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Everything posted by Ashbad

  1. tfw all of you will realize what this site is, and within a year vacate it.

  2. Which is worse -- the MLP Fandom, or a pile of shit? Well, at least the shit doesn't brag about best pony.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2.  spas-ticShotty


      That's a bit harsh. I'm going with the pile o' shit.

    3. Otter


      Sounds like someone doesn't like this here fandom...

    4. Shiki


      I don't understand why you keep coming back to this place. Lel.

  3. I don't have to acknowledge shit from someone with fake authority. http://img.removedfromgame.com/imgs/nofuckingway.PNG

  4. So, let's all draw dudes with 10 foot tall necks and 3 foot tall bodies, and call it "our style." While we're at it, let's argue that it's still anatomically correct. The point is not whether style plays in at all, it's a matter in this case of whether or not the proportions are correct. Either you have them right, or you don't. You don't skip around the hard truth. You either accept what you did incorrectly and improve, or end up drawing in your incorrect "style" forever, without the ability to draw any other way. It's pretty obvious you have no idea what you're talking about, so I'll just ignore it and move on my way.
  5. How many bronies does it take to change a lightbulb? Exactly one -- if you have more than that, they'll brutally murder each other over their small differences. And then won't change the lightbulb.

  6. Sometimes, I can't help but wonder if the average Brony's IQ is somewhere around 83.

    1. Show previous comments  24 more
    2. ----------------------


      ...Don't know what relevance this has to the topic at hand...but okay....



      Sorry sir, but Ash is a party ogre.

    4. Ashbad


      "he's a party ogre"

  7. So, by his choice of being stylistic, he has foregone correct proportions. Style is one thing, correct anatomy is another. My comment stands.
  8. It's surprising how many people are impressed by Pixel Art being drawn in minecraft -- in fact, it draws tenfold the attention to the piece of art than it would have received otherwise (partially because just about all "Minecraft Pixel Art" pieces are actually pretty bland and unimpressive otherwise.)

  9. That's a good way of thinking about it, but I think your example shapes need some tweaking -- sphere component of her cranium is far too small, and her neck is far too long.
  10. Eat that fucking candy I gave you. Eat the fucking candy. Eat. The fucking. Candy.

    1. Commander Urdnot

      Commander Urdnot

      lol, I've seen that

    2. Wubsie


      Drink the fucking soda. XD

  11. I refuse to refer to myself as a "Brony"; the Brony Community is incredibly flawed and I wish to take little part in it. On the other hand, the show is improving radically over time, and I continue to watch it. Any other "Ponyfans" out there?

    1. Show previous comments  15 more
    2. ----------------------


      I've said this before and I will say it again, whilst the ratio of...."bad bronies" is going up, thats only because we have more bronies in the community, the ratio is still very low, it does not make up the majority....

    3.  spas-ticShotty


      The more people a community attracts, the more likely some dinglefritzes and assholes will join.

    4. ----------------------


      exactly, my status update expresses exactly how I feel, no one said this community is perfect, honestly I am the most picky and perceptive, and I see little flaws as it is...

  12. I think the main aspect killing this piece is the snout -- not only is it rather large, it's completely flat and doesn't portray any three-dimensional volume or forms. I'd probably start by practicing drawing some basic 3 dimensional shapes at many different angles, and then move onto more complex forms, leading into finally constructing a My Little Pony from its different forms.
  13. It's more of a piece-by-piece explanation of the 3 dimensional forms that would make up a My Little Pony (were they real), giving the general proportions of the pieces and how they relate to each other.
  14. Very nice! It's not often that we see high-quality paintings with this much effort behind them here. C+C: - Luna's anatomy is a bit off -- the top part of her legs are a bit fat, her face is a bit round, and her front legs aren't nearly long enough. - In terms of composition, this is rather well executed, though I'd probably make Luna stand out more with (slightly) brighter colors, along with using some of the purple in the galaxy swirl as a shadow color in her to make the piece a bit more cohesive Overall, though, it looks great.
  15. I don't think there's any point in trying to simply trace this picture, or simply draw it from your eye, without understanding the anatomy behind it. Like always, the magical anatomy guide: http://fim.413chan.net/art/src/134253401649-130255119873.jpg I'm not a huge fan of this chart lately (It's not exact to the show in some aspects, but unless you're willing to watch the show and study anatomy frame by frame like that, it's a good resource) -- but it's important to know what the underlying shapes and forms are before drawing something. It would also be helpful to study the anatomy of actual horses as well so you can understand what the cartoon ponies' anatomy is based on.
  16. So, I've made up my mind. I can't just leave this fandom -- I need it. I need this community. I can't stand 90% of what goes on here, but that 10% I do like, I will remain here for.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Flicker Sweet

      Flicker Sweet

      Drives you insane don't it?

    3.  spas-ticShotty


      Those reasons seem to annoy you quite some if it almost made you leave the fandom.

    4. ----------------------


      dont leave the entire fandom just because of MLP Forums either D:

  17. For those checking my profile to see if I'm still active here -- I'm not. You can still follow me on dA or twitter: https://twitter.com/TheAshbad

    1. Pinkazoid


      I can still talk to ya'h in skype? :P

    2. Ashbad


      Of course! Though, we don't talk that often anyways, it seems :(

    3. Pinkazoid



      I know, I feel like I haven't talked to you in ages xD

  18. For those checking my profile to see if I'm still active here -- I'm not. You can still follow me on dA or twitter: https://twitter.com/

  19. Well, I have been gone from the site for a month or so now, so I'd might as well confirm it: I've basically left the community. Fun time while it lasted, now it's time to move on. Good luck to all that remain. You can keep in touch with me on https://twitter.com/TheAshbad and https://www.facebook.com/theashbad .
  20. I'm tempted to verify my recent absence from the site with a cliche "leave thread", yet I want not to appear an overly attached patron of a site I am not overly attached to. Suggestions welcome! Best suggestion gets a consensual favor.

    1. Show previous comments  15 more
    2. Mephala


      Most of the people eventually stop talking to me, so there's not many of them left. :P

    3.  spas-ticShotty




      Whatever, I don't care anymore...

    4.  spas-ticShotty


      Ask you to be a little serious to me and you don't even freakin' listen

  21. I am soon to relinquish control of my old facebook page, The Great and Powerful Twilight, to Tishan on the forums (Devin McCourtey, or whatever his nickname is here nowadays.) He's going to need some help, so I've decided to spend my lingering time as head admin to hire him some help. The page can be found here: https://www.facebook.com/TheGreatAndPowerfulTwilight If you think you're up for the task, you can PM me and when I check here again, I'll forward those PMs to Tishan so he can decide who he wants as his new admins. I'm doing this, as I'm switching over to managing a new page, named after a very important person: https://www.facebook.com/theashbad Feel free to like it, I'll be mostly posting the smartass stuff I did while running The Great and Powerful Twilight, except a bit less restricted and about all sorts of things.
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