It’s hard to speak to someone from the past. You always remember how it used to be and compare it to where you are now. In-jokes fall to the wayside. Phrases and pet names are a dead tongue. Sweetness turned sour and open’s gone guarded. Even our gilded opinions of one another have beget rust.
Man, I wanna do a screenshot LP of this game. I'm just not so sure how to go about it. Catch every little detail? Where should I host all that shit? Not Photobucket. Put it in a thread or keep it in a blog? A thread'd be easier to follow, but if no one checked it out, that'd get crazy boring...
Not that most of you care, I'm just kinda rambling out loud. That's what these are for, right?
Well, something I did at work turned out wrong and I found out after I had already made it home. Had my mood all janked.
So what did I do about it?
I said, "Fuck that.", moved on, and decided to have a beer and a good smoke while enjoying some tunes.
As it happens, I'm a pretty avid cigar smoker. I figure if I'm going to smoke, it should be sparingly and always good quality. Once in a while, I get together with some friends and we do reviews! Nothing that we've put out there for the world yet, but it's fun to do.
I did so today on my own, and decided to put it up here. Why not?
Today's victim: The Gurkha Spec Ops maduro.
Clocking in at seven inches long and a ring size of 50, it's a pretty well sized smoke. Nice oily texture with good heft. Feels like you're really smoking something.
On first light, right off the bat it's got a smooth, open draw, and the first flavors you notice are cedar and black pepper. Nice and earthy, like one would expect a maduro to be. An impressive amount of smoke for so early in. Popped open my beer and let it slide through to the midway point.
Around half way, the first ash finally dropped off, which is a nice testament to how well constructed this smoke was. The burn was slow and even all the way through. The black pepper had left by then to show off a serious dark chocolate and mocha taste. The oils really pulled through and kept that earthy flavor. The smoke was nice, warm, and never felt hurried in any way. Relaxation was maxed out.
Near the end, the outer wrap unraveled on me, but that was because of a poor cut on my end. Oops. Didn't ruin the flavor, though. The pepper made a comeback in the last quarter, and the heat picked up. Ended it with about an eighth left.
Took about an hour to get all the way through it, and I gotta say that I'm impressed. These go for about 20 bucks a piece at a regular shop, but totally worth it if you want a quality smoke. I'd give it a solid 8 of 10.
Every dumb conversation, every random laugh, every laughable troll attempt, every well thought out post, and every member. This place has been great to me.
Love you guys.
No, I'm not leaving the forums. I'm just going through a sort of lonely period, and you all have been helpful in getting me through it simply by existing.
Extra love to my Metal Thread family, all the oldfags like me who stuck around, and anyone who's bothered to start a conversation with me.
Why Millennials aren’t buying cars or houses, and what that means for the economy
Maybe our generation aren’t buying houses and cars because EVERYTHING IS SO FUCKED.
You want us to actually talk to bank people and get home loans and auto loans? They are still fucking us! Any time I go into a bank, I feel disgusted. You want me to do MORE business with the who want to charge me 5 dollars for every single swipe of my debit card?
Get fucked!
You think I’m gonna buy a car? A car? Where am I gonna get the money for a car and the insurance and the insurance against the insurance company if God forbid they decide to do the same things they did to the poor Fisher family and countless others? And fucking GAS? Are you crazy? The planet is dying, and you want me to buy gas at $FUCK.YOU/gallon?
In the past 5 years since the economy fell apart, we’ve been adapting. We’ve been listening to countless horror stories of those who made the risk. Those who saved and did it right, and still ended up with an inferior product with inferior service that RUINS YOUR LIFE. It’s not like ordering a pizza, and instead of sausage, you get cheese. It’s like ordering a pizza and then your credit is ruined and you are flat broke. The pains of acquisition aren’t worth it if it can all be taken away like a bureaucratic fart in the bathtub. It would be smarter to save our money for tickets to god-damn Mars than to invest in these hideous, broken systems.
We aren’t cheap. We fucking hate doing business with you people.
All these pieces on Millennials are so mired in confusion since we don’t even trust journalists any more. The news, our entire lives, has been scary. Think about being 8 and processing the deaths of abortion doctors or homegrown terrorism. Now try to process the news when every asshole on camera just lies. The news hasn’t had an ounce of truth in it for 10 years. Can you not understand how much we don’t trust anyone who is older than us? How can you trust anybody when the president and vice-president of the United States lied to the Secretary of State so they could START THE WRONG WAR!
Fucking seriously.
Also, that graphic? Is that what you think we all look like? Are you fucking kidding me, Atlantic?
I hope they never find out how to market to us. I hope we splinter so much that companies like Ford will have to make a decent product instead of asking the Vomit Spouts that created Jersey Shore how to create MORE fantasies about how great THINGS will make your life. We don’t attach to things because things break. We saw everything break.
But, that’s just me.
I found this on Tumblr. It's not mine, but it's good.
Welp. Might as well use this for what blogs are traditionally used for: To complain!
As some of you know, I work third shift. Usually, things go pretty smoothly and I have some extra time to log in around here and say hey to the night crew.
This did not happen last night. Why?
Because everything decided to implode at the same time.
Two of the three machines we use to measure parts died. The expensive, frightening one's headstock refused to engage. After three hours of fucking with it and using all the tricks I knew, it still wouldn't work. Hopefully someone can fix it without calling an actual Brown & Sharpe maintenance guy, because no one wants to be blamed for breaking the half-million dollar machine.
The less expensive, air driven model decided to let half of it's air hoses rupture over the weekend. So that's an easier fix, but still out of commission for a while.
What did all this mean? Measuring very heavy, very check intensive parts by hand, and a pretty shit night for me.
Hooray! -___-
Hopefully some of these things will have been resolved by the time I go in tonight.
I can't be bothered to get screen capture equipment at the moment, but I got too excited to wait for this Master Challenge.
I'm currently doing a no death main character solo of the original Shining Force and keeping a physical journal of my progress.
I figure if anyone else cares to see it, I can type it up in here after I write it all down/do an almost screenshot LP with a bunch of info on enemy triggers and other such nerdery.