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Banner by ~ Kyoshi Frost Wolf


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Everything posted by Scrambled_Egghead

  1. Their foreheads hit with a hollow clanking sound like two coconuts smacking together. The sound echoed through the stadium. For a few moments, both warriors were standing still with their foreheads pressed together, but eventually Kiwi's eyes rolled back and she let out a faint grunt before she went limp and fell down to the ground. She stayed down for the full ten-count without moving.
  2. Kiwi once again didn't dodge. She allowed the punch to hit her in the head without even blocking so that she could retaliate quicker. It was now a fight of who could withstand the most punishment. After they exchanged a few more blows, Kiwi pulled her head back and readied herself for a powerful headbutt. (Have Tempest headbutt her at the same time and I'll end this. I'm sorry this fight wasn't as fun as I'd hoped.)
  3. Kiwi didn't bother to block or dodge. She had given up fighting defensively, and was now purely offense. Though, she might have tried to dodge it if she knew how hard he could hit! Tempest struck her in the gut and she briefly had the wind knocked out of her, but she recovered almost immediately, still feeling the pain. She retaliated with a punch to Tempest's lower jaw.
  4. "Right then, let's get finish this up with an old fashion fist fight. No weapons or fancy tricks." Kiwi suggested. Her boulder technique had used up all of the alcohol in her blood, and she had become sober, meaning that she no longer had her original advantage, but she was still confident. She spread her stance and waited for Tempest to move.
  5. Kiwi staggered across from Tempest and chuckled deeply. Her coat had reverted to its normal light colors. "Forgive me if I'm wrong, but that little stunt drained all of your energy. You might be able to muster enough strength to swing yer little dukes, but that's about it. Am I right?" She started to laugh, "I can barley lift me hooves!" She addmitted. Then she began to laugh louder at her own helplessness.
  6. (Are the forums acting up for everybody?) Kiwi was off balance. If she dodged the attack, she would open herself up again, but after firing that many attacks at once, Tempest was likely off balance too. She decided to try something different. She had enough energy to fire four more blasts, and she had one in her hooves already. She stood back on her hind legs and lifted her front legs in the air. With both of her front hooves gripping the orange blast, it began to expand in size. She had remarkable control over how much she put into the ball, and she decided to put in everything. When the ball was the size of a boulder, she tossed it effortlessly at Tempest. It collided with all of the aura spikes and orbs and overcame them through sheer size. It continued to hurtle toward Tempest. Dodging it would be difficult if not impossible. Blocking it would be another feat entirely.
  7. The two orbs collided in mid air, causing them both to hover a safe distance between the two fights. For a few seconds, the dark orb and orange orb struggled against each other to get through to their respective targets, but neither of them budged until eventually they both dissipated in a cloud of steam and smoke. The orbs had destroyed each other. It's a draw. Kiwi smiled and formed a second orb in the same manner, but didn't fire it until she knew what Tempest would do.
  8. "THATS MORE LIKE IT!" She exclaimed, "LETS SEE HOW IT COMPARES!" She tossed the orb upward, turned around and bucked it with her hind legs, sending it hurtling toward Tempest. Her hope was to see what would happen when her projectile hit one of Tempest's in mid air. (Do you have a limit for how many orbs you can fire? Because Kiwi can only use five. It'd be pretty op if you didn't.)
  9. Kiwi started to chuckle while she wiped her mouth and stood up straight. She quickly turned around showing the extent of her bizarre transformation. All of the fur on her body had become several shades darker. She now had a maroon coat with a dark green mane and tail. Her eyes were still glazed over and movements were still swaggered, but she seemed oddly sober, though that shouldn't be possible with the amount of alcohol she had consumed. "Thanks for the concern, but I'm right as rain!" She assured. "Me breakfast just decided to pop in and say 'ello. Happens every time I try this technique." Kiwi wasn't a unicorn. She was an earth pony that shouldn't be capable of any kind of magic, but the drink had somehow changed that. Her orange aura extended far from her body, a mixture of alcohol and her unfiltered energy. She held out her front right hoof and an orange ball of alcohol and energy began to form in her upturned hoof. It grew to the size of a basket ball in her hoof. "Wanna see how it compares?"
  10. Kiwi had to spring into action to dodge the projectiles, unlike the others which she had handled with ease. Her tail was nicked by one of the bolts, causing the hairs at the end to be seared. Better give that drink a try before it's my keister on the barbie! I hope that weird drink they gave me to add wasn't some kind of poison! Probably should have considered that come to think of it. When the action stopped, she pulled the canteen from her hip and unceremoniously popped the talk. "In hindsight, I mighta been a might cocky not ta drink this up before the fight, but what can I say? I was savin' it ta celebrate!" She held the drink closer to her mouth and narrated, "This is the strongest, meanest alcie ever brewed, Dragon Killa! One small swig of this can give a grown Minotaur a trip to a cold meat party!" She then began chugging down the entire flask with ease! Such a feat should have been impossible for even the most experienced drinker! Alcohol clearly didn't affect her in the normal way. A few members of the audience recognized the name of the drink. "Wait, I thought Dragon Killer wasn't meant to be drank straight from the bottle like that." "Not if you want to keep breathing it isn't!" "Dragon Killer? I'm guessing that's not something you drink for the nutritional value?" "No, not if you consider... the liver damage." After she finished her drink, she wiped her mouth and dropped the flask. A bright orange aura extended from her body. If one looked closely, they would actually see alcohol mixed in with her energy. Her coat somehow darkened from a light, creamy color, to a dark shade of maroon. She started to say, "Now is time for my secret techni-" She suddenly stopped talking and covered her mouth. She quickly hurtled to the edge of the ring and vomited off the side.
  11. (Do you mind if I ask you something? Did Majestic Nightfury think that going into close quarters with the earth pony close quarters master was a good idea or did Tempest?) Despite her having less space to move around, Tempest still couldn't seem to hit Kiwi. Her movements defied all fighting conventions. When she should have moved left, she would do the opposite. When she seemed off balance, she was actually as sturdy as a rock. Tempest was so unused to fighting like this that it seemed like he was fighting for the first time in his life, stabbing at air instead of flesh. Kiwi saw her opportunity when Tempest made a foreword jab. She sidestepped to Tempest's left side and hooked under his left front leg with both of her front legs. With her double underhook, she pulled his left leg across her upper chest and started baring down with angled pressure that bent his leg in an unnatural direction and forced him down. "That's it love, now don't struggle too much. I don't want to break your leg!" (It's a fairly common Greco Wrestling move calls 'The Russian Tie.' Look it up if you need a visual.)
  12. Due to her sporadic movements, both projectiles harmlessly missed Kiwi with her having to use little to no effort to dodge. This is looking a might promising. I might even get to try something bonza this time! She thought. The dragon Killer she had brought to the fight wasn't her typical brew. A strange mare had given her a vile of liquid to add to it before the fight, making it advance her powers even more. She considered drinking it, but decided to save it.
  13. hes moving south, I think. yes, and there's no other fighters for you to warn... Except for half of them.
  14. Crimsons doing a real bang up job of warning the other fighters about Mason.
  15. "Easy love, don't you be thinkin' this is gonna be easy." Kiwi warned, she made a few swaggered steps toward him and the advantage of her fighting style became quite obvious. Her movements were smooth, but also completely unpredictable. Her opponent wouldn't know where and when to attack, or where her attacks were coming from. She looked like she was off balance at times, but this was just part of the illusion. "I'll get into my groove soon enough. I just gotta stumble into it first," she said as she moved into striking range while swaying side to side with no discernible pattern. Without warning, she quickly swayed to tempest's right side, spun around, and bucked directly at his lower jaw. She then spun back forward and chopped down at his lower back with her right front leg.
  16. @@Literally Snails, Kiwi's temper flared up when she heard the comment. Her face became even more red. She abandoned her place in the ring and ran into the seating section of the arena where she heard the voice. She jumped onto a stallion in the crowd and began violently strangling him. Unfortunately, the stallion she attacked was not the actual pony who insulted her. "Call me a drunk will ya? Don't think I can handle my piss?" She angrily shouted. "It wasn't me! Wasn't me!" The stallion desperately gasped. Kiwi ignored him and shook him around for a few more seconds. "Now, have you learned your lesson?" She finally asked. The pony shook his head. "Right then. Let's have a show!" Kiwi happily exclaimed. She let go of the pony and jumped back into the center of the arena.
  17. Kiwi entered the ring opposite Tempest, walking in a very calm and sober manner. This would be remedied quickly. She had a small canteen strapped to her waste filled with the strongest drink she had, Dragon Killer. She was also carrying a bottle of whiskey which she took a few generous swigs of.
  18. (Sorry for being a slowey Joey) "Say it ain't so! This evil, underground tournament about fighting to the death has dark secrets? Didn't see that one coming! That sounds like a good reason to take a swig," Kiwi said, always happy for a reason to drink. She popped the cork on a bottle of scotch and started drinking it straight from the bottle.
  19. @,@@Literally Snails, HOLY CHEESE! I just got done reading the interaction between Mason and Crimson. I have never seen a character so hate-worthy and evil in my life! I know he's based on elder Toguro, but you really stepped it up to the next level! Mason makes Elder Toguro look like Mother Teresa! When can we kill him?
  20. "Posh, you're a cheap date, aren't ya?" Kiwi remarked jokingly. She reached into her bag and pulled out the only wine she had, a low quality red wine. She didn't like wine very much at all. She put the drink in her muzzle and started to pour it into a small glass. She finished, put down the wine, and asked, "What were you and that chap Frey talking about the other night?"

  22. Kiwi suddenly lunged at Tempest and embraced him in her strong forelegs. "Now yer speakin' my language. A drink before a fight, always a might better than drinkin' afta! Won't even have to move a step. I'm a mobile pub! Just name yer poison." She agilely slipped back and removed her saddle bag causing the sound of rattling bottles.
  23. Kiwi tried to make sense out of what Havoc had said. "Mason..." She thought out loud. "That name sounds a might familiar, but I can't say I know it." She turned to Tempest and asked, "Say, Tempest, you've been in this tourney before, do you know of a bloke named Mason?"
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