. I saw the text thingy to type but I didn't see a button to post a picture. I clicked all the picture-like buttons but none of them open up a file telling you to pick a picture as your signature. What do I do? Please help!

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