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Posts posted by roomforapony

  1. I'm both. I save as much money as I can, yet I love to shop (usually for clothes). If I ever get a in a shopping mood I go straight to the thrift store. That way I can get lots of stuff without having to feel guilty about spending money. I also have played games like Neopets to help ease my shopping moods, haha.

  2. Tbh I really don't understand this attitude of people who don't like the show as dim witted a-holes. There are shows, like Doctor Who, Game of Thrones, etc. that I don't like at all. I barely watched them from what I saw I just wasn't interested and thought they were kinda dumb. I don't see how that constitutes as ignorant if I gave them a chance, or simply just don't like the plot.


    Even if someone is being a jerk about it, then, alrighty, who cares? They'll be more inclined to accept that you like an overly feminine show because you're keeping your cool instead of being defensive about it. It's just a cartoon. I get a little discouraged when someone doesn't like Adventure Time or MLP, but whatever it's their opinion. No need to think less of someone whether or not they even gave it a chance because it's a damn cartoon.

  3. Honestly? I really don't care. Hell, I can even see why some people don't like the show and/or bronies because of how much weird crap the loud, obnoxious minority of our fandom do. Plus if they don't like the show, that's cool too. Not everyone has to like what I like. My boyfriend even watched about five episodes with me, and though he likes Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy he thought the show itself is boring. I'm not bothered by it one bit. *shrug*

    • Brohoof 1
  4. Like many people on here, I have a lot of stuffed animals I could never get rid of. I also have this little thingy that opens up to put stuff in. It's blue with stars and has three dragons on it, one has a missing head, and one has a missing jaw but my best friend got it for me when we were really young and I could never get rid of it.

  5. Oh god this is so embarrassing. I used to be obsessed with H.I.M.



    I got into them because of my boyfriend at the time. I was 14 and totally gawffic. I thought all of their songs were just the height of romance and I loved them all. I seriously had five posters which four were of Ville Vallo all over my pink and black striped walls. Oh man, listening to this crap is giving me so much nostalgia, haha. I haven't listened to them in years.

    • Brohoof 1
  6. Well... Cool.. I don't see any actual point in buyin pony plushies/toys, what you gonna do with them after? Just put in your room and that's it? It's only my opinion though.


    Not if it's a Lyra plushie.
  7. Sorry if this has been posted here already, but my boyfriend found this awesome black metal/bluegrass band called Panopticon. They sing about coal miners in Kentucky and donated the money they got from their album 'Kentucky' to coal miners who live there and stuff. Most of the songs are straight up bluegrass, though. Black Soot and Red Blood, Bodies Under the Falls, and Killing Giants as They Sleep have the metal stuff in them (though the rest of the songs are great, too). Here's the album, it's pretty different.


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