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Everything posted by Magnus

  1. Played alot of old school games. 32, so when I grew up I played on the spectrum, OLD pc games(well not old back then)and a atari 2600(I think) Add on top of that, my uncle worked with importing games,consoles etc, so had access to most. Fun fact is how I have a custombuilt gaming laptop, and the first thing I did was getting dosbox,emulators etc so I could play the oldies. Think the first game I installed on it was the classic Flashback(brilliant game) Got My Nes when I was 7 and still have it, and still use it. And so do the kids, even if we have both a wii and a ps3. They are not allowed to play all the time, but when they do its very often the nes and all the games that gets chosen. Currently I am playing the good old bionic commando, still love that game
  2. Hey, I eat meat, but buy it from local farms and know how those animals are treated.(Back in the day I actually controlled several of them) Eventually become friends with the people who run them because they treat them with respect. I refuse to eat massproduced meat, even if Norwegian standards are way ahead of many other countries. Having worked with animal protection my entire life(and getting tired of "facebook warriors" who have done squat in reality) No, quite alot of that comes from ignorance, alot of those people have no idea what is actually happens to all the livestock...Or they think its an exaggeration. Also, there is a huge difference between killing animals for food, and killing them for the sake of entertainment.
  3. No, just surprised that people who dont care watch it. I accept people having different opinions that me, thats fine, but the whole concept of not caring either way I find ignorant. "All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing."
  4. Not necessarily..I went to a adventist school as a kid,then a adventist college or rather norwegian equivalent of college. Bear in mind, we were not a religious family,just that it was the best schools around. I started reading the bible there, why? Well, its the concept of "know your enemy"..Know it sounds bad, but for me it was common sense. Being a agnostic evolutionary amongs so many fanatical christians,well, its a struggle to be perfectly honest. I have no problems with christians, or any religion for that matter as long as they leave me alone...Wich is why I dont like adventism. I like discussing religion,and having friends that are muslim,christian and other belief systems have taught me alot. My parents moved me to those schools when I was around 14 to avoid me fighting anymore, lol, didnt exactly turn out that way. But hey, now I had bloody knuckles and was doing better in school,win-win I dont know if God exists or not, but I am a evolutionist to the core.
  5. Its not a sport, not by a long shot. A sport means those involved have a idea what is actually happening. Yeah sure, because why not increase the amount of torture bulls have to go through..Bah! You can believe what you want, wether you are a creationist or evolutionist doesn´t matter to me, live and let live and all that. But if you are a christian, what happened to being caretaker of the animals? I am not a christian, but have still read the bible. You think its right to put animals though this then?
  6. I hate bullfighting. Worked against animal cruelty, and with abused animals my entire life, and loathe the entire event. I was invited by the spanish branch of the family to stay with them not that long ago, but refused as I am not visiting a country that considers animal cruelty entertainment. We humans are animals aswell, we just have higher intelligence. Hate it when people think we are so friggin superior because we have more intellect. Without any of that, we would be on the bottom of the food chain. And atleast we humans can speak up. Animals cant, wich is why its so easy to mistreat them, and all who enjoy this stuff, matadors and all the other scum that participate..I know it goes against "love & tolerate", but I despise every single one of them. Animal cruelty by any other name is still animal cruelty. Having seen over years how humans treat animals, I have long ago started to lose faith in humanity.
  7. I completed that way back. Not anywhere near as hard as the original, ghosts n goblins..Not by a longshot. And no, cheating is never acceptable in my book, whats the point of playing then .
  8. Dont really follow youtubers, with the exception of Jenna Marbles
  9. Prefer older cars, and a few years ago finally could buy the car I dreamt of as a kid:-P This is my 65 volvo p1800
  10. Just remember a couple of new games I fee should have be way more known than they were, 1.Vexx for the ps2. For a game that seems so bright, its remarkably dark..And 2, Altered beast for the ps2, it was awesome
  11. Think I remember the Adams game, was that the one where you played as pugsley? Alot of good games on the 64 though Back then devs made games hard to increase playability, but some of the older ones took it way way to far. When it comes to hard games...for your own sanitys sake never play ghosts n goblins , I swore a holy oath NEVER to play it again after I completed it, but I broke that wow when I got older of course By many considered the hardest game made...I actually consider completing that a accomplishment.
  12. Hah! I would love to see you buy a "gaming" computer back in the 80s/early 90s. Back then consoles was what you needed to actually play, so you should read up on what you are actually saying before posting nonsense like that. Because pc rocks for games now, doesnt mean it was always like that! Anyway: So many people younger than me here, when I think of old games I think of playing android on the old spectrum, beachhead of 5.25 floppys on a black and yellow screen..Some should play some of the older games and learn what hard difficulty really means..Had a lot of joy having my cousin play ghost n goblins(he is 13),he was so ticked off But many good games, still have fond memories of my amiga 500(and classis NES). Moonstone, wich was insanely brutal for its day, but at the same time a very good game. Heimdall 1&2 were brilliant. Lost patrol, Nitro,hunter,Kef the thief,Gods,Wings On pc I would say Day of the tentacle, Discworld. Sure there are many I have forgot. I still play alot of old games, just recently completed both Iron sword games for the NES again. I dont care about graphics, I want playability. I have gaming computers, ps3,wii etc, but tend to gravitate back towards the classics Oh and timesplitters was brilliant, funny as heck
  13. Wolfs rain...Ending episode of that series was complete utter sadness. Do not watch this clip if you are planning to see it..Not much can tear me up, but this one does the trick http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BSz8SA0tlew Alot of movies etc I find sad, if there are animals involved..
  14. Think the only one I have found creepy over the last few years, would be Asura Kishin(the God of Madness) from "soul eater". http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8xrBex_E0U8 Awesome anime btw, worth watching(Dr. Stein ftw).
  15. All depends on my mood tbh, do everything from sniping to spray and pray, "If you feel froggy,jump" Only "shooter" I play atm(not a pure shooter though)is world of tanks, and on occation bf heroes. In world of tanks there are alot of vehicles within each class, my personal favourite being the Tank destroyers(Or snipers in other games) Jagdtiger ftw
  16. There are no stupid questions That is why it is important to adjust the scope correctly. Simply put, if you fire at the target and see that the shot is placed high, you adjust it a couple of clicks down and try again, until its dead center. There are screws for both horisontal and vertical adjustment. So yes, the sights are above the barrel, but that is the case with most weapons and that has been taken into consideration.
  17. Lol, I feel the same way, love my longbows & my composite ones(mongolian & scythian). Personally I have tried compounds, but a bow with sights,pulleys and a trigger mechanism is not a "proper" bow But we archers have to stick together nomatter what type of bow we use
  18. Lol, I loved this episode, and so many things stand out! Raritys reaction to seeing her diary published was friggin epic Forlong pretty much nailed it in her comments I loved that! I immediately drew comparison with all the news you get, when some celebrity goes on a party rampage! Pinkies immediate breakdown and admitting she has a problem was brilliant
  19. I am not opposed to hunting and I eat meat.But that is a truth with modifications. Here in Norway hunters have to keep down the populations because our predators are pretty much been wiped out..So hunters created the problem to begin with. I have a hunting licence, and I have guns. But would never kill an animal unless its out of mercy(last that happened was a fox that had been hit by a truck..), or in the case of my family starving. Still remember that moron hunter who hid himself on MY property and was stalking deer that we have roaming around here.. I am happy to say he lost his licence and had his guns confiscated, some people should not have guns. And for you americans, personally I dont think owning guns should be a right, but a privilege you have to earn. But I dont, nor will I ever consider hunting a sport. A activity sure, but not a sport.
  20. Started working on the farms around where I grew up, when I was 12-13.Then in adition got the oh so cliché paperroute Had alot of jobs before I found my professional calling, alot of shitty jobs aswell. But it doesnt matter, work experience is so valuable and will help you get better jobs. The years working as a farmhand taught me alot, not only made money, but learned aswell My parents never had much money, so if I really wanted something I had to work for it.
  21. Used to have one, could do some tricks..But they are generally useless for anything else. I use the knives I have, so eventually sold it to a collector who is actually allowed to have it(illegal in Norway). Only knife I usually carry is the gerber paraframe, good for practical tasks, and is just the length(blade) you can legally carry in public over here.
  22. Yeah, it seems to be rather obscure I´m sad to say. But is a very strong martial arts community where I grew up, so the rental centers always made sure to get as many martial arts flicks on its shelves as possible.Sadly(or better depending on how you look at it) the best martial arts actors,like Dacascos or Gary Daniels, are not the ones that are used by hollywood. But very good movie. My latest tattoo, very bad image and fresh tattoo...But its the thundercats logo In retrospect letting a learning tattoo artist experiment on depth setting etc on my friggin wrist, was not the most pleasant decision. Asked him if he was trying to tattoo my wristbone a few times
  23. I grew up when g1 was airing, and it was boring, really boring. Cool villains though if I remember correctly. Doesnt matter what generation of pony you prefer as you long as you enjoy it! On a sidenote, my sister liked it, so we used to have eternia(my he-man toys)declare war on ponyville with regular intervals Now that I think of it, I think my sister usually had'(she had some he-man figures aswell) the he-man baddies on her team, meaning skeletor and his crew were...bronies
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