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Lord Bradley

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Everything posted by Lord Bradley

  1. What is yer absolute favourite thing to do on your freetime?
  2. 3 ponies? I feel I own traits from alot of em, but I'll try to narrow it down, I suppose. Twilight, due to my intense need to not disappoint my teachers, my ignorance to simple answers, my need to organize everything(Although chaotically), and my tendency to over-complicate everything. There's more, but I forget. Pinkie, due to my wanting to make others cheerful, my "dark side" and paranoia that sometimes slips past the defense systems, my need to do silly things at times, and my mind refusing to grow pessimistic and always stays hopeful. Once again, there is more. Luna, due to my tendency to sometimes speak archaic and as though I have a megaphone in my throat, having a "Dark side" that sometimes slips past the cracks as much as I don't want it to, my slight need to be liked and not hated, aswell as easily growing frustrated. Again, more exist.
  3. Nope. Not to say that I don't own any, but there's a good amount that don't. Am I the only one who makes up depressing lyrics when taking a nice walk 'round the neighborhood?
  4. Chit chat, whistling, papers rustling, whispering, pencils working away, keyboards clicking... That's class for ye.
  5. Silly, I'm a Question Mark! No death or decay can touch me Now, prepare to be suffocate
  6. Honestly, Sombra. What with the freezing thing going on, and the slightly "Evil(But misunderstood)" feels it gives,
  7. *Recieves an army of Robots* *Inserts a glass of water*
  8. Woah, My sis' OC is canon? Well, this is lovely
  9. Well, uh... I... I'll just be, uhm, l-leaving now before all the blood in my body rushes up to my face... You can have the house, I d-don't care..
  10. Well, Daisies sound good You can put in place a single rule that nothing can break, not even the laws of physics and much, much beyond that. What does this rule state?
  11. Banned for having a slightly crooked smile on yer avvie
  12. Neiter Numbers nor Words can truly express the spread of your existence. So have a Pink One instead
  13. *Recieves a Toy Pistol* *Inserts a Toybox filled with Memories*
  14. Cries echoed through the hallway, seemingly originating from the room at the end. Cries, screams, whimpering, whailing, all could be heard from the accursed room. Anyone outside the building could hear the cries of the lost soul emanate from inside, yet none was brave enough to enter. Some feared that it was a banshee, others thought of a ghost. Superstition, all of it. For what really resided in that building, was a man with a brown trenchcoat, mourning his lost friend while curled up in a fetal position. Nothing mattered to him anymore. His life-long companion was gone. He had seen it in the hands of an officer while sneaking out to search for the backpack. Devastated, he walked away, while he slowly turned the walk into a run. Tears had went down his face as he eventually stopped infront of an abandoned building, ignoring the pain from his bones, the aching from his heart, the wheezing from his lungs. Drakk had entered the bulding, ran up to the highest floor, went down a large corridor, opened the door at the end, and simply collapsed in the middle of the room, beginning the exhaustion of his tears. He ignored the pain, he didn't care about taking a pill, the only thing he cared about, was the loss of a friend.
  15. An old friend I hadn't seen for over four years showed up at my door today
  16. I do not believe I've had the honors, no What is the best post anyone has made on these forums?
  17. Well... Shadow of Mordor it was, I believe... As the Main Character... That means I'm Talion, who's dead, but is possessed by a spirit, and literally cannot die cause he keeps respawning, lorewise. Welp, I'll be kicking some Uruk-Hai butts! As an NPC, I would be an Uruk. Only a matter of time before I find a sword running through my throat
  18. ... What's the difference? Counts as both answer and question, thank ye
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