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Lily Parasol

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Everything posted by Lily Parasol

  1. Hallo everyone! I was wondering if anyone here wants me to draw a pony for you! Just fill out the form and I will make you a pony of your own! Here's the form: Name of pony: Gender: Type of pony: Cutie Mark: Eye color: Mane style/color: Tail style/color: Other: Thanks!
  2. Starting a well - deserved relaxation weekend.

  3. Welcome to the forums! I'm Lily Parasol, and fairly new as well. I hope you have a great time on the site! Ta-ta! ~Lily
  4. Welcome to the forums! I'm Lily Parasol, and fairly new as well. I hope you have a great time on the site! Ta-ta! ~Lily
  5. Welcome to the forums! I'm Lily Parasol, and fairly new as well. I hope you have a great time on the site! Ta-ta! ~Lily
  6. Welcome to the forums! I'm Lily Parasol, and fairly new as well. I hope you have a great time on the site! Ta-ta! ~Lily
  7. Welcome to the forums! I'm Lily Parasol, and fairly new as well. I hope you have a great time on the site! Ta-ta! ~Lily
  8. Welcome to the forums! I'm Lily Parasol, and fairly new as well. I hope you have a great time on the site! Ta-ta! ~Lily
  9. Welcome to the forums! I'm Lily Parasol, and fairly new as well. I hope you have a great time on the site! Ta-ta! ~Lily
  10. Welcome to the forums! I'm Lily Parasol, and fairly new as well. I hope you have a great time on the site! Ta-ta! ~Lily
  11. Which chess side do you prefer (dark or white chocolate?)
  12. I'm pretty sure, like others have said, BBC would sue their pants off for putting him in the movie. Being a fellow Whovian, I know that Dr. Hooves, in human form, would have to somewhat resemble David Tennant, and major copyright issues would come up.
  13. Hello Mortals! Luna here. Do you have any nagging questions that you would like to ask about myself? Well, spill it, because I will answer them to the best of my abilities. So ask away!!
  14. Welcome to the forums! I'm Lily Parasol, and fairly new as well. I hope you have a great time on the site! Ta-ta! ~Lily
  15. Welcome to the forums! I hope you have a great time here. Ta-ta! ~Lily
  16. Welcome to the forums, Shady Bubbles! Can I call you SB? I am new here as well, so maybe we can figure it out together! Ta-ta! ~Lily
  17. Welcome to the forums. You seem like a very deserving colt, and I enjoy your preference/style of facial hair. Your eye-wear is intriguing, and might I add that you would look simply divine in a top hat? Anywho, enough with my obsession of clothing. I hope that you greatly enjoy yourself, and who knows? Maybe we will meet again in the midst of this vast community. I also brohoof your choice of your favorite Mane 6 pony. After all, I hear that Applejack makes ridiculously amazing cider. Ta-Ta! ~Lily
  18. Welcome to the forums! I'm Lily Parasol, and fairly new as well. I hope you have a great time on the site!
  19. Just started a rp!

  20. Thanks so much Spark Glasses, Bill Ames, Harmony's Guard, and Pinkie Pie Rules! I have already had such a great time on the site and look forward to having even more fun!
  21. (OOC Thread here: http://mlpforums.com/topic/114025-a-new-beginning/) This rp is meant for OC's making their way into Ponyville to start a new life. Some ponies may just want to get away from the hustle and bustle of everyday life in other cities, but other ponies may be brimming with mysterious pasts and secrets. So, join Ponyville; either to get away or to run away... Rules: -No content that is violent or for 18+ audiences. save it for fanfics! -Your character MUST be an OC. -Up to 2 charries per person. -Be nice! This should be a positive environment for rps. -All general rp rules not mentioned here apply as well. Oh, and have fun! Autumn Maton The train screeched to a halt in front of Ponyville. I buttoned my coat, tipped my hat to the conductor, and dashed off of the train. My overcoat blew gently in the passing breeze. The sun shone down on me, the clouds floating lazily by. My stomach rumbled loudly as I passed a cozy little bakery called Sugar Cube Corner. I stopped, sniffed, and sighed. The sweet aromas of muffins and cupcakes wafted lazily toward my nose. Well, I thought, maybe I can stop for a bite. The bakery seemed deserted, so I rang the silver bell on the counter. I immediately regretted it. A pink pony dashed from the kitchen and knocked me over. My head banged against the tiles, and my hat almost fell off the tip of my head. I gasped for air as the pony said incredibly fast to me, "welcometosugarcubecornermynameispinkiepieyoulooknewhereareyoubecauseiknoweveryoneinponyvillebutwelcome!Doyouhearticking?" "Um..no." I said quickly and nervously. "Oh. ok!" PInkie PIe said cheerfully." "Get...off..." I wheezed. The pony looked confused and frowned. "Wait...what?" "Get..off..of...me." "Oh! Sorry." She stood up, and I reached for my inhaler in my pocket. My lungs instantly felt better. She smiled and hopped up and down. "I'm PInkie Pie! Nice to meet you!!" I gave her a small smile. "Autumn. Can I have a muffin?" The blueberry muffin was delicious and crumbled in my mouth. I thanked the highly energetic pony on my way out, and continued my journey.
  22. Thank you Carbon Maestro and AppleLover! I sure have had a fun time here myself and am glad I made it to a Muffin!! Now to find my special talent...
  23. Finally a Muffin!

  24. Welcome! I too feel as if I have yet to find my special talent. However, I rock at Hoop-La's! Love ya! ~Lily
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