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Banner by ~ Kyoshi Frost Wolf


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Everything posted by ~DEATHMONGER~

  1. I probably won't post here anymore. I might still US the forums, though. I've been using Bronysquare a lot, and might use it instead. this isn't goodbye, but I wont be on much. anyone here on Bronysquare? thanks for a good time :D

  2. oh... the little cadence loading thing is finally gone for me... hey Rainbow.

  3. I was gonna vote rarity, but then I did rainbow. I then saw rarity has 0 votes... just imagine her in the boutique for days trying to make a dress and failing on the last minute or something.
  4. I be real pissed, but obviously I'd go on with my life. But, honestly, my life would be so much different.
  5. testes, testes. 1, 2... 3?!

    1. GrauWitz


      I remember hearing something similar to that in "Mrs. Brown's Boys D'movie"



      Damn, I haven't seen that yet. I'll watch it now.

  6. I just got in a small(ish) fight with someone on a forum. I managed to put a stop to it before it got bad, but I don't really feel forgiven. what makes it worse is that it was a forum about mean bronies. please link pictures of cute little ponies. they tend to help. also, I have to feed my addiction...

  7. Look, I'm sorry that it sounded like a rant, it wasn't, I assure you. It just ticked me off that you said it's common sense. Sorry about all of this, and if there is any place to fight, it's not this forum. And yeah, I know GotG, I have read many of the comics and love them. The movie was pretty good too. /)?
  8. Is "Lord" not a title bore by Men? I'm sorry, I thought that was obvious
  9. All that work and he says "yes, it's obvious".Good day, sir.
  10. The golden rule (do unto others as you would have them do unto you) doesn't work. How would you like to meet a masochist who did unto others as he would have them do unto him? Or a worshipper of the crocodile God who craves the honor of being thrown alive into the pit? Even the Samaritan who started the whole thing... what made him think that the man he found lying on the roadside wanted oil poured on his wounds? What if the man was using those quiet moments to heal himself spiritually, enjoying the challenge of it? Even if the rule was changed to "Do unto others as they want to be done to", we can't know how anyone but ourselves wants to be done to. What the rule means, and how we apply it honestly, is this: "Do unto others as you TRULY feel like doing unto others". Meet a masochist with this rule, and you do not have to flog him with his whip simply because that is what he would want you to do unto him. Nor are you required to throw the worshipper of the crocodiles. Your post was otherwise accurate, and I liked it. Everyone may heed what I say, or no one may, it doesn't affect me. I thank you for this opportunity to share my philosophy, and apologize for any mistakes I made. Have a good day (if that is what you wish).
  11. You wanna see the dark side of this fandom? You wanna see the most brutal, judgmental bronies out there? Simple. Join the "Bronies/Pegasisters United" page on Facebook. Please, just go take look, you can leave it any time. In the description it pretty much says that it's actually intended for meaner Bronies.
  12. Words of inspiration and insite; "No man can eat 50 eggs". -Tré Cool

    1. Show previous comments  3 more


      I will tie you to a tree and set the tree on fire, while disemboweling you and singing the cupcakes song.



      Or maybe I wont

    4. yeet
  13. And if the cloud bursts, thunder in your ear. You shout and no one seems to hear. And if the band you're in starts playing different tunes; I'll see you on the dark side of the moon.

  14. And if the dam breaks open, many years too soon. And if there is no room upon the hill. And if your head explodes with dark forebodings too; I'll see you on the dark side of the moon.

  15. I was awake all night again, but this time I got up at 9 and went to the skatepark. Just got back, its half 1 here. I wonder why I don't get tired easily. the rest of my family/friends get real tired really easy. I can easily go 4 consecutive nights without sleep, but I try not to. it's bad for my mind.

  16. good morning 3 mins 'til 4, I'm going to sleep!

    1. MetalTao


      You psyched me out! I was about to greet you! XD

  17. "And that's how Equestria was made!" is mine. I've even sprayed that on walls...
  18. I live in Dublin, Ireland. The city has a surprisingly strong presence of skateboarding (so much so that there's even a movie about skating in Dublin); multiple parks, shops, and skaters of course. Only recently have I realized how lucky I am, for many cities have no parks at all, not one. I am wondering what the skate scene is like where YOU live. I amn't really talking about longboards, however. I am referring to the the basic skateboard; You do NOT have to skate yourself, (mainly because the chances of another Brony skater finding this thread are minimal) I am simply curious. Thanks for your time!
  19. Rarity. When I started watching MLP, I hated Rarity. Now I don't, but I can't relate to her at all, and she sometimes irritates me. I. Do not. Hate. Rarity. Anymore. I'd like to have some big explanation, but there's nothing else to say.
  20. "His palms are sweaty, knees weak arms are heavy..."

  21. !!!OP PLEASE READ!!! I might post on this later, but now I don't have much time. I just wanted to say, they have already confirmed season 9.
  22. I finally got the money for a WiFi pass. so, how is everyone? Has anything big happened (for example, has MLP been cancelled?)?

    1. Yummychickenblue


      I still haven't seen the Doctor Who special that came out awhile ago.



      Go. Watch it. Now.

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