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Crystalline Shine

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Posts posted by Crystalline Shine

  1. youre not gonna believe this ;w; my boyfriend goes by Middy too <3 He's not here on the forums, but his oc is Midnight Sparkler c:

    • Brohoof 4
  2. I'm in a relationship with my amazing boyfriend! ^-^. He means the world to me and i believe we was made for each other <3


    @PoisonIvy if your reading this then i love you! ^-^ :P

    Totes reading it ^-^ hehe :3 i love you too, sweetie <3 more than anything ever! we really were made for each other <3 I just cant wait until its no longer long distance ^-^ I want you in my arms right now <3

    • Brohoof 2
  3. hi ^.^ nice to have a fellow pennsylvanian on the forums! I'm actually from just outside pittsburgh ^-^ y'all know where North Huntingdon is, right? heh :3 well anyway, have a lot of fun on the forums, feel free to be outgoing, most people here dont mind getting messages. heck, you could send me a message if ya want.

  4. Hi ^.^ Welcome! I think the forums shall be fun for you :3 you should totally add me on Steam so we can play tf2 together ^.^ my steam name is Derpy Hooves, so uh...its best you just click the link on my profile. *huggles* ^_^ oh, and feel free to add me on here too, new friends are always welcome :D

    • Brohoof 1
  5. Hi ^.^ Welcome to the forums!

    I can get sound out of a flute, does that count? XD ooh, but I can sing, too! probably not as well as a lot of others, but at least I'm not terrible :)

    Have fun on the forums, and there's plenty of friends to make. Even me! you can add me if you want, I always welcome new friends :3

  6. Hi ^.^ yep, we're a good place to talk about mlp and such! I'll add you on Steam, keep an eye out for a Sky Lieutenant Derpy Hooves. I assume you're the one with the Luna avatar, right?

  7. its the same as playing minecraft and punching blocks with the bare hands instead of using a proper tool.

    to make matters worse,without tools you can´t even get the diamonds(which is line weight and brushes).


    i hope that analogy made sense.


    it at least shows determination to your passion(if you want to make it a passion)

    Despite having never played minecraft, I understand that analogy.

    also, its not a passion, drawing that was painfully boring.

  8. @@PoisonIvy, Wanna know something? That is the exact same process I have for starting a drawing XD

    well ya see, I cant get the mouse to follow a singe course, so trying to draw a circle in one single ring would be pointless. So I just swirl around a bunch and erase the excess XD

    • Brohoof 1
  9. XD y'all should see my drawing process.



    this was literally the before picure of a circle I just drew. no joke, this is my process.




    this was the end result from that.

    Then this is quite impressive. 

    thanks for the compiment though.

  10. From this I can assume you don't draw much, and raises the question. Did you do this with a mouse or a tablet? Because with enough practice you could be really good, no joke. 

    you're right, I dont draw much. don't even get me started on open wings, i literally cant even trace them to look decent. and I don't have a tablet, I did all of that by mouse.

  11. Alright, so between 1 am and 4 am last night, I decided to make this. first time I've ever spent more than like 15 minutes on a drawing completely from scratch. And you know what? It's not nearly as good as what other people can do in 3 hours, or even 1 hour, but I'm still proud of it. had like, 16 layers, made it with paint.net, and the only reason it's a mare instead of a stallion like my OC normally is is because i just can't get the heads of stallions correct. Don't expect more from me in the future because that was a painful 3 hours. So yeah I know it's not that great, but at least I tried.



    • Brohoof 2
  12. Heya! Well, i suppose I cant help with everything, but I figured I could at least be someone to play tf2 and L4d2 with. After all, ive got 1700+ hours in tf2, and it just so happens that ive beaten silent hill 3, silent hill Origins, and I spent all day yesterday playing Silent Hill Downpour, all of which are obviously from the best horror game series ever created. So why dont you add me on Steam? Just search Sky Lieutenant Derpy Hooves. Youll know its me from the tf2 stranges showcase.

  13. hello! nope, havent heard of you until now ^.^ better late than never i guess! you  didnt list much about your interests, so i dont have much to specifically tell you about, but theres roleplays, art, commissions for art, discussions, and dont forget friends! tons of friends, just talk to anypony! like me! 

  14. Well, you're in luck, cause there are tons of great people here! you'll find em just about everywhere! I even met my girlfriend on here :) so yeah, you'll have a great time, and you seem like a fun guy ^.^ and of course theres other stuff here besides people, theres discussions, roleplays, etc. just wander around, make some friends, you'll be fine. heck, you can even add me if you want ^_^ the more friends the merrier, after all!

  15. Hi! Welcome to the forums! you dyed your hair pink? OMG thats awesome  :D  I'd dye my hair pink but it'd probably look terrible on me...I'd say a guy with pink hair would be ridiculous but my one friend dyed his hair pink XD PInkie is my favorite and I love the color, so it kinda makes me make everything pink... Oh, and I love the name Penelope! Its just kinda fun to say ^_^ though it reminds me of the color yellow for some reason....

    anyway, Welcome to the forums, lots of oppurtunities for friends! Just PM people, They'll be happy ^.^ heck, you could PM me, I love new friends! :)  :yay:

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