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Banner by ~ Kyoshi Frost Wolf


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Everything posted by KokuraiNoSenshi

  1. Hey, sorry I've been sort of quiet for awhile. I've been slowly leaving this site more and more, and this is probably going to be my final message to a lot of people. This is just something I'm going to copy+paste and send to a bunch of people, so sorry if I have you on Skype and didn't realize it but I want to make sure that the few people I talk to on here on a regular basis know what is going on. As I said, I am leaving this site and not returning. Honestly, I did like this site at the beginning, but as time has gone on I just cannot stay here in good conscious for my own health. It's just too stressful anymore. If you would like to contact me, add me on Skype. Message me and I will add you when I get the chance, I know I have a LOT of you from here in the fanclub but this is sort of to make a double take due to this being one of the few things that I will miss. And if I have you already, then just message me on there telling me what an idiot I am for forgetting I had you added XD Even if you don't add me, then I hope you have a good life and you enjoy yourself here and everywhere else you go. Hope to talk to you soon ^^
  2. Leaving: Trying to make sure that everyone I talk to on a regular basis gets my Skype, but if not please message me and I will check back after awhile and add those who I have missed. Hope you all have a good time, and good-bye

    1. Deae Rising Shine~

      Deae Rising Shine~

      Awww :( *Hugs* We can talk over skype, if you come back and read this^^

    2. Kamii


      Kokuuu~ I miss uuu~ :(

    3. Deae Rising Shine~

      Deae Rising Shine~

      Aww, you never came ...

  3. I looked at this, squealed at you in adoration over Skype, forgot to actually say here how much I loved it XD It looks fantastic, right back at you!!!
  4. Made a new team, let me know what you all think:
  5. Lol you can make two pictures then! One with your pony and Midnight, one with Midnight, Luna, and Flutters!
  6. It looks beautiful, no worries! Can I, once everyone above me gets their stuff, get a picture with Midnight, Luna, and Flutters? Poor guy needs some affection too!
  7. *Squees* It's adorable!!! Can I get another slot later down the list?
  8. Oh god, sorry Fire and Mimic! XD
  9. Sure lol, go ahead. Though Midnight's taken, before you get any ideas XD
  10. Separate, unless you want to include Midnight in there XD
  11. ME! *Raises hoof* http://www.furaffinity.net/view/16506958/ and http://www.furaffinity.net/view/16245907/ If I can only have one Mimic please
  13. Guys... I played Kha... http://matchhistory.na.leagueoflegends.com/en/#match-details/NA1/1810268375/207425875?tab=stats I regret only one thing... Not being able to get a kill on Rengar while he was strong enough for 4 evo's...
  14. Ever been playing a game, and you see a spot you KNOW is going to be either a boss round or something else like that, and you're just sitting there like "No, no I don't want to go there I know what you're going to do soon as I step into that spot."

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. NuclearBurg (Dawn)

      NuclearBurg (Dawn)

      Every game I play (almost, and especially dark souls).

    3. A Black Circle
    4. Tom Snyder

      Tom Snyder

      wasn't this asked once before?

  15. It's things like these that make me honestly wonder wtf is with the brony community... It's candy colored equines people I think you're reading too deep into this, like bottomless hole deep...
  16. *Brains loading what the date was* ...I...Was...Home...FOR THIS...AND I DIDN'T EVEN REALIZE IT!?!!?!?!?!!?!?!?!?!?!?!??! I... I... I'M GOING TO...Cry in corner
  17. You're... Going... To... LOVE ME!!! AND IF NOT I'M GOING TO SLICE YOU TO RIBBONS!!!
  18. Well true, but if you saw Flutters in Dreadnaught armor what then?
  19. You know it! <3 People do not love them enough!!!
  20. Yep yep lol, but hey Dreadnaughts can still be anti-heroes
  21. Hehe yeah, Dreadnaughts are really good for big, scary looking guys but not so much for Paladins lol
  22. Well it came out wonderfully! Maybe not even a Paladin persay, maybe a Dreadnaught or something lol. But yeah, I definitely want to see more!
  23. Very cool, definitely fits the big and bulky style of a Paladin. Curious as to what his Lunar counterpart would be like... Amazing job, Pala out of Din
  24. So... Got back into League finally with comp fixed... Decided to play Urgot against a Jax... I said if I won I had to main Urgot from there on... http://matchhistory.na.leagueoflegends.com/en/#match-details/NA1/1770665059/207425875 Crap... Also, I played another game in which I fed early game, then killed Tryndamere and Sona in a 1v2, then Graves came up, tried to kill me while I had no health, and killed him too http://matchhistory.na.leagueoflegends.com/en/#match-details/NA1/1770666709/207425875?tab=overview Also that was a Mid Cho btw
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